Does a Hurricane Dorian Change Long Term Trends in Florida? No. [Update- No Florida Landfall]]

Steve MacDonald

First things first. A storm like this is an impressive natural display. There will be significant damage. But we must also remember that in 1900, when we started having reliable data, 1700 people lived in Miami. Today it is 2.7 Million. And all their stuff.

Florida gets hurricanes. Not so much in the past 20 years, but it happens. They suck. And here comes a beast. And the damage estimates will be substantial. But is this beast indicative of a change in trends? Not likely.

If we examine the record of major (Category 3 or greater) hurricanes at landfall in Florida since 1900, and assume that Hurricane Dorian strikes Florida as a 115 kt Category 4 storm, we see that there will still be no long-term trends in either the intensity or number of major landfalling hurricanes.

Hurricane trends 1900 to present

Most of Florida and the southeast is in for a rough ride. They’ll need help and support to clean up when Dorian is done doing its damage. But you and I know that this is already peddled as proof of a climate apocalypse, which is nothing more than an excuse by the Left to seize control of the economy.

Not one thing they consider as a cure for what doesn’t ail us will do a damn thing to change the climate they claim is in danger unless you mean the economic environment. It will become decidedly socialist.

That’s all they care about – the rest is just a storm of fearmongering and lies to accomplish a political goal. Your subjugation to their state power. Make a point to find alternative media sources for a message that isn’t laden with the biased politics of the left.

We’ll do our best to help with that.

Original post time 9-2-19 19:56 ET

[Update] 9-2-19 21:40 ET

New Storm track data suggests Dorian will not hit Florida directly. Democrat prayers of Mar a Lago getting crushed by the finger of the god they don’t believe in appears to have gone unanswered. Maybe they should have waite don that declaration recognizing non-religious people as their party religion?

The heart of this beast, currently at Category 4, is projected to skirt the coast of Florida but not make landfall. The future path beyond that is not clear.

Florida will experience high winds and heavy rain. Storm surge. Damage. But on this new track, there will be significantly less of all of that.

| Dr. Roy Spencer Ph.D.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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