Al Gore – Being Wrong About Everything Makes it So Right

Democrats continue to cling to their global warming scheme despite none of their models being anywhere near correct, and not one of their cataclysmic predictions coming true.  Case in point. Al Gore in 2012: “Scientists expected that as climate change accelerated, Antarctica would be one of the fastest warming areas of the planet. This prediction … Read more

Another Global Warming Myth Needs To ‘Evolve’

First it was no snow, and then it was yes snow.  We’d have extreme heat and no winters, but then it was to cause freezing cold and longer winters.  Rising seas, maybe not.  The Polar ice caps would melt except when they grew.  Tornadoes would happen except when they didn’t.  We’d have more forest fires, … Read more

Polar Vortex Could Be A Sign Of Global Cooling -Leading Scientist Predicts Equivalent of Maunder Minimum

The “Maunder minimum” is a fancy-pants sciency phrase for a little ice age.  A little ice age is a long period of weird weather where it mostly just gets colder for longer over a series of consecutive decades.  These events are predicated on oscillations of total solar radiance, and solar or sunspot activity, which can … Read more

It is always good to be prepared, but what is the Govt prepping for now?

Living here in central NH, weather does go bump in the night.  Bizzards, severe thunderstorm, nor’easters, hurricanes – thankfully we get those but with some advance warning as opposed those Californians that get the “shake & bake” at almost any time with little notice (e.g., earthquakes or wildfires).  You keep food around, you keep a … Read more

Observation: an example of Progressive repudiation of an American virtue: self-responsibility

And the continued push for acceptance and assimilation of the Progressive value that is a 180: eternal victimhood.  From George Will comes the example (in talking about Detroit, emphasis mine): Steven Rattner, who administered the bailout of part of the Detroit-based portion of America’s automobile industry, says, “Apart from voting in elections, the 700,000 remaining … Read more

Do Unto Others

Barry Snell, while at the Iowa State Daily (College paper), wrote a lengthy article back on May 3rd, about guns and the gun debate.  Here is the fifth (and final) part of that article… Orignally Posted: Friday, May 3, 2013 12:00 am | Updated: 12:48 am, Fri May 3, 2013. By Barry Snell   Do … Read more

Stop Global Warming snow

Ask Jeanne Shaheen – About Diminshed Snowfall

Remember the halcyon days when the science of global warming was settled? Do you recall the dire warnings from green industry activists “experts” around the world, echoed by prominent herd animals Democrats, including some from from New Hampshire, that Global Warming was going to diminish regional snowfalls and ruin the ski and tourism industry?

Ancient Chinese Secret

In an amusing week for Carol Shea-Porter, in which she almost sounded McCarthyesque in her suspicions of Chinese communist cash infiltrations into the campaigns of domestic candidates, how long can it be before she blames her 2010 election loss on Global Warming?

Sunday Reading

From the "every cloud has a silver lining" department, via Brígido de Jesús González lived in Queens, N.Y., for the past 20 years, working as a landscaper to support his wife and kids back in El Salvador. But with the recession clobbering his business, the illegal immigrant decided to pack up and return to … Read more

Bloggers Conference Call: Oil & Gas– Developing our domestic sources.

  . ….…   In addition to politics, I am very interested in energy and things related. I deal with energy-producers in my "real" job on a daily basis, I am a member of my town’s Energy Committee, and of course, like most Americans these days, above all, I am mostly interested in energy at the … Read more

200 NH Guardsmen Activated for Statewide Flooding

Soldiers from the NHNG survey flood damage in Alstead NH on Oct. 13, 2005. . CONCORD – Gov. John Lynch today activated 200 N.H. National Guardsmen in response to statewide flooding and road closures across New Hampshire. . As of noon, 125 soldiers and 75 airmen were deploying to at least seven communities including  Greenville, … Read more

Didn’t he get the memo?

I’m sure this guy will be out of a job before too long… Expert disputes storms’ link to global warming By Zane WilsonThe Sun News COLUMBIA – As population continues to grow on the coast and people build more structures, losses from hurricanes will go up drastically but it isn’t because of global warming, one … Read more

President’s Radio Address: Giving thanks, remembering our military men and women.

The President spoke about reasons Americans have to be thankful during his weekly radio address: THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This week, Americans across our Nation gather with loved ones to give thanks for the many blessings we share. We’re grateful for our friends and families, who fill our lives with meaning and purpose. We’re grateful … Read more

Economics 101 – Big Oil Style

The laws of economics are not as certain as the laws of physics, but if we ignore them and substitute liberal political rhetoric instead,  we remain ignorant of the cause-effect relationships that effect our lives.  Supply-demand, the costs of regulation, labor, and capital infrastructure, market uncertainty…all of these go into the price we pay at … Read more