And then there were four… The Republican national championship has been whittled down to its final four competitors, and not without controversy.
Banana’s: New Underground Railroads Emerge Along West Coast
Reports of a new underground railroad spiriting people from captivity on the west coast have emerged in recent days. Families, mostly white, conservative, and/or Christians, are leaving in the dead of night via a network of rural routes and safe houses.
The Police State of America … “Conservative” Supreme Court Hands Democrats TEN House Seats
The second biggest disaster of the George W. Bush presidency … after the Iraq War … was elevating John Roberts to the Supreme Court. Roberts is the equivalent of Daddy’s choice of Souter … a weak man, whose strongest conviction was to please his liberal friends like Tom Rath and Warren Rudman, and get pats … Read more
Trump Rally – Live from Alabama
President Trump just hit the sage a few minutes ago and is speaking live from Alabama. Watch the live stream here.
Pushback: Alabama Senate Votes to Make Hormone Therapy, Surgery for Trans Youth a Felony
We have this liberty thing where we could care less what adults do as long as it doesn’t affect other people. No, I do not support unrestricted drug use *because that affects other people. And when it comes to kids, adults playing head games that end in chemical or surgical alteration is child abuse.
BOOM! NINE MORE STATES Join Texas Lawsuit Against PA, MI, WI and GA For Unlawful General Election!
Earlier today, I posted an article regarding the lawsuit Texas filed on Monday evening against PA, GA, MI and WI for their unconstitutional election processes. At the time of the posting, 8 states had joined the lawsuit; Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Missouri, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina and South Dakota. As of now, NINE MORE STATES have … Read more
Texas Sues Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia for Their Unlawful General Election – Joined by 8 States!
Texas filed a lawsuit to the Supreme Court Monday evening against Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia, challenging their unlawful procedures in the general election. Yesterday, seven other states joined Texas in their lawsuit; Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina and South Dakota – and Missouri joined the lawsuit today. Related: BOOM!!!! BREAKING NEWS!: … Read more
Trump-Backed Primary Challenger Defeats Jeff Sessions for Shot at US Senate Seat
Longtime US Senator from Alabama and former Trump AG Jeff Sessions wanted to go back to the Senate. Mr. Trump, unhappy with his performance as AG, backed a challenger. Yesterday that guy, Auburn University’s head football coach Tommy Tuberville, won that primary.
Mayor Pete’s Ancestors Owned Slaves on Land That Belonged to the Choctaw Tribe
Mayor Pete has issues. He’s not nearly popular enough with minorities to be a viable general election candidate. And this news, if true, will not help him. His Alabama ancestors owned slaves.
Judge is Blocking Alabama’s Strict Abortion Law
Tuesday federal Judge, Myron H. Thompson of the United States District Court in Middle Alabama, blocked the Alabama abortion ban from being enforced. Judge Thompson is blocking Alabama from enforcing the state’s strict abortion law. While hearing of the case the injunction will remain in place.
House Democrat Priorities – Investigate WeatherGate and the Hurricane That Never Hit Alabama
Because there is nothing more pressing for Democrats to do in the US House, they are opening another investigation. Who pressured NOAA to back the President on whether Hurricane Dorian was headed toward Alabama?
CNN, Dorian, and Alabama: Media v Trump
In the void left by the absence of nearly non-stop collusion-coverage (is collusion even a real word?) Da’ Media has time to fill. Into that hole, they dropped this bomb. Trump showed the Hurricane heading to Alabama. What a dope. Not so, fast.
Black Vote For Trump is Mental Illness says Alabama Church
“A Black Vote For Trump Is Mental Illness” reads a sign at New Era Church in Birmingham, Alabama. The reverse side says “A White Vote For Trump Is Pure Racism.” “God motivates me to take a stand for what’s right,” [Pastor] Jordan told the local station, adding: “Read the Bible and look in the White … Read more
Fears About Roe v. Wade’s Future Erupt on the Left as Alabama All But Bans Abortion
Alabama just passed a law, signed by the governor that essentially bans all abortions. The only exception is a circumstance with a severe risk to the woman’s health. Any abortion outside that exception would be a felony punishable by 10-99 years in prison.
Look For The Union Label…

That catchy tune from the 70’s/80’s ad campaign promoting Union made products might need to be re-spun with a new front man in the shadow of Hurricane Sandy. Relief crews that drove all the way to New Jersey from Alabama were told thanks, but no thanks—we don’t want your help….because you use non-union labor.
This looks like a good time to Quote the President.
President Barack Obama vowed: “We are not going to tolerate red tape, we are not going to tolerate bureaucracy.”