‘Constitutional Carry’ passes in NH Senate along party lines

Kimberly Morin

TacticalTim_Article_020514Today Senate Bill 116, aka “Constitutional Carry”, was voted on by the full senate. Despite the majority of their constituents wanting them to pass SB 116, Democrats voted how their party leaders told them to vote and voted against it. Senators who were already getting railed for being sexists provided more ammunition today (that deserves its own follow-up story so stay tuned).

Senator Pierce once again used false statistics that have been debunked over and over again. He actually tried to claim that Vermont had more gun violence than Massachusetts. This is beyond hilarious. FBI statistics prove otherwise. Pierce should do himself a favor and stop using gun control extremist’s statistics that include suicides and that are proven to be false every time and end up make him look foolish. For someone who is a lawyer, you’d think facts would actually matter.

Senator Carson talked about the overwhelming testimony of Granite Staters who are for SB 116. If you recall, there was over 4.5 hours of testimony, only four people were against and three were paid hacks. Clearly the majority of New Hampshire citizens want SB 116 to pass but Democrats once again prove they don’t care what their constituents want.

A full list of how the senators voted is below:

Jeff Woodburn (D) NAY
David Watters (D) NAY
David ‘sexist’ Pierce (D) NAY
Andrew ‘half baked’ Hosmer (D) NAY
Molly Kelly (D) NAY
Bette ‘I’ll defend 2nd Amendment Rights’ Lasky (D) NAY
Dan Feltes (D) NAY
Donna Soucy (D) NAY
Lou D’Allesandro (D) Excused due to his wife’s illness
Martha ‘voter fraud flophouse’ Fuller Clark (D) NAY

Jeanie Forrester (R) YEA
Sam Cataldo (R) YEA
Andy Sanborn (R) YEA
Jeb Bradley (R) YEA
Gerald Little (R) YEA
Nancy Stiles (R) YEA
Gary Daniels (R) YEA
Kevin Avard (R) YEA
Sharon Carson (R) YEA
David Boutin (R) YEA
John Reagan (R) YEA
Regina Birdsell (R) YEA
Chuck Morse (R) YEA
Russell Prescott (R) YEA

As you can see, Democrats voted exactly how their party told them to vote. Republicans actually listened to their constituents and voted how they were asked by the majority. Based on the outpouring of testimony for SB 116 at the Senate Judiciary Committee and the outpouring of support via social media, it’s clear the majority of Granite Staters want “Constitutional Carry” in the “Live Free or Die” state. Once again Democrats fail. The bill will now make its way to the House of Representatives.

Cross posted from Examiner


  • Kimberly Morin

    Kimberly Morin is a political activist in the Granite State. She is a lifelong Independent who calls out both sides of the aisle when they screw up. She's a weekly guest on the nationally syndicated radio show, Real Side with Joe Messina, and a frequent flyer on The Independence Gang.

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