NH Sec. of State Responds to Clerks on ‘Ballot Box’ Security Tape Issue

Friday, we broke a story about issues related to securing stored and completed ballots after an election. Activists did a test run of the procedure outlined in the state’s election manual got a test, and it failed. They were able to remove the tamper-resistant tape without leaving evidence of tampering. [T]he election integrity watchdog demonstrated … Read more


Windham Forensic Audit “TAMPER-PROOF” SECURITY TAPE For Ballots and Vote Tally Sheets NOT TAMPER-PROOF!

Boxes of ballots and tally sheets from the forensic audit were resealed with tamper proof tape in a faulty manner last night. When properly applied – tamper-proof tape will protect the integrity of the contents within the boxes that are sealed – and in this case, protect the integrity of the election audit. But not … Read more

Breaking: Ballot Integrity WIN in New Hampshire!

Whether you’ve been following the completed ballot storage box tape soap opera or not, this is excellent news. After a meeting with activists, the Secretary of State’s Office has decided to switch to the tape recommended and demonstrated by New Hampshire citizens. Here is the text in the image if it is hard to read. … Read more

Ballot Chain of Custody Update: More Secure Solution In Reach Before November

Activists concerned with the completed ballot chain of custody and security issues in New Hampshire met with the Secretary of State’s Office earlier this week. At the meeting, they reviewed inconsistencies between towns when securing ballots after elections, the tape’s efficacy, and the taping procedures used to prevent tampering. The sense I got from conversations … Read more

Ballots Wheeler recount

Citizens Continue Push to Prevent Ballot Tampering

Citizen activists interested in improving voter confidence in New Hampshire have requested they be part of any formal effort to test and verify the efficacy of the current process for taping up and securing completed ballots. The problem: ballots are to be secured but the tape recommended by the state does not consistently (or at … Read more

Ballots Wheeler recount

Sec. Of State’s Office: It’s The Town’s Problem if Ballots Not Secured

The “security of a completed ballot” soap opera in New Hampshire has added a new chapter. The New Hampshire Secretary of State’s office has responded to a Right to Know request regarding tamper-proof tape that doesn’t prevent tampering. If you missed earlier installments, activists discovered that neither the procedure for taping up boxes of completed … Read more

Town Clerks Notified of Potential Ballot Security Issues (By Citizens)

In another fine example of the people addressing a problem the government doesn’t have the time or talent to tackle, election integrity activists have successfully identified a completed-ballot storage security issue and communicated it to the people who need to know. Concerned citizens discovered a problem with the tamper-proof tape used on boxes of completed … Read more

Voter integrity Adobe image under contract with Pugliese Contracting Corp Order AE01133400101CUS

Presentation to The NH Ballot Law Commission on State Senate District 24 Ballot Irregularities

Today, the NH Ballot Law Commission met to listen to the results of voting machine audits as well as a presentation on NH State Senate District 24 Ballot Irregularities (Press release here).

I voted sticker

Is It Time to Move from Voting Machines to Hand Counted Ballots

I got this yesterday and I have a feeling that there are a lot of other folks around the State of NH  harboring similar thoughts when it comes to counting ballots. Can’t say I blame them!

Accuvote OS ballot counter votng machine

Public Officials Knew Ballot Folds Would Skew Results Months Prior To The Election …

In a stunning conclusion provided by the Windham Audit Team, it was determined that some machines were tricked by the creases in mail-in ballots to the detriment of Republican candidates. The creases resulted in overvotes that crushingly affected straight-ticket Republican ballots, in particular. We want to thank Sarah Ibanez for this Op-Ed. If you have … Read more


Why Was an Associate NH AG Caught On Camera with the “Secured” Windham Ballots at 11:15 PM Wed Night (Then the Cameras Go Out)?

Before the security camera footage went out for about an hour, we see an image of NH Associate AG Anne Edwards walking toward a table covered with “secured” ballots – from the November election in Windham.

Link Smorgasbord (And a Smattering of Memes)

Note: These are long and information-rich posts, presented as a “buffet” – so pick and choose what interests you, skim through to see what other things might pique your interests, and then share this post with others so they can do the same. Don’t forget to support The Grok! >>>>>=====<<<<< Above the Fold: KAMALA’S AMERICA: … Read more

Link Smorgasbord (And a Smattering of Memes)

Migration / Invasion: CONTENT WARNING on this next link.  Video of cat abuse.  Vile.  Disgusting.  Absolutely not for the faint of heart. BE. WARNED. Disgusting savage But don’t worry, our intellectual and moral superiors have assured us that such things are just a myth, and that importing them will instantly make them fine citizens once … Read more

Vote, ballot, ballot box

New Hampshire’s Elections Are Not Secure

New Hampshire had only one recount following the state primary on September 10th. The election day difference was two votes. Ultimately, the outcome did not change, but the victory was reduced to one vote. This is not a reason to write a post with this headline, but the recount process revealed some problems. I’d like … Read more

A Sticky Tamper-Resistance Problem for Elections in NH [Update]

New Hampshire likes to advertise how clean and fair its elections are, but if you’ve spent any time here looking into it, this is complete and total bullish!t. From out-of-state voters to mishandled ballots to poorly secured boxes of ballots (and the ever-present “Look, we found one more box”), election integrity has long been an … Read more

Vote, ballot, ballot box

Term Limits Are Needed To Save This Country

The last of the Baby Boom generation–the largest generation in American history–will have reached retirement age for maximum Social Security benefits as of the end of 2031.  With the combination of tens of millions of Americans no longer paying in, doubling in medical and educational costs every 10-11 years, the National Debt (already nearly $110,000 … Read more

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Meme Overflow

As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow. Let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule continue! *** Warning, definitely off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about *** >>>>>=====<<<<< First, a video about Satanism in the music industry (and, probably, the entire entertainment industry). Certainly this tweet by James Woods would seem to sweep Hollywood, … Read more

What Tar and Feather Situation Have You Gotten Us Into?

If you are a rank-and-file Democrat in the Vermont House of Representatives – a soldier in the Supermajority – you are told by Party leadership how to vote. The majority leader will, in fact, hold up a paper sign, Yes or No, informing you how to cast your ballot on key issues. And you better … Read more

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Friday Meme Overflow

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Many, many good ones!  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!  Also, don’t forget to chip in a little to the Grok, as you can.  Steve is doing yeoman’s work on this … Read more

Is Hampton the “Seacoast Nashua”?

I was approached by election security watchdog Linda Brown regarding Private Citizen Regina Barnes’s recent day in court, which Chau Kelley took a 51-minute video of and wrote a brief summary on.  Though flattered to be thought of as worthy of such an assignment, I was reluctant to submit something that might appear as taking … Read more