Are People of Color Abandoning the Democrat Party ‘Cuz Henpecking White Liberal Karens?

With all this focus on anti-racism, you’d thing – sorry, the Left wants you to think – that they are killin’ it with people of color. But polling suggests otherwise.



As President Biden’s approval ratings have tanked with nonwhite voters, the Democratic Party increasingly has become dominated by liberal white women who virtue-signal with suburban lawn signs and then henpeck people in supermarkets to pull their face masks up over their noses.

Or, put more simply, the Democratic Party is at risk of becoming a party of “Karens.” Recent polling suggests that Hispanic and Black voters are abandoning the party — many of these individuals are being harmed by the surging inflationanti-business COVID measures, and exploding crime rates in urban areas brought about by a year of left-wing measures.

There is a pandemic of obnoxious liberal white women, and while offensive, they are not likely the cause of the Dems declining fortunes with non-white voters. And no amount of anti-racism rhetoric is likely to help. At the end of the day, actions and results matter more than words.


“In February, nearly 70 percent of Hispanic voters supported Biden — by November, that number had crashed to below 50 percent. In early polling for the 2022 midterms, Hispanic voters split 37-37 percent between the two major parties in their congressional preferences. … [And]  the cancer of wokeness is downright anathema to Hispanic Americans. Forty percent find the phrase “Latinx” offensive and just 2 percent of the group actually uses the phrase.”

A few more points from the article.


  • Among Black voters, Biden’s approval had fallen from 85 percent to 67 percent by September and has continued to slide.
  • “Defund the police” rhetoric has led to major cuts in law enforcement in some cities, as violent crime soars and quality of life declines.
  • Black Democrats are 20 percent more likely to support more police funding than their white counterparts.
  • Large looting gangs rove San Francisco and Chicago.
  • COVID-19 vaccine mandates have helped to destroy immigrant-owned businesses and may disproportionately affect Black residents.


So, economics and quality of life, both of which decline under Democrat leadership. And then there are the henpecking liberal white women.

What if any impact this has on the upcoming midterms remains to be seen. Eleven months is a long time, and whoever is running the Biden Administration will have plans within plans for ensuring they get the votes they need when the votes matter no matter what. A problem only the states can fix, and they have to want to do that.

Many don’t or won’t.

But stranger things have happened, and Democrats have been known to suffer from overconfidence in the ability of their scheming to produce the desired outcome.

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