
Texas Sues Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia for Their Unlawful General Election – Joined by 8 States!

Texas filed a lawsuit to the Supreme Court Monday evening against Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia, challenging their unlawful procedures in the general election.  Yesterday, seven other states joined Texas in their lawsuit; Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina and South Dakota – and Missouri joined the lawsuit today. Related: BOOM!!!! BREAKING NEWS!: … Read more

Look For The Union Label…

ILFWU ad campaing promoted Union products in the seventies and early eighties
Look for the Union Label - for obstruction and delay in a time of crisis

That catchy tune from the 70’s/80’s ad campaign promoting Union made products might need to be re-spun with a new front man in the shadow of Hurricane Sandy.  Relief crews that drove all the way to New Jersey from Alabama were told thanks, but no thanks—we don’t want your help….because you use non-union labor.

This looks like a good time to Quote the President.

President Barack Obama vowed: “We are not going to tolerate red tape, we are not going to tolerate bureaucracy.”


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