biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Friday Meme Overflow

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Many, many good ones!  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary

This is an attempt to “break out” memes, links, and my commentary about the situation in Israel / the Middle East so as to not overload the standard meme posts that I do.  My last “normal” meme post.  In these Israel-related posts I don’t just have memes such, but lots of informative links as well … Read more

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Meme Overflow

Memes, I gots memes!  Here are the ones from Monday.  And yes there will be a Friday edition too.

Vote, ballot, ballot box

Election Recount Lawsuit: Paula Johnson vs. City of Nashua

Grok readers should already be familiar with Nashua’s own private citizen, Laurie Ortolano, who has made many watchdog contributions over the years and has a court date next week, but there’s another pro se litigant, Paula Johnson, who also had a court date.

Election Fraud Is Real — And It Needs To Be Fixed Before 2024

Democrats claim election fraud is a myth. But videos don’t lie. Roll the tapes:

beach chairs view retirement

It Was Such A Bad Week For Biden, He Is Going To The Beach

This was a week that the President will want to forget. It was a week where everything he touched turned to coal. It was a week where every weakness of Joe Biden was exposed, and the mainstream media got the nod to attack the President. This will be the week that history points to as … Read more

Why Newsom Versus DeSantis Is The 2024 Matchup We Need

Take a break from worrying about the absurd presidential election choice that looms over us between two geriatric candidates — Joe Biden, who proposes to finish term two at 86, and Donald Trump, who would leave office at 82. We need to envision a contest that makes more sense. I commend to you the Gavin … Read more

ballots ballot box

Election Integrity: It Took One Curious Citizen to Overturn This Election Result

An injustice was done, and a single individual citizen said, “No, I will not let this stand.” That was Linda Brown. She did the digging into the process and the materials and found that things were not done correctly.

Windham NH logo

The Windham Complaint – September 13, 2022 Primary Election

COMPLAINT SENT VIA EMAIL ONLY – –  December 21, 2022 – Dear Attorney General Formella,

Jesus and the money changers

Another Democrat Bill Placing an Unfunded Mandate on School Districts – Food

Oh, Skip, you’re such a meany – how can you take food out of the mouths of babes in school yards!  You want them to go hungry and starve while in school?  They can’t learn that way? You know, there was a recent piece on WMUR’s news that Police need more Constitutional training when at … Read more

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A Tutorial: How to Create a Right To Know to Hold Your Government Accountable – Part 5

In Part 4 we started to talk about Meetings – both those that Government MUST allow you to attend (RSA 91-A:2) called Open Meetings – and a bit of what a meeting ISN’T.  The differences ARE important. You can’t go blasting into a “meeting” thinking your guns can be blazing when it is a different … Read more

JohnnyB headshot

Condos Believes Vermont Can Be #1

Vermont Secretary of State Jim Condos has been looking at the data and crunching the numbers and is excited about this year’s mid-term elections. “We’re ready to take the top spot” beams a confident Condos. Which spot is that? According to a Heritage Foundation Election Integrity Scorecard Vermont currently ranks 47 out of 51 states … Read more

Survival Sunday

First, I am merely an “enlightened amateur”.  Please vet & check on your own.  Caveat emptor.  Consider these to be priming the pump for your own investigations.

Gregg Hough headshot

My Response to Laconia’s NH State Rep Gregg Hough’s Allegations To Have the BCRC throw GraniteGrok out of their meetings

In my post a couple of days ago (“Laconia State Rep Gregg Hough: With All His Other Political Enemies, He’s Decided to Anger GraniteGrok, too?“), I presented his allegations to the Belknap County Republican Committee as to why its Executive Committee (e.g., Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary (who was absent from the hearing), and At-Large member) … Read more

Gregg Hough headshot

So NH State Rep Gregg Hough ALSO sent his complaint about me to the entire Belknap County Delegation? WHY?

Seriously?  And I found out about it during the BCRC Executive Committee during Wednesday’s hearing where he presented his allegations and I gave my defense (“Laconia State Rep Gregg Hough: With All His Other Political Enemies, He’s Decided to Anger GraniteGrok, too?“): …I have no problem posting it even though it was supposed to be … Read more

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We’ve Got Another Case of Thumb Drives Flipping Votes in an Election

Just ask anybody responsible for ensuring faith in our elections, and they’ll tell you those electronic ballot counting contraptions are the bomb diggity. They are friggin bullet-proof Boy Scouts, doing their best to do their duty, to whoever programs them, before God and their country.

Gunstock Resort Logo

Gunstock – Somebody Gave NH State Rep Harry Bean Really Bad Advice about a Delegation Emergency Meeting

UPDATE (and bumped from 8 am)!  And an important one: Summary – Emergencies (like what has been called for Gunstock below) in 91:A ONLY APPLY TO TOWNS AND CITIES; not the “County Convention” (aka, “the Delegation”.  While I have a call into the County Attorney, Andrew Livernois, I have not heard back as to which … Read more

Voter integrity Adobe image under contract with Pugliese Contracting Corp Order AE01133400101CUS

Why Is Voter Confidence at an All-Time Low?

Voter confidence in New Hampshire and nationally is in sharp decline. Currently, less than 50 % of eligible voters vote in most NH town elections.

NH State House - Free Images

NH State Rep Carol McGuire – Your State House 05/6/22: Senate Bills And the Session End is Nigh

This week, the House met for two days to vote on all Senate bills. Since this is the end of the session, a lot of political maneuvering took place, attempting to add House positions someone felt had not been properly treated by the Senate to bills we felt were important to them.

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The Kulaks Were Folks Like You and Me

The movie, “Alien,” directed by Ridley Scott, is a tour de force about the unchecked onslaught of an alien organism that is allowed aboard an outer space mining ship despite warnings by other members of the crew.