‘Constitutional Carry’ passes in NH Senate along party lines

Today Senate Bill 116, aka “Constitutional Carry”, was voted on by the full senate. Despite the majority of their constituents wanting them to pass SB 116, Democrats voted how their party leaders told them to vote and voted against it. Senators who were already getting railed for being sexists provided more ammunition today (that deserves … Read more

Good Intentions and Bad Bills

Guest post by Michelle Levell. On the surface, SB 157 is reasonable. It would require a civics test as a condition for high school graduation. Many liberty and conservative leaning people would agree that our students should know the US Constitution and NH Constitution. However, the issue is more complicated than good intentions. Although the … Read more

Gun Permit In NY? Logon To Facebook For Police

“A charlatan makes obscure what is clear; a thinker makes clear what is obscure.” — Hugh Kingsmill Watervliet, NY Police Chief Ron Boisvert asks applicants to logon to their facebook accounts, then peruses visited pages…  New York…The “Empire State.” Known to be one of the most restrictive and confusing places to own, possess firearms. A … Read more

SEIU Endorsed Republicans For NH State Senate

The SEIU has a reputation.  Mean, ranting, left-wing, all-Obama, and did we mention left-wing?  The NH-SEA (SEIU) is the big government union around New Hampshire and their leadership whiles away their time and effort keeping Democrats in power.  Spending always goes up and your taxes with them. If you want less money in your pocket … Read more

Why So Many Are Not Supporting Senate Bill 244

“Patience is power. Patience is not an absence of action; rather it is “timing” it waits on the right time to act, for the right principles and in the right way.” ? Fulton J. Sheen Senate Bill 244 began as a bill sponsored by Democratic Senator David Watters. The bill established all sorts of confusing … Read more

The SB 244 And NICS Problem

“If I were a magician, I’d hand out broken compasses. It’s all about misdirection.?”  —Jarod Kintz The Hearing on Senate Bill 244, “[R]equiring the names of certain persons to be reported to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System Index,” came to hearing Tuesday before Senate Judiciary. The hearing process puzzled me. As is the … Read more

Guest Post by NH State Rep JR Hoell – what happened during the SB244 hearing today

Dear Friends, Today was the “hearing” in the Senate.  The entire hearing was intentionally setup to make it appear that this bill has support, however the gun owners in the state have a much greater voice and if we stick together we can stop this legislation.   The email below answers many of the questions … Read more

What difference does it make?

You’ve already read about SB 244 sponsored by Senator David Watters.  Senator Watters asks physicians to break their oath of confidentiality and snitch on people needing mental health counseling and treatment.  Senator Watters doesn’t trust people to self-declare on the ATF Form 4473. Nooooo, he wants to create a Pre-Crime Division that could brand any and all who have … Read more

2012 NH Elections – random thoughts on NH Senate District 4

OK, this is going to end up being a VERY busy summer season doing and talking politics here in NH.  Some of the events will be full blown posts, and some will just be a couple of thoughts.   NH Senate District 4 is open – no incumbents.  Republican Phyllis Woods (former NH State Rep and … Read more

offshore wind farms

Something Else “Off” About Off-Shore Wind

As the Gulf of Maine Offshore Wind project speeds along its out-of-control-freight-train collision with reality, Orsted – a leader in failed East Coat wind projects, announced it is still losing obscene amounts of money. “Orsted estimated the value of its assets declined $472 million in the first half of 2024, largely due to delays at … Read more

Nantucket’s Ongoing Offshore Wind Folly, Microplastics, Foam, Fiberglass, and Bisphenol A

New Hampshire residents will understand when Nantucket resident Pat McEvoy says the Feds jammed green energy (offshore wind) down their throats and that “We were not represented in this process.” Development in the Gulf of Maine has been fast-tracked thanks to State Senator David “This will look good on my resume” Watters. Dead whales didn’t stop it. … Read more

Is Big Wind Sucking Fumes?

The Biden economy has meant most of us are taking a beating but that group includes Big Wind. Inflation makes everything cost more, as does demand, and false demand for wind energy coupled with other factors have made the business anything but profitable.

ICYMI – NH’s Assisted Suicide Bill Has Been Benched: 17-7 Vote to Send it To Interim Study

In case you missed it, the New Hampshire assisted suicide bill got benched this week. The New Hampshire State Senate, in a rare roll call vote, voted to send the bill to an Interim study. They didn’t kill the bill, but by suggesting it needs a deeper, longer look, they sidelined it indefinitely.

Dem State Sen. Flip Flops on Protecting Women’s Sports

If you look through the recent works of Ed Mosca, you will find him calling out a few of his local enemy camp reps.  I’m here to request that he take those good skills to “the other side of the wall” and apply them to Manchester’s Swampiest. D’Allesandro needs no introduction, but those in need … Read more

Alert Exclamation point

Action Alert: Ask Your State Senator to Oppose SB459 Today!

Families and kids need your help in stopping this bad bill, and your opposition to it must be made known by Wednesday night, 04/03/2024, at the latest.

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Memestream News: Monday Edition

Name change suggested by a Marine friend of mine.

Rebuild NH

Two Bills Head to the Senate Floor Plus A Thank You

This week I want to thank Speaker Sherman Packard. He has heeded our calls for action on several occasions. Notably, after the Biden vaccine mandates were announced, he sponsored a bill to prevent state enforcement of those mandates.

Rebuild NH

Parental Bill of Rights – Plus Floor Votes and SOE Reform

This week: Parental Bill of Rights  – Plus Floor Votes and State of Emergency Reform.

Ocean water shoreline beach sunset

NOAA’s Updated Tide Gauge Data Show No Sea Level Rise at NH Coast For The Past 10-12 Years

The Climate Cult won’t like this news much. NOAA recently updated its Tide Gauge data. What post-ice age rise in sea level there is, continues at a mere few millimeters per year. There is no evidence of the tipping point acceleration nonsense peddled by the Planeteers.

Rebuild NH

Tell the NH Senate: Stop Vaccine Mandates!

The coming week presents one of the best opportunities to expand medical freedom yet, and your emails and testimony will be needed to push some of our core RebuildNH bills across the finish line.