Truth Lies

The Left is Climate Scaremongering Like It’s 1989

Our readers, maybe nearly everyone, is aware that the “experts” and a significant number of novices are demanding government action now or the world is doomed in just over a decade. Free-Market Capitalism and cheap energy will end us. They said the same thing in 1989.

Weather Cycles vs. Climate Alarmists

Climate change is hot again (pun intended) after Greta Thunberg gave her speech with tears and passion. I honestly thought it sounded like a fantastic narration to a movie trailer. Sadly, it’s not a movie; it’s real life. The totalitarian left has taken this girl and turned her into a puppet to promote lies and … Read more

Ottmar Endehofer Quote

Climate Change: Concord Monitor Claims “Effects have Exceeded our Worst-Case Scenarios”

Talk about low-hanging fruit. Over at the Concord Monitor, the Granite-Geek feature has a blurb on Climate that is so blatantly false that it begs our attention. And it has it.

House Democrat Priorities – Investigate WeatherGate and the Hurricane That Never Hit Alabama

Because there is nothing more pressing for Democrats to do in the US House, they are opening another investigation. Who pressured NOAA to back the President on whether Hurricane Dorian was headed toward Alabama?

Democrat Leadership?

Hypocrite Alarm! Green New Deal Backers! Hypocrite Alarm!

Warning, Hypocrite Alarm! Green New Deal Backers! Hypocrite alarm! If those running for president really believe what they say, and that’s a big if, it is time to practice what you preach. Most of the Democratic Socialists running for president are pushing to implement the Green New Deal. They tell us it is supposed to … Read more

fire and rain

Now That Dorian is Only CAT 3 are We Talking About the Burning Amazon Again?

The media crisis narrative is on a climate swivel. For days all we heard about were cataclysmic fires in the Amazon that were nothing special. When Dorian showed up the Amazon “problem” disappeared. I’m serious. The best search results were several days old. 

Hurricane Dorian 2019

Does a Hurricane Dorian Change Long Term Trends in Florida? No. [Update- No Florida Landfall]]

First things first. A storm like this is an impressive natural display. There will be significant damage. But we must also remember that in 1900, when we started having reliable data, 1700 people lived in Miami. Today it is 2.7 Million. And all their stuff.

MSNBC Anchor: Yeah, Well, I Guess We Shouldn’t Have Said That About Trump (yet)

No one is retracting the false Trump said to nuke hurricanes lie but only because they didn’t receive a letter from his lawyers (yet). Lawrence O’Donnell and MSNBC got a letter. Right after he claimed Trump had Russian Oligarch co-signers on some loans.

Jeanne Shaheen

Another Day, Another Lie From Senator “Jeannie”

This: President Trump announced America’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accords on June 1, 2017: “…as of today the United States will cease all implementation of the non-binding Paris Accord and the draconian financial and economic burdens the agreement imposes on our country. This includes ending the implementation of the nationally determined contribution and, very … Read more

The Patriot Initiative- Climate Change forum

Climate change has been a hot topic for years. We now have Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claiming, as extremists have done in the recent past, that we have twelve years left on Earth. There was also a climate change meeting in the seacoast area recently, which consisted of many NH State legislators. Here’s the really cool … Read more

Border Wall

Build That Wall

Shutdown averted Congress has approved a border security compromise bill. They intend the bill as a device to avoid a second government shutdown. The bill appropriates about $1.4 billion of the $5.7 billion requested for border barrier construction. The White House said the president would sign the legislation passed Thursday. It also said the President … Read more

Weather Channel Guy ‘Fighting High Winds’ More Fake News

A quick preface. Florence is a hurricane. It’s causing flooding, wind damage, and as more and more people flock to live in these areas the risk to lives and damage to property increases. That is their choice. And so it this. A weatherman reporting for the weather channel is having a rough go. He’s trying … Read more

Rick Notkin – candidate for NH State House, Belknap County District 2

Recently I was asked why I was running for NH State Representative. The easy answer would be that I was corralled into it. Really, there was an open seat as one of the reps was not running for re-election so I had an opportunity to “put my money where my mouth was”, so to speak. One of … Read more

Remember When We Used to Just Call It “Winter”?

From May 4th, 2009, Jeanne Shaheen for New Hampshire. “In New Hampshire, we are already seeing the effects of climate change. Winters are warmer; snowfall is declining (although I know it doesn’t seem that way after this winter); and spring is arriving on average a week earlier than at the turn of the 20th century. … Read more

Jeanne Shaheen Blames Russia for Dreamers Portesting Pelosi

Without a serious Hurricane threat to distract us Russia is back in the Progressive Party rotation. Democrat US Senator Jeanne Shaheen, when asked why pro-amnesty advocates would shout down pro-amnesty Democrat House minority leader Nancy Pelosi, she brought up the Russians. “When pressed repeatedly on whether Pelosi’s collaboration with Trump on DACA, which has angered left-wing … Read more

President Trump’s UN Speech – the transcript

I haven’t watched the speech yet but from reading the Rightosphere’s reaction to it, it seems to have been a doozy.  Then I came across this transcript and now my reaction is WOW – I can’t believe that finally someone said and hit all the right notes in front of all those tinpot and retrograde … Read more

Data Point – Are you ready?

With hurricane Harvey and Irma sucking up most of the cable news programs and it also being National Preparedness Month, I figured a coupla more data points might get someone’s attention that otherwise is part of that group that goes “Disaster??!?!?  Quick, get to the grocery store / gas station!”. Stat 1: Federal spending on … Read more

Notable Quote – Steve Horowitz

The laws of economics are not suspended in an emergency, no matter what the laws of politicians attempt to do. When goods are more scarce, they will be costly to obtain, whether those costs are in terms of money or something else. The importance of letting market prices do their job and determining who gets … Read more

Another Casualty in the Global Warming Mythology Pantheon

The polar ice caps have not melted away. Hurricanes are not more frequent or stronger. We do not see more forest fires, famines, locust, plagues, pestilence, or fire from the sky. The seas are not rising faster. And now, during the “HOTTEST YEAR EVER™” the Climate Cult’s Tornado god has pulled a statistical no show. … Read more

A Complete List of Things Caused by Global Warming

This is useful and entertaining. It includes links to things that the authors have claimed are a result of Global Warming or will be caused by it. There is also a dead links list below, that includes things caused by Global warming but for which the link is no longer active–but someone made the claim in print … Read more