Bleg – Help the guy that defended the 15 yr old boy against Berni-Bro Patrick Bradley


UPDATE: Yeah, the screen shot of “Daniel’s” FB page at the bottom of this page may not be really his – a number of people are telling me that time lines aren’t matching up. So, apologies and just know it may well be someone trying to take advantage of the situation.  Remember, he’s innocent before the law until either a judge / jury declare him guilty.


By now you’ve read the story and updates by Steve about the Bernie-Bro Patrick Bradley who attacked / slapped a 15 year old Trump supporter at the Windham poll at the High School. Two adults went to defend him: Stephen Leclerc and Philip Abirached.  Unfortunately, Stephen (pronounced StephAN) was sucker punched and suffered facial and oral injuries which are going to require surgery (broken jaw, broken tooth, and nasal injuries).

We met up with Stephan (between Steve and I above) at the Southern NH 912 Group meeting last nite where Steve and I spoke about GraniteGrok (Thanks Ken for the invite!). So, in good Conservative fashion, his friends are asking for help for this guy that did the chivalrous act: coming to the aid of an innocent minor who was only expressing his political speech. A GoFund Me page has been set up for Stephan Leclerc:

Support for Windham Assaulted Trump Volunteer

On February 11th, 2020, there was a very unfortunate assault on a volunteer Trump campaign tent at the #FITN election polls at Windham High School, New Hampshire. Two adults were assaulted while  interceding on a 15-year old victim’s behalf. As a result of this incident, Stephan Leclerc has some unexpected medical and dental bills that will require significant out-of-pocket costs. I am asking for the community and other supporters to please consider donating to a friend and neighbor so we can help him recover as quickly as possible.

We all have different political affiliations, but we are still ONE America!

The goal is to raise $20,000.  At the time I’m writing this, just a tad under $7,600 in just a day. GraniteGrok will be adding $75 (next time I go upstairs, I’ll grab the ‘Grok debit card).

About that last part: “We all have different political affiliations, but we are still ONE America!“.  Er, not according to assaulter Patrick Bradley.  Here is the [alleged] attacker’s viewpoint on this: he was asking for it, the little fascist!

Patrick BradleyIt speaks for itself…


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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