Message in a Speaker

This coming Thursday, Republican state representatives will send a clear message about their intentions for the next two years when they choose their candidate for Speaker of the House.  That is because the two major candidates, Gene Chandler and William O’Brien, represent two starkly different forms of conservatism.

Chandler is the quintessential same-but-less conservative.  That is, his idea of conservative governance is essentially conserving the status quo.  Maybe trimming a few programs here and there, likely not growing government as fast as the Democrats would, but definitely no major changes with a Speaker Chandler.  O’Brien, on the other hand, is an ideological conservative.  That is, his idea of conservative governance is a government that carries out certain essential functions competently and frugally, but otherwise stays out of our way.  Expect to see real spending cuts, meaningful reductions in the reach of government, and definitely no more business as usual under a Speaker O’Brien.
If Republicans don’t get that the voters are demanding the O’Brien version of conservatism then they are incurably myopic and tone deaf.

The voters made wholesale changes to the Statehouse because they want wholesale changes in state government.  True…

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Are you better off than you were six years ago?

Are you better off than you were when John Lynch became Governor in January of 2005?  If every voter asks himself or herself this question, it is hard to see how John Stephen can lose.

Granted some of us are better off than we were six years ago.

Bond traders are better off.  One maneuver used by Lynch to hide the stratospheric budget deficit he has created was to borrow over $150 million to pay for current spending.  That is like taking out a credit card in your kids’ names to make the payments on your car loan, but no doubt some bond traders made some good commissions at the future expense of our kids.

Violent criminals are better off too.  They no longer have to serve their full sentences because, in an attempt to mitigate the budget deficit, Lynch signed a law that lets rapists, murderers and other violent criminals out of prison early.

And Lynch’s accountants, assuming they are paid by the hour, are better off too.  Lynch’s $150 million in borrowing to pay for current spending is just one of the many accounting gimmicks Lynch has used to mask his out-of-control spending.  Other ploys included crediting $80 million of federal education funding meant for the 2011 fiscal year to 2010 and overestimating revenues from projected sales of State assets.  Indeed, Lynch’s smoke-and-mirrors accounting was so inventive that he was able to announce a $70 million surplus for the 2010 fiscal year.

The vast majority of us, however, are not…

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New Hampshire Democrats are living in a delusional world

The website Blue Hampshire is the Mecca for Democrats in New Hampshire.  Check it out, if you want to know just how hopelessly out-of-touch the party of John Lynch has become.

It’s as if the trillion-dollar stimulus and the multi-billion auto bailout never happened, while Obamacare and chronic unemployment of almost 10 percent are just figments of the voters’ imaginations.  Not a mention of these issues.  No, the issues really driving this election, according to Blue Hampshire, are something or other having to do with Kelly Ayotte’s e-mail account when she was Attorney General and Frank Guinta’s salary at his first job.

            To quote Bob Schieffer: “Is that all you got?”

Schieffer was interviewing Obama’s consigliere David Axelrod about the blatantly false charge that Republicans are taking foreign campaign contributions.  Schieffer noted that, “this part about foreign money, that appears to be peanuts," and asked Axelrod “do you have any evidence that it’s anything other than peanuts?” Axelrod’s response: “Well, do you have any evidence that it’s not, Bob?”

The Democrats in New Hampshire are playing the same game as Axelrod.  Make unfounded smears about the Republican candidates.  Ceaselessly repeat the smears.  And harrumph that the smears haven’t been disproven, when challenged on them.

While Axelrod’s accusations are…

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Yet another good reason why every conservative should be working his or her butt off to elect John Stephen

Yet another good reason why every conservative should be working his or her butt off to elect John Stephen

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it, so let’s think back to 2001.  Then Governor Jeanne Shaheen vetoed the Legislature’s plan to reapportion the House and Senate, and the State Supreme Court then took it upon itself to redistrict the State.

The result was a judicial gerrymander for the ages.  Quoting from the far-left “Blue Hampshire” website: “Ten Senate districts lean Democratic, led by three overwhelmingly Democratic districts: District 5 (Hanover and Lebanon area), District 10 (Keene area), and District 21 (Dover and Durham area). Six districts lean Republican, though none are as heavily partisan as the three Democratic districts.”  And that is even after subsequent legislation that watered down the judicial gerrymander in nine of the 24 senate districts!
The State Constitution directs the Legislature to…

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A vote for Lynch is a vote for Obamacare

Obama repeatedly told us that Obamacare would reduce the cost of health insurance.  It does just the opposite.  The Congressional Budget Office says that premiums will double over the next six years.

But perhaps the biggest whopper that Obama told was that Obamacare would reduce the federal deficit.  The Cato Institute calculates that Obamacare will add more than $352 billion to the national debt over the next ten years, despite shifting $4.3 trillion of costs to businesses, individuals and state governments.

A total of 20 states have joined a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Obamacare.  New Hampshire is not one of them, despite the strong constitutional case against Obamacare.

The individual mandate, the lynchpin of Obamacare, is not authorized by either the Commerce Clause or the Necessary and Proper Clause.  The Commerce Clause gives Congress the power “to regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes.”  Not purchasing health insurance is not commercial activity, never mind interstate commercial activity.

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Andrew Smith is wrong – The Governor’s race is still a toss-up

Andrew Smith, director of the UNH Survey Center, has predicted that incumbent Governor John Lynch will be reelected with between 55 and 58 percent of the vote.  I don’t think so.

The Real Clear Politics average of major polls has Lynch up 50 to 40.3 percent over challenger John Stephen, with 9.7 percent undecided.  But at this late point in the election, the “incumbent rule” cannot be ignored, which seems to be what Smith is doing.

Essentially, the “incumbent rule” is that voters who are still undecided late in an election disproportionately break for the challenger.  And so the important number is not the spread between the incumbent and the challenger, but where the incumbent is polling.
The rule of thumb is that if the incumbent is polling at 50 percent or higher, he is likely to win.  At 48 to 49 percent it is a toss-up.  And incumbents polling at 47 percent or less are likely to lose.

Smith’s own polling has Lynch…

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Freedom’s Last Shot

What kind of a “right” mandates that you exercise it?  For example, imagine a law that imposes a monetary fine on anyone who does not own a gun or who does not belong to a church.  Can you imagine the New York Times, or NBC, or any other component of the left-stream media describing such laws as guaranteeing a right to bear arms and to practice religion?  Yet the left-stream media invariably lauds Obamacare as guaranteeing a right to health care.

Saying that Obamacare guarantees a right to health care is at best nonsensical.  It’s like saying that that the Internal Revenue Code guarantees a right to pay taxes.  Of course, the Orwellian use of language by the left-stream media is quite deliberate.  The left-stream media is in the tank for Obama because he, like them, wants to turn the United States into a European-style nanny-state.

And we are almost there.  The PGA Championship is known as “Glory’s Last Shot” because it is the last of golf’s four majors.  The 2010 and 2012 elections may be called “Freedom’s Last Shot” because they may be our last shot to stop the descent to the ant heap of totalitarianism.

The present Supreme Court of the United States is not going to strike down Obamacare.  There are four incorrigible left-leaning judicial activists on the Supreme Court, so all Obama needs to do is pick off one other justice.  Indeed, I think that the tactless remarks Obama directed to the Supreme Court at the State of the Union speech were really about Obamacare.  It was a message to the gang-of-four that we’ve got your back.  And it was a shot across the bow of the other justices; this is what to expect if you mess with us, so don’t.

Justice Anthony Kennedy famously flipped his vote in the Casey case because he feared the opprobrium of the chattering class if Roe v. Wade were overturned.  It’s hard to see him being the fifth vote to strike down Obamacare.  And while I am sure Justice Antonin Scalia could care less how his vote plays politically, based on his concurring opinion in Gonzales v. Raich (the Califormia medical marijuana case) it’s also hard to see Scalia voting to strike down Obamacare.

So, the 2010 and 2012 elections will be, to borrow a phrase famously used by Ronald Reagan nearly fifty years ago, a time for choosing.  The choice is between liberty, on the one hand, and the illusion of security and the reality of government control, on the other.   

Obamacare represents a moral judgment that the end, providing accessible and affordable healthcare to everyone (or, more accurately, what government deems to be accessible and affordable healthcare), justifies the means, denying the individual the right to choose whether to carry health insurance.  Such a moral judgment leads inexorably to healthcare rationing and heavy and ubiquitous government control over our lives.

If the goal of accessible and affordable health care is to be treated as paramount,…

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18 months could be 24 then 36 and then, who knows? Saving some REAL dollars…

The State is awash in red ink.  Everywhere you look there are new taxes and fees, while existing taxes and fees have been substantially increased.  And to top it all off, the Legislature just held a “tax summit” to talk about how to take even more of our money.  Yet no attempt is made to … Read more

Supreme Politics

by Ed Mosca Byron “Whizzer” White was appointed to the Supreme Court by President Kennedy in 1962.  By current standards, he would be considered a far-right conservative.  He dissented in both Miranda and Roe, calling the latter “an exercise in raw judicial power,” while he authored the majority opinion in Bowers v. Hardwick, which upheld … Read more

We’re Gonna Party Like It’s 1989?

1989 Dodge Dynasty. Official car of the NHGOP? Judging from the reaction by some New Hampshire Republicans to the announcement by former Gov. John H. Sununu that he will run for chairman of the state GOP all that’s left to do is to pick out new furniture for the Governor’s office, and chill the champagne. … Read more

New NH GOP leadership – same as the old?

As I posted over here, there is new GOP leadership in the NH House of Representatives.  Our friend Ed Mosca has his take on the results of the GOP voting: SAME OLD Well, New Hampshire House Republicans elected a new face as their leader for 2009-2010 – Representative Sherman Packard of Londonderry.  Unfortunately, while the … Read more

More on what’s ailing us…

Our friend Ed Mosca who, from time to time, has posted up his thoughts and ideas here at GraniteGrok has opened up his own digs over at  Stroll on over and give him a read – we certainly will be and will be adding him to our blogroll soon. In the meantime, like many … Read more

A Paler Shade of Blue

For the second election in a row, the New Hampshire Republican Party failed to mount a serious challenge for the office of Governor.  Joe Kenney did not even get a third of the votes.  And for the second election in a row, the voters put the Democrats in charge of both houses of the State … Read more

More Educational Follies in NH


This coming week, the House is set to take up a so-called bipartisan constitutional amendment on education funding.  But the amendment is bipartisan only in the sense that it is supported by both Democrat and Republican House members.  As far as the substance is concerned, the amendment is totally one-sided in the Democrats’ favor.

Essentially, the amendment writes the Supreme Court’s misbegotten Claremont/Londonderry decisions into the State Constitution.  More specifically, the Legislature would be required to define an adequate education, determine its cost, and fund the cost exclusively with state taxes.  All of this would be done under the highest level of judicial oversight.

What this means is that anybody can go to court at any time and sue the Legislature on the grounds that it hasn’t properly defined an adequate education and/or that it hasn’t set the cost high enough, and it will be the Legislature’s burden to prove otherwise.  As a practical matter, unelected judges will have the ultimate say on what is taught in the public schools, how it is taught, and how much we are taxed to pay for it.

According to Republican policy leader Gene Chandler, this amendment “meets our Republican ideals.”  If Chandler and other Republican “leaders” really believe that the education mandarins in Concord can make better education policy than local school boards, teachers and parents, and that unelected judges should have the ultimate say on the curriculum and cost of public education, to paraphrase Obi-Wan, “Well then they are truly lost.”

If this amendment passes, say goodbye forever to local control.  The education mandarins in Concord would determine what the locals should be paying for public education.  And those school districts that did not receive full funding would have to make up the difference through the local property tax.

And say hello to a broad-based tax.  Because…

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Gov. Lynch: Between a Rock and a Hard Place

NH Gov. John Lynch (GG file photo) Last year, Gov. John Lynch proposed a constitutional amendment that wrote most of the mandates of the Claremont/Londonderry cases into the State Constitution.  It read as follows: “In fulfillment of the duty to cherish public schools set forth in the preceding article, the general court shall define an … Read more


Day by day, the Manchester Union Leader grows more out of touch with political reality.  Today’s lead editorial, which is sub-titled, "It’s about good governing," claims that Frank Guinta won reelection as Mayor of Manchester because he ran on “managerial competence,” as if he were some type of Michael Dukakis clone – “this election is about competence, … Read more


He’s done it again.  For the second time in a row, Frank Guinta –that would be Republican Frank Guinta—has been elected Manchester’s mayor.  And, once again, he defeated a well-financed, articulate Democrat who was backed by the fearsome John Lynch. 

But wait.  How can this have happened when just one year ago Republicans in New Hampshire got their butts kicked worse than the Colorado Rockies? Everyone knows that New Hampshire has been turned into Blue Hampshire by immigrating hordes of quiche-slurping, latte-chugging, hybrid-driving, tree-hugging, all-we-are-saying-is-give-peace-a-chance liberals.  And it is also common knowledge that the Lynch political machine doesn’t lose.

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 Is he or isn’t he?  Conservative commentators are having a dust-up over whether former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee is a conservative.  The Wall Street Journal’s John Fund and Pat Toomey, President of the Club for Growth, say no.  The Washington Times’ Tony Blankley says yes.  The debate has focused largely on Huckabee’s record while Governor of Arkansas.  So I thought I’d take a look at Huckabee’s website, to try to get an idea of what a Huckabee presidency would look like.  And what I saw strongly suggests that Huckabee is a faux conservative.

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Just how low is the Manchester Union Leader willing to go in its monomaniacal quest to browbeat Senate Republicans into supporting that putrid excuse for a constitutional amendment known as CACR 19?  As low as you can go, judging by the Union Leader’s June 19th editorial page, which features an op-ed by none other than … Read more


THE UNION LEADER TAX HIKE In its lead editorial in the Sunday News of June 17, 2007, the Manchester Union Leader continued to pillory certain Republicans for acting like, well, Republicans by opposing the misbegotten constitutional amendment crafted by ersatz Republican Mike Whalley’s crack team of legal experts.  They say that politics makes strange bedfellows.  … Read more

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