Night Cap: TWENTY (20) Percent Of Mail-In-Votes in 2020 Were Fraudulent

A recent poll by Rasmussen/Heartland institute indicates that TWENTY (20) percent of mail-in-votes in 2020 election were fraudulent. A link and some highlights below, but first an(other) admonition … if you think 2024 is going to be different, that 2020 was a one-off, you are DELUSIONAL. To theDemocratsCommunists “democracy” means that they win … no … Read more

Trump Manch Aug

Night Cap: Researchers Say,…Take Away the Vote-By-Mail Fraud and Trump Won

There are a lot of things the Democrats did that interfered in the 2020 election. The truth about the Hunter Bidne Laptop would have moved an outcoming changing number of votes to Trump, but then so would the absence of vote-by-mail fraud, to which a significant number of voters has admitted.

I voted sticker question marks

Vermont Is All-In on Universal Vote-By-Mail-Fraud: Every Election, Forever.

It is a well-regarded fact, even among globalist progressives the world around, that voting by mail improves the ease with which election fraud can be perpetrated. Even Democrats of eld thought the practice suspicious and likely to undermine confidence in election integrity.

Democrat Donkey logo

NH Dems Busted For Lying and Confusing Voters with Mailer

After years of whining about how Republicans want to confuse voters, the NH Democrat Party has been slapped with a cease and desist order by the NH AG for…confusing and lying to voters.

I voted sticker question marks

School District Says Vote-By-Mail Suppressed Voter Turnout

A local district in Vermont had its school budget fail by 60 votes. They blamed it on low voter turnout, which they blamed on vote-by-mail. The ability to vote by mail resulted in low turnout which put the kibosh on the budget.

PolitiZoid Vote by mail animation screen grab

Wake Up and Laugh (Sort Of) – Vote by Mail

Have you heard of PolitiZoid? He is a former Disney animator that got tired of the whole thing and proceeded to use his animation talents for the side of good.

Make Getting a Gun as Difficult As It Is to Vote? – Okay, Mail a Few to Me…

I think that what the Democrats did in many States ensured President Asterisk would win. Send LOTS of ballots to everyone possible in their Area of Operations. If some people got multiples that’s a feature and not a bug, at least from their perspective.

NH Seal Mud Splat

They Don’t Pick Up Mail – But they Vote by Mail?

Number 19 Masefield Rd. in Nashua would be the place that David Anthony Tarbay and Linda Sue Ziman voted from (via absentee ballot) in October of 2020 for the 11/3/2020 General Election. Why does that matter? Let’s take a look.


WAT??? Pennsylvania Sent Out 1.8M Mail-In Ballots, Counted 2.5M Mail-In Votes

There are many clear occurrences of voter fraud during the 2020 Presidential election. Earlier today, President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani pointed out two very clear and easy to understand examples of fraud to the Pennsylvania state legislature regarding Pennsylvania’s ballots, “You have two major gaps — you have the 672,770 votes that were not … Read more

Election 2020 Voting By Mail

Military Mail-In Ballots Found Discarded in Pennsylvania – All Votes for Trump

If you are a Democrat politician the optics on Universal vote-by-mail are starting to veer from “it’s safe, it’s handled by the Government” to “Oh crap, somebody’s bringing Big Flashlights.”


Texas Democrat who Won Election by 5 Votes Charged with Mail-Ballot Fraud

Another tale of vote-by-mail election tampering, this one involving a County Commissioner and three others. They face “123 felony charges in the case, including organized election fraud, illegal voting, fraudulent use of an application for a mail-in ballot, and election fraud.”

Mail box

Vote by Mail isn’t Gonna Work if the Mail Carriers are Afraid to Pick up the Mail

The Democrats have been using the United States Post office as a 2020 Presidential campaign cudgel for the past few months now. The emails I get from them are all about SAVE THE USPS, SUPPORT THE USPS, ORANGEMAN BAD POLITICAL INTEFERENCE, TRUMP’S POSTMASTER TRYING TO KILL THE POST OFFICE…you get the picture.

Election 2020 Vote by Mail

Poll Question: For the November Election Will You Vote by Mail or In Person?

November is coming. Fear is being used to encourage people to vote by mail. But voting by mail is the least secure and most corruptible means of casting a ballot. There is no chain of custody. By mailing a ballot, you basically give up your right to influence an election by leaving that vote to … Read more

vote by mail invalidated

Vote by Mail “Works so Well” A Judge Just Invalidated an Entire Election Because of It

“On Wednesday, State Superior Court Judge Ernest Caposela ruled that the election for a Paterson City Council seat had been irreversibly tainted. A new election has been ordered to take place in November.”

AR-15 Woman gun store

If Vote-by-Mail is a Constitutional Right “Can we get guns via mail order again?”

SEEN ON FACEBOOK: “My friend Jay asks a pertinent question. Since we have to have total mail-in voting because of the ‘Rona, what other civil rights should be permitted via mail? Can we get guns via mail order again?”

Democrat Party

DNC Delegates Should have to Vote for their Nominee By Mail

Now that the DNC Convention is underway, I wish I’d thought of this sooner. Wouldn’t it be grand if the Democrat party Delegates could only cast votes for their nominee by mail? Vote by Mail. It’s all the rage.  And we could get a test run at this plan of theirs for the General election.

Election 2020 Vote by Mail

Woman Discovers ‘R’ and ‘D’ On the Outside of Vote by Mail Return Envelopes (that match the recipient’s party registration.)

A woman (a registered Republican) and her brother (a registered Democrat) both received vote by mail ballots. The outside of her return envelope has an ID number with an ‘R’ in it, and his has a ‘D.’ Sounds fishy.

Election 2020 Vote by Mail

Vote By Mail is Proof That You Need to Vote in Person

With all this blather on the left about voter and vote suppression, you’d think, for the sake of consistency, that they’d rabidly oppose mass-vote-by-mail. On the contrary, they want it if bad, despite the mounting evidence that your vote is more likely to be suppressed if you use it.

Election 2020 Voting By Mail

Vote-By-Mail Ballot Request Form Has a Return Address That Does not Even Exist

In the “people send us stuff’ category,” we introduce the following into evidence. It looks like an absentee ballot request form with the wrong town and zip code on it, which makes it a request with a return address that does not exist.

Vote by mail

Yeah, mailing in your votes is just SO secure….

Yeah, mailing in your votes is just SO secure. Ayup, no problem with any kind of fraud here – absolutely nothing can go wrong, right? Oopsies – Coronavirus Ballot Blues: