The Limitless (Constitutional) Hypocrisy of the Democrats


I’m not going to opine on the dispute between Sununu and the Democrats about who controls the Coronavirus money shipped to the State by the Feds. That’s besides the point.

The point is that the Democrats don’t really give a damn about the Constitution. It is, to them, just something to be invoked when convenient in order to score political points. Because if they really cared about constitutional government the Democrats would have been condemning … not praising … Sununu’s violation of the Separation of Powers when he said he’d interpret (in reality rewrite) the absentee-voting-statute to allow #MailInVoting. From my prior post:

Note the sleight of hand. The statute says “physical disability.” The DOJ ignores the term “physical.” It does so because the fear of coming down with an illness is … needless to say … NOT a PHYSICAL disability. In other words, the DOJ is rewriting the statute from who is unable to vote there in person by reason of physical disability to “who WOULD PREFER NOT to vote there in person by reason of FEAR OF a physical disability.”

Governors do NOT have the power to rewrite statutes. Sununu does not have the authority to allow anyone to vote absentee by claiming fear of Coronavirus.

The Constitution is not a buffet. If Sununu has the power to rewrite the absentee-voting statute … as the Democrats claim … then he must also have the power to rewrite the statutes in issue (if indeed the statutory scheme is what the Democrats claim) in the dust-up over how the federal Coronavirus-$$ gets spent.

Alternatively, if Sununu does not have the power to rewrite the statutes in issue (if indeed the statutory scheme is what the Democrats claim) in the dust-up over how the federal Coronavirus-$$ gets spent … which is the Democrats’ position … then he does NOT have the power to rewrite the absentee-voting statute.

It’s one or the other Democrats. You don’t get to have it both ways. The Governor is either a dictator all of the time … or a dictator none of the time.

Of course, under our State Constitution, a governor is NOT a dictator ever. He does NOT get to rewrite the absentee-voting-statute … not even when it’s to say what the Democrats would like it to say.

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