Action Alert! NH’s way of life is under attack (again).

First it was the repeal of parental notification prior to a minor getting an abortion. Then mandatory seat belts. Lake speed limits (a "test trial"). Fee hikes. And a denouncement of the war (a non-binding, meaningless gesture). Oh, and a fine for "polluting" if you allow a balloon to float away from your or your child’s hand. (I guess I know what we WON’T be seeing at the Nascar races in NH this yaer) Yesiree, when you look at what’s been happening to our beloved Granite State (motto: "Live Free or Die") since the Dems were swept into power in the last election, it’s enough to make you want to cry.
The above list of NH House-passed items is bad enough. But the latest move by our elected "leaders" is the hardest one of them all to swallow– the passage of a bill allowing same-sex civil unions. To watch as my adopted state has joined a handful of other states including New Jersey and Vermont in sanctioning such relationships has been maddening indeed. Did the voters know what they bargained for when we threw out one set of bums and exchanged them for a new set of bums? Was this a burning issue during the campaign season? I don’t happen to recall any such talk. Yet, here we are. It goes to show that party labels still DO mean something.
The most amazing thing about this latest attack on NH’s traditional way of life is the speed at which it’s been fast tracked through the legislative process, which according to one wag who knows of such things, is the quickest he’s ever seen. The thing sailed through the House and is already scheduled to come to the Senate within the next few weeks, and a Senate committee hearing, with almost no notice, has been scheduled for tomorrow. Hmmm- I wonder why this was done over the Easter holiday weekend? With all the festivities, people might not pay much attention and miss what’s happening. You don’t think this was done on purpose, do you?
I received the following in an email. It details what those who wish to preserve NH as we know it can do…
The liberal Republicans, Democrats and homosexuals are pushing through same sex civil unions which, once the N.H. Supreme Court gets a hold of it, will turn into same sex marriage because this is exactly what it is anyway. The liberal Republicans have decided to fast track this legislation by bringing it before the Senate Judiciary Committee at

1:15 PM on Tuesday, 10 April 2007.

The Senate Judiciary Committee hearing will be held inside Representative Hall in the Capital building. It is quite evident that the Liberal Republicans, Democrats and the homosexuals are fast tracking this piece of ungodly legislation during the most important holiday weekend to Christians there is, Easter Sunday for two reasons:

One reason being, hoping we are so pre-occupied with our celebration of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ that we never actually know, and the second being such sort notice, we would not be able to show up to either sign the blue sheets or testify in opposition of this piece of sick legislation.

I’m absolutely sure that the homosexual side of this issue has been extremely well notified and will be there in an attempt to out number those of us who oppose this pathetic legislation. This is the typical and underhanded action of the devil himself.

I understand that this is short notice. This was exactly the reason for the enemy’s plan. The Senate is close in Republicans vs. Democrats and all we have to do is turn a Democrat or two and the legislation that passed last Wednesday, will die a fast death in the Senate committee and never get to the Governor’s desk for him to sign or veto. The Senate is a lot wiser then this runaway renegade NH House of Representatives and we have an excellent opportunity to end this once and for all.
What I need is for as many people as possible to show up Tuesday afternoon in force. We need to dwarf the homosexuals who plan to make it look like there are more of them then there are off us and we all know this is not true. The Senate committee got concerned when 500 gun owners showed up to oppose SB44 and killed the bill on a 4 to 2 vote finding it ITL. The NH Senate seems to have a better track record in regard to listening to the people, so lets let them in the Judiciary committee hear us loud and extremely clear. If you can’t make it then email as many people as you can and encourage them to make it. We must outnumber the homosexuals.
We stand and fight here! I’ve emailed over 230 households as to our upcoming battle. If each one of you emails 50 people and only half show up, we will have 5,750 people at the committee hearing on Tuesday.
And now readers of the ‘Grok know as well.


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