NHRTL’s Position on HB476 / The 15 Week Bill

Summary NHRTL’s Perspective The pro-life movement began this legislative session with low expectations. After all, the Republican messaging had not been encouraging. The good news was we had gained a few seats in the House and Senate. At a December pro-life messaging training, everyone felt we should have a 15-week abortion regulation bill this term … Read more

Tank war

Vermont Is At War With Its Own ‘Reproductive Freedom’ Rights

In 2022, the voters of Vermont approved a constitutional amendment meant to enshrine abortion as a natural protected right. The text didn’t say that, but everyone involved knows better. The goal was to make sure no one could prevent abortions. The problem, which I explored in numerous posts like this one, is that the language … Read more

Mike Bordes

NH Rep. Mike Bordes Loves Cats and Vermin More Than Babies

For the second year in a row, NH Rep. Mike Bordes is the prime sponsor of a bill banning cat declawing, HB201. Related: NH Rep Mike Bordes Wants to Protect Cats but Not Babies Rep. Bordes defended the bill to The Concord Monitor: If your child draws with a crayon on the wall, are you … Read more

The New Hampshire Pro-Aborts Have Lost Their Mojo

Every January for many years, New Hampshire Right to Life (NHRTL) has held a rally at the New Hampshire State House in Concord followed by a March for Life from the State House down Main Street to the Christ the King Parish Hall passing by the Equality Health Center (EHC) abortion facility. EHC always had … Read more


Planned Parenthood Wants More Taxpayer Funding

Vermont’s largest abortion provider wants the 2025 Legislature to make up a projected $8.6 million, three-year shortfall. According to the Planned Parenthood of Northern New England Action Fund PAC 2024 candidate survey, the culprit is stingy, unsympathetic state and federal government services. “In recent years, Planned Parenthood patients’ access to care has been under attack … Read more

NH state house dome

So, What Is Next For Abortion in NH?

If you missed the memo, NH Bulletin is run by States Newsroom, a well-funded, national progressive project to advance approved narratives. It is a quasi-moderate Potemkin online village trying to shoehorn “right-thinking” Leftism into the collective consciousness. They are also a place to look for low-hanging fruit. Here’s the headline: “What’s next for abortion laws … Read more

Couple Father Mother Baby Shoes

Abortion, Reproduction…What’s In A Word

I tuned in to MSNBC on Saturday morning to see what was on its agenda and because I heard they needed viewers. Since the election, only friends and family have tuned in to MSNBC and CNN. Things are so bad that Rachel Maddow had to take a pay cut to $25 million for her one-day-a-week … Read more

NYC Steeet art New York

Dems Float Leaving for Canada and Taking New York State With Them

Democrats are afraid of ideas with which they disagree. It is better to censor them to protect the people than assume “the people” can use their judgment. Trump Derangement Syndrome has similar side effects. It is better to run away from the potential for prosperity than allow it to improve people’s lives – they might … Read more

Woman cold tunnel light snow ice

Liberal Women Pissed About Trump Win, Go On Sex Strike

Liberal women (some liberal women) think they can teach men a lesson. Men voted for Trump, and Trump won, so they are going to refuse to have sex with them. I’m assuming these are women who have sex with men, but the odds are high; it is a lot of women most men wouldn’t have … Read more

Dems Ran on Abortion in NH and Lost Bigly

Democrats and their PACs spent a lot of money on Television in the Granite State. The message? Fear MAGA Republicans in the New Hampshire legislature and vote Democrat to protect Abortion rights. New Hampshire voters decided not to listen or there were matters more pressing on their minds, abortion not being one of them. That … Read more

stefany shaheen

On How Abortion Saved Stefany Shaheen’s Life

Those who have had an abortion know the truth and the difference between a Dilatation and Curettage (D&C for miscarriage) and abortion. Ms. Shaheen and I share vastly different experiences at the precious Oyster River School system we both attended. At 15, I got pregnant with my high school sweetheart. I had no idea when it happened. My parents … Read more

Isn’t ‘Not Getting’ Raped Or Murdered a “Women’s Rights” Issue?

Jeff Childer’s Coffee & Covid is a regular read for me, and today, he focused on reports that a majority of early voting was by women. That’s the media spin. There is a gender gap in early voting, and this is a good look for Kamala, probably because they believe that women (especially younger women) will vote … Read more

Manch talk new

Manch Talk – Censorship

This week, we get a tad philosophical when discussing censorship, Democrats’ nonstop fundraising on nonstop abortion talk, and more.

Words Mean Things

In order to communicate effectively, the parties involved must agree on what the words mean. For instance, let’s discuss “rights”—things to which one has a just claim. True rights do not conflict.  How could they?  No right of yours requires anyone else to do anything. A certain side of the political spectrum often tries to … Read more

Remembering Dr. Mildred Jefferson

October 15 marked the 14th anniversary of the passing of Dr. Mildred Jefferson, Pro-Life pioneer, the first Black woman to graduate from Harvard Medical School, and my friend. I first met Dr. Jefferson or Dr. J when Dan Edmonds, a conservative activist from Sharon, MA, asked me if I would drive Dr. Jefferson to an … Read more

unhinged democrats

Reproductive Rights is a Smokescreen Hiding the Harm Democrats Inflict

Is anyone trying to stop women from having babies, from getting care for their pregnancies and babies, or from getting emergency care? No. The proclaimed “Reproductive rights” is used to divert attention from the harm that Democrat policies do, especially to women. About 20,000 women and even more men are killed annually by fentanyl and … Read more

Democrats are Pushing Abortion Extremism

Just over nine years ago, I lay in a Paris hospital getting an ultrasound to assess the health of my preborn child. He was just shy of 12 weeks old, and it looked as if this young life might not survive complications with my pregnancy. Back in the U.S., an apparent scandal was engulfing the … Read more

Vote, ballot, ballot box

I’m Tired of Their Lies

One side promises unlimited abortion that they will enshrine in our state (and the US) Constitution. To them, there are NO OTHER ISSUES! What about the COST of everything? What about fentanyl overdoses? What about homelessness? I’m tired of their lies. Please don’t fall for it! NH already has a law that allows unlimited abortion … Read more

words letters language

Why Does Abortion Need A Euphemism

One of my favorite programs on FOX News is The Five. The Five started in July 2011 as a temporary filler, and thirteen years later, it continues to be one of the highest-rated cable shows. I have never missed a show and have had to tolerate many different liberals who have sat in the #4 … Read more

If Women Matter Democrats Need to Step Up and Stop This

A group that has been working to shut down pregnancy care/assistance centers in Massachusetts is rumored to be eyeing Nashua, New Hampshire, where it would apply the same tactics. The group files complaints with the local government and spreads dis/misinformation about Pregnancy Care centers. Reproductive Equity Now bills itself as a pro-choice reproductive rights organization, … Read more

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