Granite Grok Reader Survey- a Twofer: Pick McCain’s Veep & Identify Promising Lights of the Conservative Movement

. .. . As John McCain moves toward securing the Republican nomination, the latest buzz is about who he might pick to be his Vice President. The new refrain from those conservatives unhappy with the Arizona Senator as the Party’s nominee, replacing the silly "I won’t cast a vote for him" meme, is one that … Read more

From the little acorn… The growing Democratic scandal

. …. . Today’s New Hampshire Union Leader has three interesting stories that reveal the start of the public exposure of the NH Democrats’ emerging scandal surrounding the sale of taxpayer-prepared statewide voter lists. (Item #5 of NHGOP Chair Cullen’s top ten reasons things are looking up for Granite State Republicans) As it turns out, the unfolding story … Read more

Because at the end of it all, here in NH, the Republicans truly are “the stupid party”

. I just got this from former state rep. Paul Mirski who reminds us again why the Granite State GOP is and will continue to be lost wandering in the demise of their own making. If what he contends about our party’s so-called "leadership" is true, we’re toast. With an income tax proposal waiting in … Read more

McCain: The facts show he’s the ONLY Republican with a prayer in November.

John McCain having a Coke & a smile (GG file photo) . . Do we really want either of these two for the next 4 years?  (GG file photos) . I know that Skip (along with some of my favorite political pundits) is beside himself with John McCain’s association with open-borders rumpswab Juan Hernandez. I … Read more

What is a Caucus, Anyway?

. My friend Tom forwarded an interesting email regarding the difference between a "caucus" and a "primary." While those involved deeply in politics know, there are many other folks that probably don’t. Writes Tom, I believe that most people do not understand the difference between primary elections and caucuses.  The difference is important because in … Read more

Obama and Hillary. Jay and Jeanne. Soap and Dirt…

….                                  Jeanne Shaheen                "Billy"               Dr. Jay Buckey . As I watched this weekend’s roundtable discussion on Fox News Sunday, I had to chuckle when Juan Williams mentioned Billy Shaheen as they talked about the ongoing nastiness being unleashed against Barack Obama by the Clinton campaign. Ah yes, Billy Shaheen, gone, but not forgotten. And just … Read more

Perot? No, but…

. . ….. .. .. . Poor Skip– while caught up in the "moment" of Fred Thompson, if we can characterize it as such, he forgets that beyond primaries in a few early states (NH- 2628 votes for Fred), a candidate must be viable nationwide, and take the fight to the motivated Democrats this summer … Read more

Looking ahead…

…. . Ever since I announced that I planned on voting for John McCain in today’s primary, I have received a great deal of feedback, both positive, and negative. So it goes in the primaries– we all duke it out with each other, and then, hopefully, come back together no matter which guy ends up … Read more

In like a lamb… Out like a lion (or is it pig?) Mitt Romney’s December of Discontent.

…. . …. . At December’s outset, things were looking good for the chiseled candidate. Money. Momentum. Large, enthusiastic crowds. A campaign operating like the proverbial well-oiled machine. A speech that garnered the attention and interest of more people than anything offered up by his rivals. A spotlight that was his alone to capture, free … Read more

Stake out your spot in front of the radio– it’s time to… Meet the New Press!

. ….                    ..Pat Hynes                                Skip Murphy                          Doug Lambert . Once again, this week’s broadcast version of GraniteGrok and AnkleBitingPundits brings an array of items and guests for your consideration. As always, thanks to the technical wizardry and analytical skills of Skip (the GraniteGrok media empire’s secret weapon), if you are beyond the broadcast … Read more

Memo to McCain NH Leadership Team: “The Comeback Continues”

. As we get ever closer (at least we think) to the NH Primary, the one thing that’s apparent to me as I observe the scene is that the Granite State is still up for grabs, with no clear frontrunner sporting some insurmountable lead. The front four, Huckabee, Romney, Giuliani, and McCain all show signs … Read more

Meet the New Press Radio 11am EST Saturday. Can you handle the truth?

…..        ..Pat Hynes                                           Skip Murphy              Doug Lambert . Once again, this week’s broadcast version of GraniteGrok and AnkleBitingPundits brings an array of items and guests for your consideration. As always, thanks to the technical wizardry and analytical skills of Skip (the GraniteGrok media empire’s secret weapon), if you are beyond the broadcast area of … Read more


.. . Senator John E. Sununu has an important message about the Internet we have been asked to share. If you are reading this, you should care. Says Senator Sununu: “The Clock Is Ticking, Placing Internet Tax Freedom In Real Jeopardy. This National And Global Communication Network And The Economy That Surrounds It Deserves The … Read more

Not paying a mortgage, but paying the price.

As readers of the ‘Grok are aware, we have been selected to receive and forward reader questions for candidate Fred Thompson to answer at some point. While we are still awaiting something from the campaign, the questions continue to trickle in. We got an email yesterday that happened to overlap with my prior posting about a possible … Read more

‘Grok ‘n Roll: Ted Nugent- a new album and, of course, the video. GraniteGrok has the scoop on both…

. Ted Nugent is unlike most of the other aging rock stars crisscrossing the country, living off of the residue of glory days long past. Between his various TV programs on VH-1, his frequent appearances on cable news programs discussing issues ranging from guns to hunting to illegal immigration, Ted Nugent is not some washed-up has been … Read more

Last Day! Help Pick NH’s Power Players

. Attention New Hampshire GraniteGrok readers… We need your help! . We find ourselves in the midst of a seemingly large transformation here in the Granite State. With Democrats controlling all of the levers of state government for the first time in most peoples’ lifetimes and national media organs calling NH a "blue state", one cannot deny … Read more

Don’t forget… Pick your NH Power Player

. Attention New Hampshire GraniteGrok readers… We need your help! . We find ourselves in the midst of a seemingly large transformation here in the Granite State. With Democrats controlling all of the levers of state government for the first time in most peoples’ lifetimes and national media organs calling NH a "blue state", one cannot deny … Read more

GraniteGrok Reader Survey

. Attention New Hampshire GraniteGrok readers… We need your help! . We find ourselves in the midst of a seemingly large transformation here in the Granite State. With Democrats controlling all of the levers of state government for the first time in most peoples’ lifetimes and national media organs calling NH a "blue state", one cannot deny … Read more

Iowa Straw Poll. Buying a win, but will the investment pay off?

………………………..         Mitt Romney in Laconia, NH (GG file photo)                             come to my BBQ… . . Said Mitt Romney following his Iowa Straw Poll victory: Today, the people of Iowa took the first step towards bringing change to Washington.  This important victory sends a signal to grassroots Republican activists across the country that we are working … Read more

Reid: The soldiers will pay for this!

. Writing at, Amanda Carpenter reports: If Majority Leader Harry Reid can’t start pulling troops out of Iraq, he doesn’t want to start paying them anymore either. . After an amendment to begin withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq within 120 days failed to receive the 60 votes needed to proceed, Reid set the entire … Read more