offshore wind farms

Offshore Wind Turbines at Risk From Atlantic Hurricanes

If your energy cult predicted more and stronger hurricanes, why exactly should we invest in and rely on an energy source that is susceptible to damage from them? That’s a good question, but it’s not supposed to make sense like most everything else in the climate change policy universe. Besides, the people in charge will … Read more

Hurricane Photo by NASA on Unsplash

More Hurricanes Ministry Asks Us to Have Faith

Google tossed this bone at me the other day. “National Hurricane Center tracking 4 tropical waves as we near the peak of storm season.” The headline comes from TC Palm, serving South Florida (part of USA Today). As an observer and blogger, I was caught by such things. Holy crap, I thought, here it comes! … Read more

Data Point – Hurricanes hitting the US

No major hurricane has made landfall in the continental United States for a record-breaking 129 months, according to data going back to 1851 compiled by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The last major hurricane to make landfall on the continental United States was Hurricane Wilma, which slammed into Florida on Oct. 24, 2005–129 months ago. … Read more

Tweet Rolls – “Where are all the Hurricanes We Were Promised?”

No, I did not get a response. Where are all the hurricanes we were promised? #GlobalWarming — Steve Mac Donald (@TheRealNHSteve) July 21, 2016

We Don’t Need No Stinking Hurricanes

Want to know a secret?  The word ‘Change’ in Climate Change means they can change the meaning every time nature proves them wrong…which is often. More snow, colder winters, growing ice-caps, cool rainy summers in the central plains, fewer wildfires, expensive liberal-owned beach-front property still above water,  everything that contradicts all their modeling and scare-mongering … Read more

Data Point – What happened to all the Hurricanes that Global Warming was to bring?

So, why the bust? “The 2013 Atlantic hurricane season looks set to go down as a big washout, marking the first time in 45 years that the strongest storm to form was just a minor Category 1 hurricane. There could still be a late surprise in the June 1-Nov. 30 season, since the cyclone that … Read more

Hurricanes and Global Warming

Two weeks and then some after writing about how the 2013 hurricane season has been a dud, it continues to be a dud despite dire predictions by ‘experts’ of an above-average year.  It has actually been a below-average year so far.  While there is still time for the number of storms to pick up, it … Read more

Maybe ‘Global Warming’ Really Causes Fewer Hurricanes

We are heading toward a record lack of hurricanes… is it due to Global Warming? The number of named storms is on pace to fall within the range several seasonal forecasts have projected. On average, however, the season should have seen its first hurricane by now, and none has emerged. Indeed, the first major hurricane, … Read more

Trayvon, Hurricanes, And Faux Pow Wow Chow

If you’ve recovered from the underwhelming Facebook IPO, perhaps you are ready for this? Trayvon was beating George Zimmerma badly before the man finally shot him in self-defense.  There is no doubt about that. So here’s an observation for the anti-second amendment clowns who are always insisting that lawfully armed citizens run away from any … Read more

Fisking CNN’s Hurricane Francine Coverage (‘cuz They Lie)

We followed Tropical Storm Francine from her infancy, and as expected, it hit Louisiana as a Category 2 hurricane. The Louisana coast is a dangerous place to take up residence if you are allergic to storm surges. It floods quickly and often, so the media can’t resist the urge to break out the climate hyperbole. … Read more

50 Year-Old Science Forgotten to Peddle Global Warming

NewScientist, which I take to mean they peddle the new scientism, got some help from Google the other day. They have an article about the Jetstream that was pushed to the top of the news feed. It posits the notion that your emissions broke it. The problem with the new science is that the old … Read more

Atlantic Basin has Five “Disturbances” – [Update 3 – Hello Francine!]

With only five days until the cyclone season peak (9/10/24), the climate kids are all a flutter. NOAA is simultaneously tracking five disturbances across the Atlantic basin that could develop into cyclones. How likely is that? Not very. Not yet. I modified the latest NOAA map with their percentage chance for each disturbance. At this … Read more

lightning-bolt storm, weather, climate

There Will Be Lots of Guessing – Most of It Will Be Wrong

One of the risks of writing about hurricanes a day before the content is published is that they can form in the interim. This has happened to me before, but not so much this year. That’s odd. All the indicators suggested a knock-down drag-out storm-a-palooza of a season. It has yet to materialize only days … Read more

Hurricane Dorian 2019

Are They Getting Nervous About an Underperforming Hurricane Season?

Atlantic Hurricane Season peaks in August and September, but we were warned as early as the spring. It will be a very active season, and I bought into that. It’s been a long time coming. We’re due. The Atlantic water is warm (boiling, depending on who you ask), and we have this La Nina thing … Read more

More CO2 = Fewer Heat Wave Days!

One of the fun things about science is if you allow it to happen, questioning theory, inquiry, data, analysis, and observation, the results tend to destroy the scientism peddled by the proglodytes. Who doesn’t want to do that? It’s fun. They get all spittley and hysterical and then call you names like denier. Yes. I … Read more

Forest fire leaves branch Photo by Alfred Kenneally on Unsplash

What’s Causing This Brutal Heat Wave?

Scathing summer heat has fueled incendiary headlines attributing record-breaking temperatures around the world to climate change. The presumption that individual weather events such as hurricanes, storms, or wildfires can be traced to greenhouse gas emissions displays the shoddy ideological fearmongering employed by climate alarmists in lieu of credible scientific fact. Noticeably omitted from assumptions that … Read more

Hurricane Beryl Getting Rave Reviews from Fearmongering Media

Hurricane Season is finally perking up a notch. We’ve gone from a few tropical depressions to one named tropical storm to one actual hurricane. Beryl is currently a Category 3, north of French Guiana and Suriname.

Hurricane Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Night Cap: Inconvenient Science – Warming Leads to Fewer Hurricane Landfalls

Tropical Cyclone One is puttering about northwest of the Yucatan and projected to hang a hard left into the heart of Mexico. It’s not American landfall, and it’s not a real hurricane yet, so pooh on that. But it is as good a time as any to abuse a few Climate Cult articles of faith.

Wacky Wendy Thomas Wants Religion Taught In The Public Schools

Wacky Wendy Thomas wants religion taught in public schools. Not Christianity, of course. No, Wacky Wendy wants climate paganism taught. Children will be taught that those who reject this religion are “climate deniers.”

Hurricane Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Atlantic Hurricane Season is Almost Here – Get Your Climate Hyperbole Ready!

You can feel it in the air (Phil Collins or Bernie Seigle?)—the promised energy of a heated Atlantic hurricane Season. The oceans are boiling, and we are overdue for an above-normal number of storms in the Atlantic Basin. This should be a banner year for storms.