voting booth

Setting the Record Straight – Why We Need to Ban Electronic Voting Machines

Much has been written about my petition (warrant article 23) to ban voting machines in the town of Rye. After researching election guidelines, RSA’s, and responsibilities for elections in our town and state, my concerns are ever-increasing and justifiably so.


Windham Incident is Now #FoldGate … Could Be #SununuGate?

Windham may have been the only town that really went to bat for Election integrity and got national attention, but we learned a few things. The Windham Incident was not the only New Hampshire oddity in the November Election.


Live Stream Windham Audit Update – “Here are my Concerns”

I attended the live-stream meeting with Bob Giuda and Harri Hursti, the tech guru and self-proclaimed hacker responsible for the “forensic” audit of the voting machines used in Windham.

Accuvote OS ballot counter votng machine

Let’s Ditch the Voting Machines

The audit into the irregularities that occurred last year in the Windham November 3rd election is over.  Although the official audit report isn’t expected for over a month, we do know the preliminary conclusion of the team of auditors. 



The forensic audit for the Windham November general election mandated all of the ballots be fed through all of the voting machines. They were.  In order to simulate the general election, the machines had to be reset to 11/03/20 before the ballots were fed through the machines. They were.


BIG NEWS! The “Windham Incident” AGREEMENT! – Thank You NH SOS Bill Gardner!

BIG NEWS!  Late Thursday evening, the NH Secretary of State agreed to a “Windham Incident” solution that delivers everything we want!  A complete forensic audit of Windham’s voting machines AND ballots!


The “Windham Incident” Proposed Audit Process [Update]

Update: When the Windham Board of Selectmen attempted to open the meeting, the zoom capacity was maxed out, causing the discussion on the election audit and SB43 to be rescheduled for March 1, 2021, at 7p.

Sununu CNBC Squawk Box

Dear Governor Sununu….Election Integrity Matters

Dear Governor Sununu, I write to you today to express my support for a thorough forensic examination by the NH Attorney General’s Office in conjunction with the NH Secretary of State as called for in SB43.


What the Heck Happened In Windham’s November Election? – Part 3

The voting machines in Windham have come under scrutiny – and rightly so. The debacle in Windham regarding the discrepancy of nearly 10% in the votes for the State Rep. race between the November 3rd machine counted results, and the November 12th hand recount is disturbing. People in Windham are upset and want answers. This … Read more


Antrim County Michigan Forensics Election Report is Not a “Smoking Gun”… It’s a NUCLEAR EXPLOSION!

Antrim County Michigan had massive fraud like many other places in each of the swing states. The difference with Antrim County is that a judge allowed an independent forensic audit team to go in and audit the voting machines. What they found is explosive.

Peaches - Georgia

Georgia Backtracks on Certifying Election Results

Rumors that Georgia has certified its recount results are (apparently) greatly exaggerated. Yes, they did come out and say, Georgia is for Joe, but then they came back and said, wait a minute, no it’s not. Not yet. Maybe. Um…what the heck is going on down there with the peaches?

Betrayed and Defeated! Exposing the Stark Reality of How We Lost…

Our Republic is in grave danger.  We need to understand that we have been engaged in two concurrent Fifth Gradient Wars (5GW’s) for (at least) the past 5-1/2 years.  And we understand that this is a WORLDWIDE conspiracy, not just a Democratic conspiracy.


“HAMMER”, “SCORECARD” And the Political Crime of the Century

We all know that Democrats and their Big Media, Big Tech, and Big Money allies, are all political cheats.  Network newscasts serve as the Democrats’ Ministry of Propaganda with the vigor, which would make the old USSR’s PRAVDA blush in awe.

Vote 2

Voting today – how were masks/no masks handled in your town? Mine – a problem

Voting, when I left around 2pm, was above average. Over 600 absentee ballots were received. The stupid part in actually voting was not the throw away pen (gee, SWAG from voting!  Better than the stickers they hand out, although the Grandson would beg to differ). I was there from about 11am until 1pm holding a … Read more


What Government is ALLOWING you to do…

…versus what it is DEMANDING you do. Or, at least those “behind” government. “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.” ― Joseph Stalin Stalin? Democrats?  They ARE all about who counts the votes. Ask yourself, WHY is it that it is just Democrats that are absolutely WAILING for all voting … Read more

The Founders Are Rolling in their Graves

The stunning sham impeachment of Donald Trump

From day one, when Donald Trump became the president of the United States, the entire leftist media, law enforcement establishment, former President Obama, and minions of former President Obama, to include Hillary Clinton, Hollywood celebrities, and the Democratic Party had one mission: To force President Trump out of office.  They drove investigation after investigation, and … Read more


While We Wait Let’s Understand the Process

While we wait let’s understand the impeachment process. President Donald Trump is only the third president to be impeached. Impeachment is a rarely used tool.

Katy Burns – She invoked Greek goddess Eris. I invoke the Norse god, Loki

I’m betting that the Concord Monitor is wiping its brow going “Whew! Glad we disabled our “riff-raff commenting program a few months ago.”  We can’t let ANYONE dissent from Our Narrative and our SpoxTwit, Katy Burns.

Super-enfranchised Voters Have More Rights Than Legal NH Voters

I was invited to North Carolina to attend a US Commission on Civil Rights hearing by Jay DeLancy of the Voter Integrity Project, a group CNHT has been associated with for quite some time. I had three minutes, as one of 40 speakers who also got three minutes, to make New Hampshire’s case regarding the disenfranchisement … Read more

Pat Long Gone

Ward 3 Manchester, NH Alderman Pat Long lost a seat on that board by just seven votes out of over a thousand cast. That is a close race. I wonder if Pat Long has any second thoughts about elections and “one man one vote” now that he has time on his hands? It wasn’t that … Read more