Reproductive Rights is a Smokescreen Hiding the Harm Democrats Inflict


Is anyone trying to stop women from having babies, from getting care for their pregnancies and babies, or from getting emergency care? No.

The proclaimed “Reproductive rights” is used to divert attention from the harm that Democrat policies do, especially to women.

About 20,000 women and even more men are killed annually by fentanyl and other deadly drugs coming through the Democrats’ open border.

Related:Abortion: Both America and the World Disagree with Democrats by Large Majorities

Transgender policies let biological males invade women’s private spaces, causing discomfort and fear, enabling rape, and lets males dominate women’s sports, winning awards and scholarships meant for women, and sometimes causing severe injuries to women.

Democrats’ lenient criminal policies frees criminals to abuse, rape, and murder thousands of women annually. While making life more dangerous, Democrats push for gun control laws that make women even more vulnerable.

Increasing numbers of Americans struggle to feed, house, and otherwise provide for their families due to Democrat economic policies.

Related: Dems Ran on Abortion in 2020 and 2022 and Look Where it Got Us

But Democrats fight to allow extreme abortions, even at the moment of birth, and outlaw all state controls including those protecting minors. (H.R.3755)

Democrats falsely say they want to make Roe v Wade the law of the land. If true, Democrats would support Roe v. Wade consistent abortion laws like those in most North Eastern states, including New Hampshire. Bi-partisan support exists in Congress for such a law.


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