Again I ask, "Why?" Who wanted this? Was there a mass-mailed flyer I missed? A TV ad? I did not know that MY state senator ran a campaign that included making welfare easier to get and keep getting here in NH. Chris Dornin, writing for Golden Dome News in the Laconia Daily Sun (unavailable online) has the story:
CONCORD — Senate Democrats voted as a unit last week to make it easier for single parents, most of them women, to keep drawing state welfare checks. Senate bill 226, co-sponsored by Senator Kathy Sgambati (D-Tilton) passed in a 14-10 party line roll call and moves to the house.
As the Nation toughens its welfare rules, NH goes in the opposite direction. Who in these parts called on our esteemed senator to promote this legislation? Oh, that’s right– she’s a Democrat. This is what they do! Take money from me and you, and give it to someone who "needs" it more than we do.
NH Senate Dist 4 Senator Kathy Sgambati. (granitegrok photo)
Here is a description of some of what the bill achives. Again from the April 16th article in the Daily Sun:
The legislation gives bureaucrats more leeway to meet some high federal standards imposed last year. It also buffers the toughest features of the new welfare reform rules at the state and federal levels to wean people from the public dole and make them support themselves."
No, we couldn’t have that, now could we. Why teach people to fish when we can take somebody else’s fish and simply give it to them… More here. Thanks, Senator… for nuthin’.