McCain Press Conference Call regarding fundraising difficulties.

  . As noted in this prior post, fundraising numbers for the McCain campaign have dramatically declined. This is the full transcript of a conference call/ press conference held by campaign staff this afternoon to discuss the matter. You’ll note that just as I stated in my previous post, the illegal immigration matter has, as they … Read more

Shamnesty Update

No Ellis Island for these folks… . Our buddy John Hawkins of RightWingNews has a good source inside the Senate that is helping him provide the straight skinny on the many twists and turns of the fate of the illegal immigration "shamnesty" deal being worked on in the Senate. [O]n Wednesday morning, the bill was out on … Read more


Check out Fergus’ pitch to Republican legislators to vote for the misbegotten Whalley amendment — the Union Leader says to.  Pretty pathetic. From: Fergus Cullen []Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 4:51 PMTo: fergus@nhgop.orgSubject: Passing an Ed Funding Amendment Dear Republican Legislators: I want to encourage you to support passage of an education funding amendment, provided … Read more

This is how the IRS wastes your money!

    After listening to the podcast partly about abuses of tax payers by the IRS from Meet The New Press Sat., it reminded me of two articles I had written that were published in the Monitor on Nov. 7 and 27, 2006 respectfully. Here they are for your reading pleasure. Plus, it’s a rainy, lazy … Read more

The Future of NH? The Taxman Cometh…

Charlie Arlinghaus of the Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy has released a study on what he sees as a growing hole in the NH state budget. It is lengthy, but a good read for the long weekend. Of course, if you wish to "not worry and be happy," you’d better skip it… . Tax … Read more

“Meet the New Press” Celebrates Armed Forced Day Saturday

           . The US Department of Defense website tells us that Armed Forces Day is celebrated annually on the third Saturday of May. President Harry S. Truman led the effort to establish a single holiday for citizens to come together and thank our military members for their patriotic service in support of our country. … Read more

You Are a Bigoted Homophobe (UPDATED)

Almost exactly half (49%) of Granite Staters are “bigoted homophobes.” That is according to the latest New Hampshire Poll by American Research Group and using the phraseology offered up by Steve McBrian in this Union Leader Op-Ed, which is still live on the UL’s website.  I notice that there are more “bigoted homophobes” than not, … Read more

Less Work. More Money!

Again I ask, "Why?" Who wanted this? Was there a mass-mailed flyer I missed? A TV ad? I did not know that MY state senator ran a campaign that included making welfare easier to get and keep getting here in NH. Chris Dornin, writing for Golden Dome News in the Laconia Daily Sun (unavailable online) has … Read more

Action Alert! NH’s way of life is under attack (again).

First it was the repeal of parental notification prior to a minor getting an abortion. Then mandatory seat belts. Lake speed limits (a "test trial"). Fee hikes. And a denouncement of the war (a non-binding, meaningless gesture). Oh, and a fine for "polluting" if you allow a balloon to float away from your or your … Read more

Moms on a mission…

Regular readers of the ‘Grok know that we support the troops, their families, and the mission– support that extends right through to the end with victory. Here in New Hampshire, I have had the honor to get to know a wonderful little merry band of ladies- including Blue & Gold Star Mothers and their friends– that … Read more


The Democrat spin coming out of Concord is that either you’re in favor of the Lynch amendment or you’re in favor of an income tax.  In the words of State Senator Martha Fuller Clark, “If the Legislature and the citizens defeat this amendment, they are saying the state should fund the full cost of education.” … Read more

Gathering of Eagles denied roost at NH state capitol

The upcoming Blue and Gold Star Mothers of NH’s "Gathering of Mothers Who are Supporting the Gathering of Eagles in D.C." is not without controversy. . After deciding to hold an event in Concord, NH at the state Capitol building in support of the Gathering of Eagles event in Washington, DC this coming Saturday, a phone … Read more

A painful ‘Grok ‘n Roll flashback…

So I get an email last week from that nationally-known ticket agency inviting me to spend "an evening with Roger Waters" at the TD Banknorth Garden this coming July. Let me firmly state that, although Pink Floyd is probably my favorite all-time band, I wouldn’t go see their former bassist/frontman if I got free tickets, transportation, and … Read more

Bloggers from the right have their say…

Our friend John Hawkins of RightWingNews and The Conservative Grapevine has once again taken the temperature of the right side of the Blogosphere, and, as always, we are honored that he found GraniteGrok worthy to participate. Here’s how it worked. Right Wing News emailed more than 240 right-of-center bloggers and asked them to answer 8 questions. The … Read more

Campaign ’08– GraniteGrok Analysis- A View from Central NH. Part 1: Republicans

Given the crop of presidential wannabees all jumping into the fray in the past two weeks, I’m beginning to think that perhaps it’s time for me to throw my hat in the ring as well. The way things are going, if I don’t hurry, I may be the last guy in America that ISN’T running for … Read more

Bloggers select most and least desired 2008 GOP prez nominee

Last week I recieved an email from John Hawkins of RightWingNews asking me to participate in his "Right-Of-Center Bloggers Select The Most & Least Desired 2008 Republican Nominee (First Half Of 2007 Edition)" poll. Certain bloggers were invited to  send two ranked lists of the 1-5 candidates they most wanted to take the Republican nomination for President in 2008 and … Read more

The DNC unloads on Mitt

This is exactly what I fear about the future if Mitt Romney gets the GOP nomination. Remember how John Kerry never shook the "flip-flop" label? From the DNC: Under Fire for Gun Flips, Fined for Campaign Violations, and Accused of ‘Abandoning’ Massachusetts – All in One Weekend!     WASHINGTON, Jan. 16 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The following is … Read more

“Iran is the number one enemy in Iraq”

The following press release is an interesting analysis of the present situation in Iraq and the reality of Iranian involvement in that country. It discusses the nature of the political problems involved, and offers sound advice to President Bush that he ought to consider in the effort to win the day in Iraq. The blunt … Read more

A chance to rebuild. “Purgation is often the beginning of a cure”

The following is Bill Asbell’s (Dover, NH) take on the election, and the recipe for reconstructing the Republican Party following its decimation in the election. Sometimes you have to wipe a slate clean and start anew. The opportunities are endless at this point. Bill’s letter is in response to an email from a friend obviously … Read more

The activist assessment. NH- the day after.

Friend Ed Naile of the Coalition of NH Taxpayers (CNHT) writes Ouch!!!!!!!!! Having been at the Ward 3 Manchester polls from 6:30 Am to 7:00 pm I have no idea what was going on around the state other than very somber phone calls late last night. Here is your chance to email back what happened in … Read more