Just Like The Burgess Biomass Boondoggle, I have little regard for NE Planned Parenthood

by Skip

OK, I admit, I “stole” part of Steve’s post because I loved the alliteration (“Bradley’s Burgess Biomass Boondoggle is Back in the News“). If you remember, the Burgess wood chip electricity generation plant went bust when the NH Government taxpayer subsidies were finally denied to it. Frankly, with the caterwauling from NE Planned Parenthood that the NH Government won’t fund them, too, I hope THEY go out of business as well. Landrigan’s title over at the Union Lackluster made me smile (emphasis mine, reformatted).

Live by the sword, die by the sword. If your business model depends on Govt money, of COURSE, politics is the determining factor – stop yer wailin’. You knew that when you decided to play your game:

New England Planned Parenthood facing huge deficit

The state’s largest provider of family planning and abortion services said its regional parent is facing a projected $8.6 million deficit over the next three years because of restrictive New Hampshire laws and the Executive Council’s refusal to support state grants for the organization.

Nicole Clegg, interim CEO of Planned Parenthood of Northern New England, said during a virtual briefing last week that without additional support, the agency will be forced to “change how and where” it offers services.”

“PPNNE is a nonprofit health care organization with a mission to provide free and discounted services to all who need it,” Clegg said.

One whose major line of business has been to kill babies in the womb. And now, mainline dangerous chemicals into minor childrens’ bodies to “transgender” them from one sex to another. After all, look at all the hospitals that got caught doing “transgender care” simply because it was deemed to be highly profitable.

That tells you what the self-interest is for Planned Parenthood – “show me the MONEY!”. And no, even though it is part of their PR, they don’t offer cancer services. What THEY have been offered are the grants they believe they are entitled to have but won’t because they refuse to split their business into two parts: REAL womens healthcare and the abortion business.

Sidenote: Are they part of the Democrat Party that really knows what the definition of a woman is? (/snicker).

But they value their abortion services (about 90% of their business, if I remember correctly) over anything else.

So just like Burgess, if your “services” were just that valuable, shouldn’t you be able to raise fund from your Democrat rich friends? Compete in the private sector?

If no, I certainly won’t shed a tear. Other outfits will take up your vaunted “womens’ healthcare” services and I hope you go into that silent dark night…

…just like all those babies you murder. And I won’t have to help pay for that moral wrong anymore.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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