Biden knows the polls are telling him that he must come out of the basement. He has to cease being a virtual candidate. He must reengage and demonstrate a grasp of both issues and alternatives. Yet he knows that if he does, he risks losing the race.
Before Patrick Bradley Assaulted a Kid in a MAGA Hat He Punched a Police Officer (Twice!)
Patrick Bradley is not a legislator, so he can’t use the law to suppress speech. His method of silencing political expressions of which he disapproves is to punch a 15-year-old Kid in a MAGA hat. But that wasn’t his first red-square rodeo. Before he took to assaulting minors, he hit a police officer.
Bleg – Help the guy that defended the 15 yr old boy against Berni-Bro Patrick Bradley
UPDATE: Yeah, the screen shot of “Daniel’s” FB page at the bottom of this page may not be really his – a number of people are telling me that time lines aren’t matching up. So, apologies and just know it may well be someone trying to take advantage of the situation. Remember, he’s innocent before … Read more
Exclusive Video of Attack on Trump Supporters During the Tuesday NH Primary
Tuesday evening a man slapped a minor wearing a Make America Great Again hat outside a NH Polling place, then got into a scuffle with adults who came to his aid. We broke the story Wednesday morning, and we now have an exclusive video of the alleged assault.
Some Lefty Thug Slaps a Minor in a MAGA Hat and GraniteGrok is the Only One Covering It!
At 6:36 am this morning we reported a story about a thug outside a Windham Polling place Tuesday who slapped a minor because he had a MAGA hat on his head. Twelve hours later and I cannot find this story anywhere else in NH Media but here.
Trump Supporters Assaulted at New Hampshire Polling Place [Updated]
Yesterday’s primary went smoothly with one exception. Outside a Windham New Hampshire polling place some thug sucker-punched a minor wearing a Make America Great Again hat.
Man Allegedly Plows into Trump Voter Registration Tent
A 27 year old Florida Man has been arrested and charged for allegedly driving his van through a Trump volunteer voter registration tent. No one was injured in the event. Gregory “Timm was charged with aggravated assault, criminal mischief, and driving with a suspended license, according to the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office. He was jailed without … Read more
Here’s Your Chance Ladies – You Can Find State Senator Jeff Woodburn on This Dating App
Former State Senator Jeff Woodburn has joined a dating app. Bumble. No irony intended. His perfect first date includes strong coffee (and no mention of his pending trial for domestic violence, simple assault, and criminal mischief?)
We Called It: Democrat Jeff Woodburn Admits to Leaking Image Under Protective Order
Former Senator (but still a Democrat) Jeff Woodburn is awaiting trial on domestic abuse charges. Back in July – probably to delay trial – someone in his circle leaked a privileged image placed under a protective order. I suggested it was Woodburn.
Blogline of the Day – I knew I was missing something describing the Left
From a discussion where a militant LGBT activist went all mental on a Conservative (“This deranged leftist and LGBT activist named Keaton Hill assaulted and threatened to kill @FJtheDeuce [Floyd Johnson II], a black conservative at Sacramento State. “) The masses of Social Justice Storm Troopers on Campus, and their divine Right of Kings approach to … Read more
Facebook: Liberal Elementary School Teacher Says Trump Supporters Should be Shot
As NH Democrats pursue avenues to protect themselves from accountability, a liberal Elementary School Teacher (is that a public official?) in Clarksville, Tennessee, has advocated for violence against Trump supporters.
Student Savagely Assaulted at Nashua Middle School – District Upset Someone Recorded It
Yesterday a distraught father posted a video of an assault upon his daughter at Fairgrounds Middle School in Nashua, New Hampshire. The girl is attacked from behind and beaten before a staff member intervenes. Wait until you hear how the District responded.
Sen Rand Paul’s Attacker Gets Longer Sentence After Appeal
Trump-Bashing Leftist Rene Boucher is Sen. Rand Paul’s neighbor. One day, for no reason (he claims it was a lawn care disagreement) the leftist hater assaulted the Republican Senator and broke five of his ribs. A lower court put him away for 30 days. But that’s changing.
Former Campaign Staffer Drops Lawsuit Claiming Trump Forced Her to Kiss Him
Did you hear the one about how Donald Trump got sued by a former staffer? She claims he kissed her against her will. The shoulder-devil media tried to turn her into another liberal rising star, but on the way to fame, video evidence arrived to confound their new hero.
Democrat Hacktivist Who Justifies Violence Against Female 2nd Amendment Supporters Calls for “Disruption” of Trump Event in Manchester …
You may remember Eric Gallagher. I previously posted about his “you are a RACIST if you oppose Open Borders” defense of Open Borders. And about his justifying an assault on Susan Olsen by a Democrat State Rep: Rogers plead guilty to assaulting Susan Olsen, a 2nd Amendment activist, during a recount. Apparently, young Mr. Gallagher … Read more
Wanna-Be Democrat State Rep Condones Violence Against Women
I took a certain Eric Gallagher to task here for using the Democrat strategy of screeching RACIST to avoid defending illegal immigration. I didn’t have the time then to note another beauty from young Mr. Gallagher who aspires to be a Democrat State Rep.: Rogers plead guilty to assaulting Susan Olsen, a 2nd Amendment activist, … Read more
So what happened yesterday at Manchester West High School?
Developing: I was sent a tip about what was seen in the Manchester Police log yesterday. I actually found a couple more log events than what I had received – and look at Event #4: 9 NOTRE DAME AVE MAN: @WEST HIGH SCHOOL P19053201 ASSAULT 05/14/2019 11:57 <snip> 9 NOTRE DAME AVE MAN: @WEST HIGH … Read more
Debate or Physical Violence?
On April 2 there was a very lightly reported incident about a student at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill who physically attacked a member of pro-life group Created Equal. The only places I could find the story were Fox News, The College Fix, DailyCaller.Com and Western Journal. The attack was caught on video. … Read more
Alleged Assault by NH Rep Debra Altschiller on Susan Olsen – Part 5
“I don’t know who said it ‘If they treat us this way knowing we are armed to the teeth, think of how they will treat us when we are not”. That was the quote by Susan Olsen at the end of Part 4. Here in Part 5, we hear more of the story including this … Read more
Alleged Assault by NH Rep Debra Altschiller on Susan Olsen – Part 4
“…all of a sudden, I get shoved, hipchecked, into the committee table…” “OK, it’s been a while since I last put up videos concerning the alleged physical assault of Conservative Activist ( and Legislative Director for the Womens’ Defense League of NH, WDLNH) Susan Olsen by NH State Rep. (and Democrat Big Shot – see … Read more