Student Voting: Jeanne Shaheen Supports Bill That Creates a Problem That Does Not Exist – To “Solve It”

Democrats are concerned. As many as 20 million college students could be “displaced” by COVID 19 this fall, and they want to make sure they can still vote even if they are not on campus. Say what? So, you’re telling me they are too stupid to know how to vote where they live and you are going to help them, do what, exactly?

Related: Democrat Clerk Charged With Altering Nearly 200 Mail-In Ballots

In an email, Senator Shaheen writes,

“The challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic have exacerbated existing obstacles meant to keep students from exercising their civic duty,” said Shaheen. “As we continue our work to dismantle the barriers meant to suppress the student vote, it’s imperative that additional measures are taken to address new concerns posed by the COVID-19 crisis. This legislation will help students register to vote, access absentee ballots and make their vote count on Election Day. Every effort must be made to ensure every eligible American has access to the ballot box on November 3rd, and this legislation will help us deliver on that promise for our nation’s college students.”

Talk about living a lie.

What challenges? What obstacles? What barriers? Well, if we are going to be honest, those would be things Democrats did. You see, no one on the right has ever said to a college kid, don’t vote absentee from home, vote here. That’s Democrats. So all the obstacles, the barriers, every ounce of confusion has come from the left.

Republicans have always supported a student’s right to vote.

Here at GraniteGrok, we have actively supported any initiative that informs students of that right and educates them on how to ask for and submit an absentee ballot. What we have opposed is Democrat legislation, narratives, and lawsuits that confuse students about that simple right and their civic duty.

If Democrats had never tried to steal votes from out-of-state college students who can’t get UNH to let them pay in-state tuition because even the overwhelmingly progressive State University System knows they don’t live here, we’d have never had a problem.

Related:Adult” Told Convicted UNH Vote Thief It Was Okay To Cast Ballot In New Hampshire

But here’s Jeanne Shaheen, “champion of the student vote” and the integrity of the electoral process backing a bill that imagines a problem that does not exist, at least not in the context in which she frames it.

College students who want to vote have always been able to request an absentee ballot no matter where they are in the world, for their home address, complete it, and mail it, even when they are “displaced” at home, where they live. A place from which (stay with me here) they might just get off the couch and go to their local polling place in person and vote; as if they were one of the millions of non-college-educated Americans who are more than capable of engaging in this civic duty without any help from Jeanne Shaheen.

Democrats who are less concerned about if students vote but whether, in Shaheen’s case, they are voting for her in New Hampshire instead of for candidates from the address that UNH used to deny them discounted in-state tuition.

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