America Archives - Page 2 of 26 - Granite Grok


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Rebuilding America

The Epoch Times recently published an article that normally would be a human interest piece but now touches upon America’s ongoing tragedy. Jeff Minick’s ‘Boomers, Uncle Sam Wants You,’ detailed the value of what the grandparents of today can pass down to America’s youngest generation.

Is America On Life Support?

I have always been an ardent believer in democracy–The dictionary defines democracy as the rule of the people. Even at its best, “democracy is the worst form of government except for all the rest,” according to Winston Churchill. Is democracy a terrible form of government?

Joe Biden front page NYT original Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

American’s Have Different Priorities Than Joe Biden

Mr. Biden speaking from the Oval Office, addressed the nation about the Wars in Israel and Ukraine. He spoke in lofty terms about America’s role in the world, saying in part, “… We’re facing an inflection point in history…” and told us he will spend our money taking on Hamas and Russian President Vladimir Putin.