Bloggers from the right have their say…

Our friend John Hawkins of RightWingNews and The Conservative Grapevine has once again taken the temperature of the right side of the Blogosphere, and, as always, we are honored that he found GraniteGrok worthy to participate. Here’s how it worked.
Right Wing News emailed more than 240 right-of-center bloggers and asked them to answer 8 questions.
The first four were questions requiring a "yes" or "no" answer.
1) Do you think the surge should go forward?
2) Do you think that a majority of Democrats in Congress would like to
see us lose in Iraq for political reasons?
3) Do you believe that the wall on the border will ever actually be completed?
4) Do you think mankind is the primary cause of global warming?
For the other four, bloggers were asked questions and given multiple answers from which to pick one only.
5) Illegal Immigration.
A) Would you prefer an illegal immigration bill that tackled border security and enforcement issues only?
B) Would you prefer a comprehensive bill that tackled border security and enforcement issues, created a legal status for the people who are here illegally, created a guest worker program, and increased the number of foreigners allowed to become American citizens?
6) Which of the following Democratic candidates do you think would be
the toughest opponent for a Republican candidate in 2008?
A) Hillary Clinton
B) John Edwards
C) Barack Obama
7) If you were grading George Bush on his foreign policy for his
presidency so far, would you give him an:
A or B
D, E, or F
8) If you were grading George Bush on his domestic policy for his
presidency so far, would you give him an:
A or B
D, E, or F
63 Bloggers responded.  Click here to see the results of the poll and check the list of participating blogs. John will be a guest on our radio program, Meet the New Press, today to discuss the poll and some of the thinking behind it. (Podcast page here)
For those of you who care how I voted, well here’s my reponse to John’s poll:

[My answer to each is in bold underline]
1) Do you think the surge should go forward? YES

2) Do you think that a majority of Democrats in Congress would like to
 see us lose in Iraq for political reasons? YES

3) Do you believe that the wall on the border will ever actually be 
completed? YES

 4) Do you think mankind is the primary cause of global warming? NO

On each of these questions, pick one of the options.

5) Illegal Immigration. A
A) Would you prefer an illegal immigration bill that tackled border security and enforcement issues only?
B) Would you prefer a comprehensive bill that tackled border security and enforcement issues, created a legal status for the people who are here illegally, created a guest worker program, and increased the number of foreigners allowed to become American citizens?
6) Which of the following Democratic candidates do you think would be the toughest opponent for a Republican candidate in 2008? B [I’ll explain this one ina another post]
A) Hillary Clinton
B) John Edwards
C) Barack Obama
7) If you were grading George Bush on his foreign policy for his presidency so far, would you give him an:   B
A or B
D, E, or F
8) If you were grading George Bush on his domestic policy for his residency so far, would you give him an:   D
A or B
D, E, or F
As always, doing the poll was great fun. I love it when people ask my opinion. Besides, it’s almost like voting, which I’d do every day if I could…


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