Shamnesty Update

Illegals crossing border
No Ellis Island for these folks…
Our buddy John Hawkins of RightWingNews has a good source inside the Senate that is helping him provide the straight skinny on the many twists and turns of the fate of the illegal immigration "shamnesty" deal being worked on in the Senate.
[O]n Wednesday morning, the bill was out on the internet and bloggers started picking it apart and that morning around 10 AM, Reid pulled the bill so it could be re-drafted because he said there were mistakes in it. They spent almost the whole morning drafting it and when they re-released it, it was 400 pages long. That means that it’s likely when the vote occurs tomorrow, not a single senator voting on the bill will have had an opportunity to actually read it. Reid’s response to complaints about that has basically been, "Trust me." My source told me that the general response to that from the anti-amnesty senators has been something akin to, "Yeah, right."
You gotta admit that while there are those who are basically selling out US citizenship through their support of this "comprehensive" approach to "fixing" the porous borders, the Senators and other pols fighting against the measure have really fought a tough fight. I can’t ever recall an issue that has apparently awakened the proverbial "sleeping dragon" like this has. I’m not sure I’ve ever witnessed a matter in which so many ordinary folks have so openly expressed their displeasure and anger like we see happening here. Between the Blogosphere, talk radio, and on the cable news channels, never has proposed legislation received an intense and thorough thrashing in such a short period of time.
The politicians thought they were pulling a fast one. Instead, they stuck their fingers in a hornet’s nest. Next up: the so-called "fairness doctrine". What we are witnessing here is the full power of the New Media at work. 
Writes John Hawkins:
I asked him if the phone calls were still rolling in. He told me that there were so many calls coming in that most callers were getting busy signals and that it was absolute "pandemonium" in his boss’ office today because the phones just never stopped ringing. So, make no mistake about it, the pressure, which was already relentless, has actually increased on these Senators over the last few days.
Send an email to NH Sen Judd Gregg, who, unlike Senator Sununu, voted to sell out our citizenship. Click here for the form. Better yet, give him a call at (202) 224-3324. Tell him to do the right thing for America and kill this sham now.
Power to the people! (the legal ones, that is…)



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