If You Want Your Vote to Count … Vote in Person.

I hope to do a longer post about all the fraud that Mail-in-Voting makes possible, but I want to separately highlight this from a New York post piece based on the confessions of a Democrat vote-fraudster: The tipster said sometimes postal employees are in on the scam. “You have a postman who is a rabid … Read more

Voter Suppression Intimidation NH

Voter Suppression & Intimidation at N.H. Polls

Many of us know New Hampshire is not a home-rule state. What that means is towns and cities can only pass laws that the State says they can. Unfortunately, many government officials either do not know this, or they knowingly violate the law hoping they don’t get called out on it. There is a widespread … Read more

The Limitless (Constitutional) Hypocrisy of the Democrats

This: I’m not going to opine on the dispute between Sununu and the Democrats about who controls the Coronavirus money shipped to the State by the Feds. That’s besides the point. The point is that the Democrats don’t really give a damn about the Constitution. It is, to them, just something to be invoked when … Read more


Sununu Has No Authority to Allow Mail-in-Voting

So on April 8th, President Trump tweeted this: And on April 10th, Governor Sununu announced that he was allowing Mail-in-Voting: Sununu has no legal authority to allow Mail-in-Voting, but let’s first dispose of the claim that Sununu has not done so. From the link in Sununu’s tweet: 4. September 8, 2020 Primary and November 3, … Read more

Lite Voting

Faced with a complicated task, we often turn to experts.  We go to doctors, we go to lawyers, we hire electricians and plumbers and car mechanics.  We turn our kids over to schools.  (Which is usually a mistake, but we do it anyway.)

You know what else is complicated?  Voting.

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