Dear Governor Sununu….Election Integrity Matters


Dear Governor Sununu, I write to you today to express my support for a thorough forensic examination by the NH Attorney General’s Office in conjunction with the NH Secretary of State as called for in SB43.

We’d like to thank Harold Turner for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider please submit it to Skip@GraniteGrok or

I only lived in the Town of Windham for a few years when I first moved to New Hampshire in 1977, but I believe the controversy that has arisen from the results of the election recount in Windham is very important to all the residents of New Hampshire and has great significance well beyond our borders.

Permit me to opine.

Our fundamental values as Americans are rooted in the concept of “free and clear” elections as provided for in our US Constitution. As Americans, we have held up and promoted those values to the world throughout my lifetime. As NH residents, we have embraced those values throughout or recent period as the “first in the nation” primary state and promoted our position throughout the country every four years. A badge of honor for our state and all of its inhabitants.

Our #FITN “position” has also generated significant positive exposure, tourism, employment, and revenue for our state.

Not only is New Hampshire actively watching the examination of the Windham election results, but the Nation is as well.

The notions of “election integrity” and “election fraud” have been burnt into our consciousness for the past three months following the 2020 presidential election. Many of us have been censored or banished on social media by having an opinion on the subject. The results of the Windham “voting irregularities,” as determined by the official recount, can now be found well beyond our NH press on social media showing “election fraud” articles, videotapes, and group presentations.

I can find these posts today on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Gab, Telegram, Rumble, and Parler platforms in minutes with well over 100,000 views already.

NH voters want to know the following without any lingering doubts:  how many ballots were cast, the hand count election results of all of the ballots, and the individual machine counts for all of the ballots by running them all through each voting machine.

The results of that effort should define the existence of human error, machine error, or both.  If machine errors appear, then NH voters will want to know if the same problem exists in other communities.

NH has the opportunity to demonstrate to its voters, as well as to all Americans across the country, that we take election integrity seriously and still deserve to be their First In The Nation primary state.

Anything short of that effort will certainly lead to our demise both inside and outside the state. We starve for leadership in these difficult times. We urge all of you in our NH state government to provide that leadership now on this issue.

Respectfully yours,

Harold Turner, PE

Concord, NH


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