Blogline of the Day – OK, appeal to their own self interest

by Skip

SEEN ON FACEBOOK: “If they handed out stimulus checks at the voting booths, people would find a way to get there. Guaranteed.”

(H/T: Instapundit)

And ONLY if they hand them out at the polls. Universal vote-by-mail ballots get bupkis. Early voting gets nada. Anything else gets zero.

Voting may well be an unenumerated Constitutional Right but that doesn’t guarantee you the form of how you vote.

Screw the Democrat made-up-present-crisis-of-the-current-election-cycle (this one just happens to be the equivalent of “Republicans are going to take your contraceptives away” of the last cycle).

If voting is that important, make the sacrifice to do it. Anything worthwhile in life is generally not easy or has a cost to it.

The cost for voting is….wait for it…just show up.

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