Night Cap: Will America Survive the Threat of Islam

Nearly 1400 years ago, a large number of Muslim jihadists from across the scorching Arabian desert, motivated by the ideology of Islam, indoctrinated by Muhammad, unafraid of death, conquered Iran (Persia), one of the greatest, strongest and most tolerant empires known throughout the history of man.

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Signs The Pendulum Is Swinging To The Right

It has been extremely disconcerting and frustrating watching our once great country change so dramatically away from the fundamental principles on which our brilliant forefathers created it. That change began with the election of Barack Obama and his call to “fundamentally transform” America into a more Socialistic entity.

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UN United Nations Logo

Is This the Last Year for the 4th of July?

The UN’s New York City Summit of Future, which will take place on Sept. 21st and 22nd, is meeting “to strengthen global governance for both present and future generations.” The ultimate goal of world government does not include our freedom or independence but rather the unlimited wealth and power of the UN, which promotes Chinese-style controls upon the state.

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The Trans-justice Case Against Trump

Since the very first days Donald Trump won the 2016 election his political enemies, once respectfully called Democrats, made it clear they were going after him and his supporters with a vengeance.  Though he hadn’t been in office long enough to warrant impeachment Rashida Tlaib defiantly announced to a crowd of her fellow Americans and … Read more

Michigan Is More Important Than Israel

Israel is preparing to take their battle to obliterate Hamas to Rafa, and this does not sit well with Joe Biden. Even though an aid package for Israel has been approved by Congress and signed by Biden, the President is withholding military equipment from our number one ally in the Middle East.

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Soldiers helicopter

Things You’re Not Supposed To Know Or Say

The reason the DemocratsWoke-Communists use “democracy is on the ballot” as one of their elections mantras … is because most voters don’t understand/refuse to believe that America has NOT really been a democracy since the “intelligence community” killed JFK. The ignorance and manipulability of Americans is appalling.

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American Flag

Anarchy’s Deeper Roots

There I was, working the “dead man’s shift” at an electrical generating facility when a co-worker related what would become a common refrain from other working dads: his ‘child’ came home from college at Christmas a stranger regarding their attitudes and perspectives. Now, this was way back in the ‘sixties’ when colleges across the nation were also deep into protesting.

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Last Chance to Save the Soul of the Nation

The presidential campaign of 2008 marked a turning point in America.

Millions of voters were electrified by the prospect of the first African-American president. Even one of Barack Obama’s opposing candidates seemed mesmerized by the moment: “I mean, you’ve got the first sort of mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.

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When Did The Wheels Fall Off The Republic

Most of us know that something just isn’t right. We can feel it in our gut that the America we were lucky enough to be born in doesn’t feel the same. The American Spirit, that sense of patriotism that brought us to attention for a passing American flag, has been dulled.

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Stepping Back To Regroup

Dare we turn this recent embarrassment, when our American senses, awareness, and skeptical nature slipped away, into a useful learning exercise? We need to fall back and regroup so as to refresh our thoughts and dormant loyalties. Given today’s circumstances, this may be more of a pressing need than a leisurely pastime.

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Soldiers helicopter

American Democracy Died SIXTY (60) Years Ago

The level of DENIAL on the Right in America is breathtaking and pathetic. It is undeniable that the 2020 election was RIGGED. Yet the bitter-clingers on the Right believe that somehow 2024 will be different … even as they watch the FakeNews (I’m writing this on March 20th) run with yet another BIG LIE, the “bloodbath” hoax.

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American Flag original image by by Dave Sherrill on Unsplash

Is Citizenship A Thing Of The Past

When I was a school-age child in the sixties, patriotism had a massive influence on our lives—our day started with the Pledge of Allegiance and the Our Father. We will talk about the former today and leave the Our Father for another day. There was no question about participation. Only Jewish kids were allowed to pass on the prayer.

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It’s The Little Things

At the heart of any society is the family. A fair comparison is all the links of a chain that provide its strength. So it is that our American families are the beneficial links to our society. As such, it’s the little things within each family that bolster its inner functions, character, and purpose.

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America Must Stand With the People of Iran

The United States, Israel, and other democracies have a huge stake in the success of the Iranian people to rid themselves of Islamic tyranny. This is not just a matter of geopolitical concern but a moral imperative rooted in the principles of democracy, human rights, and global stability. As I have continuously stated, the Mullahs are highly vulnerable.

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