Check out Fergus’ pitch to Republican legislators to vote for the misbegotten Whalley amendment — the Union Leader says to. Pretty pathetic.
From: Fergus Cullen []
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 4:51 PM
Subject: Passing an Ed Funding Amendment
Dear Republican Legislators:
I want to encourage you to support passage of an education funding amendment, provided a reasonable compromise can be struck in the coming days.
I have grave concerns that any court-ordered “solution” – and I use that term very loosely – will be far worse than any imperfect amendment that can earn passage in the legislature.
This is one of those issues where a good policy outcome – limiting the court’s role in determining education policy and funding – is far more important than political considerations. Get an amendment passed, and we’ll all be able to claim our share of the credit.
I leave the exact wording to you. But I respectfully suggest that the Union Leader had it about right in its Sunday editorial, below. Thank you.
Fergus Cullen
Chairman, New Hampshire Republican Party
10 Water St
Concord, NH 03301
603-225-9341 o
603-520-5450 c