Words Mean Things

Brian Lewis

In order to communicate effectively, the parties involved must agree on what the words mean. For instance, let’s discuss “rights”—things to which one has a just claim.

True rights do not conflict.  How could they?  No right of yours requires anyone else to do anything.

A certain side of the political spectrum often tries to change the meanings of words to conceal the true nature of their advocacy. It is essential that open-minded people understand this.

We’d like to thank Brian Lewis for his Op-Ed: send yours to steve@granitegrok.com

Abortion is the only medical procedure I know for terminating a human life.  The political left uses language to try to hide the horror of abortion.  Rather than acknowledging that it is a human life being terminated, they call it a fetus (but never a human fetus), or just a clump of cells.  By dehumanizing it, they can pretend that nobody is harmed.

Now, they are calling abortions “reproductive freedom.”  Please explain how terminating a life is reproductive freedom.  It’s not.  It’s the opposite.  It’s freedom from reproduction.

They claim to have a right to choose.  Yes, but that choice was made days, weeks, or months earlier.  What they want is to be free of the consequences of the choices they made.

Some even claim that abortion is a Constitutionally-protected right.  You will try in vain to find anywhere the Constitution makes mention of abortion rights.

Many of these same people will claim that there is no Constitutionally-protected right to bear arms, even though the Second Amendment explicitly states that there is.

Either the Left has no idea what a right is, or they are deliberately trying to deceive people.  And those two possibilities are not mutually exclusive.

Please vote intelligently on November 5.


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