NH State Senaor David Watters Union Leader

Sen. David ‘Whale Killer’ Watters

Democrat State Senator David ‘rising’ Watters deserves a new nickname or at least a second one. He earned the first as your atypical environmental legislative radical ranting about accelerated sea level rise (and associated tin-foil-hattery).

TCI Gas Tax

NH Sen. David ‘Rising’ Watters Proposes Regional Gas Tax Set by Unelected Commission

Democrats love taxes. What they love more are taxes (or tax increases) upon which they don’t have to vote. The Regional Green House Gas Initiative is just such a scam. But it’s not the only game in town.

Sen David Watters

Sen. David ‘Rising’ Watters – Plans Bill to Salvage Seacoast From Poseidon’s Rage

The legislation is not written yet but Seacoast Democrat David ‘Rising’ Watters is prepared to propose some. It’s purpose? Who knows. But it has something to do with angry Sea Gods casting judgment on impudent mortals!

offshore wind farms

It Does Not Look Like NH Is Getting Any Electricty From “Whale-Killer” Watters Wind Boondoggle

We’ve had our fair share of comments and coverage of ‘New Hampshire’s” effort to support offshore wind in the Gulf of Maine. The lead figure in this comic tragedy is Democrat State Senator David ‘Whale Killer” Watters. He’s all in for New Hampshire, but why? We’re not getting any of the power.

Senator Watters protests police with Communist-loving Missouri lawmaker

NH Senator David Watters (Democrat from District 4) took a trip to Washington D.C. recently for a Planned Parenthood legislative session.  He proudly posted a photo of his little trip to visit with the young teen abusing organization on Twitter.  While Watters was in D.C. he also decided to partake in a ‘Die-In’ to protest … Read more

State Agency Wants More Money – Give Them Less to Do Instead

New Hampshire Fish and Game has a problem you’ll be familiar with. Things are getting more expensive, and (no coincidence) fishing and hunting license sales have fallen off. The Fishy Game folks don’t think they’ll have enough money to do everything they do. Okay, do less? That’s what we have to do. We, the People, … Read more

NH State Senaor David Watters Union Leader

Don’t Saudi Arabia The Gulf of Maine! [Update – Meetings, Press Conference in Response]

The NH commission on offshore wind meeting, before the federal BOEM takes over our Gulf of Maine, was inexplicably canceled when its chair, Sen. Watters, got wind, pun intended, that fishermen and concerned citizens would show up to voice their concerns.

Gun control alert


From the Women’s Defense League: The Senate Judiciary Committee voted Inexpedient To Legislate on House Bill 1711 – the gun confiscation bill passed in the House thanks to a majority of gun control representatives. This bill will now be voted on by the entire NH Senate.

Save the Whales, No – Save The Wind! – PART 4: What Does It Mean For NH

New Hampshire has about 18 miles of coast along the Atlantic Ocean. The port of Portsmouth, still a working port, much to the chagrin of the new residents there, leads into the Great Bay and Little Bay watershed. Over the years, it has seen its share of controversy.

Money manage cash paycheck

HB1002 and Bribery: Give us Some Cash and We Might Share Some Documents You Already Paid For…

Charging residents for government transparency (see HB1002) increasingly sounds like a bribe to me. Yes, we created these documents at your expense, but if you want to see them, you’ll need to slip us a little cash. It might be a lot of money; we’ll let you know.

No stop hand cancel

Fourteen NH Republicans Sponsor Bill to “Tax” Public Records Access

The world will always be full of problems in your state or county, town, neighborhood, and perhaps even your household. They might not all be as onerous as figuring out dinner every night for the rest of your life. Some will, but most won’t.

Live Free or Die NH

2022 Results – NH State Senate

OK, I’m a bit late on this and still trying to keep up with everything else. Next update will have the rest of the NH State Senate Districts:   Votes Pct   District 1       Carrie Gendreau(R) 8,019 52.35%   Edith Tucker (D) 7,299 47.65%           Total 15,318   … Read more

Meg Tuttle NEA-NH Patch

Blogline of the Day – She said the quiet part out loud (e.g., Parents, back off!)

This isn’t the quiet part yet, but sets the stage: “Meg Tuttle, president of the NEA-NH, the state’s largest teacher’s union, said it is dangerous to let parents get between teachers and students when it comes to talking about sex.” Got that?

NH State House concord-nh-statehouse3-schinella___Patch 27164219673

Parental Authority Is a Well-Established and Necessary Part of Civilized Society

Honorable Committee Members, My name is John Cawthron. I live in Nashua, NH. I am writing you today asking that you oppose HB 1126. As a parent of two young men, who has devoted his life and efforts to keep a roof over their heads, food on our table, and to teach them the values … Read more

SAU11 Dover Green Wave logo

Resident Demands Documents Related to Two Third-Party Vendors and the Dover School District

Regular folks are deciding to hold Government entities more accountable.  It’s because of what the Government, especially School Boards,  are doing to us and our children. It could be described as “they’ve taken over our kids – or are trying to!”

Cindy Rosenwald - Facebook

When This Lot Says … “This Bill Is a Classic Free-Market Solution,” You Know They’re Lying

And also are trying to gaslight us all, once again, in trying to redefine our common language out from underneath us AGAIN. Sorry, once Government has stepped into the Private Sector and ORDERS it to do something, that marketplace has just become an extension of Government.

Democrats are the virus

A List of NH Democrats Beggin’ DC Dems to Take Over Your Local Elections!

If you had any doubts about the true allegiance of NH Democrats, it is to Washington DC. They want all the money, power, influence, and now your elections to be run from inside the Beltway.


House Leaders Tell Senate: Budget Won’t Pass Without Emergency Reforms!

Please thank House Leaders for standing their ground on emergency powers reforms, and contact all 24 senators, asking them to support the budget. As written, the State of Emergency would end.

Vote 2

2020 Electoral Results – President, NH State Wide, and other races that amuse me.

UPDATE (Wednesday 7:36am): A few numbers have changed but not real “change” in the outcomes – yet.  More later. The real question, though, is how long I can stay up because some of these are going to go real late. There’s a good possibility that the US President race won’t be decided for days. I’ll … Read more

BLM Seacoast

NH Democrats Once Again Hiding Their Support for an Unpopular Idea Before an Election.

Back in 2008, not a single mention of gay marriage was made during the 2008 campaigns that I can remember. That year was a Democrat wave election and they owned NH just like in 2006 when civil unions were established.