Frank Edelblut3

Statement of Commissioner Frank Edelblut: Joint Legislative Fiscal Committee denies 120 NH students education choice

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 10, 2020 Contact: Grant Bosse (603) 271-0448 office (603) 513-3030 cell Statement of Commissioner Frank Edelblut CONCORD- Following today’s party-line vote of the Joint Legislative Fiscal Committee to keep a $46 million charter school replication grant on the table, Education Commissioner Frank Edelblut issued the following statement: “I remain disappointed that … Read more

NH Democrats LIE to Black Lives Matter. Pass Bill that Gives Police More Power.

Yesterday, New Hampshire Senate Democrats voted for one of the most destructive pieces of legislation in NH history. House Bill 687, legislation written and supported by NYC billionaire Michael Bloomberg, was passed along party lines, only Democrats voted for this legislation.

Chris Sununu

New Hampshire’s Economy is so Far Ahead BECAUSE our “Green Economy” is so Far Behind

Democrats are whining because New Hampshire has “been slow to embrace the ‘economic benefits’ of clean energy and clean transportation.” Has it occurred to them that this rejection is why New Hampshire has the most robust economy in the Northeast?

Occupational Licensing

NH Democrats Want to Use the State to Save us From Unlicensed Art Therapists

A genuine citizen legislature like ours will produce some uniquely ridiculous legislative proposals. HB546 is that while also being a protectionist effort to create a cartel. Requiring State licensing to create a protected occupation – a  monopoly on the price of admission and practice.

Who is Opposed to Educational Opportunities

Children have one opportunity at an education that fits their needs. Education is not one-size-fits-all; even good public schools cannot meet the unique needs of every child. This is why we are passionate about supporting children and families to access that “right fit” educational option, whether it is local public schools, chartered public schools, private … Read more

Randolph NH Crash that killed 7

NH Finds its Own Backlog of 900 License Suspensions after Randolph Crash Kills 7

We’ve been giving Massachusetts a hard time about their bureaucracy. The driver who killed 7 in a deadly collision in Randolph, NH earlier this year wasn’t supposed to be behind the wheel. But NH, it appears, wasn’t doing much better on their reporting.

NH Senate Predictably Votes to Kill Productive Jobs to Save Unproductive Jobs

Most of the North Country in New Hampshire is between 3 and 5% unemployment. Without the ‘city’ of Berlin dragging them down at 4.9%, the regional average would be between 3-4%. Not that bad. But this, according to the NH Senate, is an employment crisis.

RED ALERT: Gun Control Bills in the Senate

From the Women’s Defense League: 4 GUN CONTROL BILLS WILL BE VOTED ON BY THE FULL SENATE on Thursday, May 23rd. HB 109, requiring background checks for private firearms sales AND transfers. This legislation will actually make it impossible for women to get gun safety training! This legislation will turn law-abiding citizens into criminals all … Read more

Dog playing Image by Katrin B. from Pixabay

New Hampshire Needs a Pet Czar Comrades

Looking to grow government with some 4th Amendment infringements, a side of the slippery slope and a bit of infringing on your property rights? HB688 fits the Bill.

Democrat Dover New Hampshire has a KKK Problem

If you missed the news a teacher got put on paid leave after some students sang a KKK song. The Class was exploring Reconstruction and the founding of the Klan (By Democrats, by the way) after the Civil War. The student jingle was not appropriate for any room let alone a classroom. But nothing that would get … Read more

Where New Hampshire Democrats Pretend to Give A Crap About Local Control

The last time I checked Democrats, most of them at least, viewed School Budget Committees as a barrier to “education.” Their needless nit-picking in defense of taxpayers, unless the board members happen to be outright shills to traditionally progressive School Boards, get in the way of “our children’s needs™.” So imagine “my surprise” when David ‘Rising‘ … Read more

NH Dems use Drama to Push ANTI-School Safety Gun Control

Yesterday, in typical uninformed and ignorant Democrat fashion, Anti-school safety New Hampshire Senate Democrats tried to push a draconian gun control amendment that would have left students more unprotected than they are now all while turning law-abiding citizens into criminals. They did it as if they were a high school drama club rather than adults … Read more

National Walk-Out Demonstrates the Hypocrisy of the Gun-Ban Left

Many of the students who participated in the Women’s March organized National Walkout are victims of Progressive pressure politics. Others are misinformed cattle used as mules for Liberal narratives. More than we can imagine were just happy to leave the building and go outside.  And a small portion of them can see the forest for the trees. The … Read more

NH Senate Votes Down Gun-Free School Zones in N.H.

An effort by Democrats to use public schools as a wedge issue to disarm law abiding citizens failed in the New Hampshire Senate this week. In a party-line vote, the Senate Education Committee voted down an amendment that would have allowed individual school boards to prohibit guns on school grounds and school buses.

On the Crossing of Aisles

State Sen. David Watters and State Sen. Jeb Bradley co-wrote a piece in the Union Leader this morning. IT IS A BREATH OF FRESH air when an issue arises that has popular support and allows Democrats and Republicans to reach across the aisle and work together. That is exactly what we are doing right now … Read more

Climate Alarmists – Portsmouth Naval Shipyard at Risk from Sea Level Rise

Local media is reporting claims that the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard is in imminent danger from sea level rise. The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), is asking local communities to prepare for the worst.

NH Education Activist Call To Action

From Stop Common Core New Hampshire WARNING!!! Obama’s Outcome Based Education and Outcome Based Assessments may become LAW This needs to be STOPPED IMMEDIATELY TWO Bills passed the NH HOUSE are on their way to the NH Senate that need your urgent attention. IT is important that you testify or write the Senate Education Committee … Read more

Education Bill ALERT: HB 323 Compromise in Jeopardy

Guest post from Michelle Levell: HB 323, the waiver bill, has been an extremely complicated and contentious bill all year. Multiple amendments have been proposed, but only one offered an acceptable compromise, the Bradley amendment, #1572s. Only this amendment specifically allows the SAT or ACT to be used as the 11th grade statewide assessment and … Read more

Guest Post – “HB 323, The Most Important Education Bill of the Year”

Michelle Levell | GrokWatch News Desk Contact your senator today about HB 323. We must pass the Hoell/Avard amendment or kill the bill. Save our kids. HB 323 is a very critical bill as it is tied to New Hampshire’s Elementary and Secondary Education (ESEA), aka No Child Left Behind (NCLB), waiver. This waiver is … Read more

It’s As If Obama Never Got Elected

The world is a mess.  The upper class has more upper and the lower class has more lower and the middle class–whomever those rubes may be–are still struggling.  These are the turbulent times in which we find ourselves (still) after two terms under some fellow named Barack Obama.  After years with complete Democrat majorities in … Read more