Thanks to the Republicans for keeping the TSA accountable

Another victory for liberty was won yesterday when the Republican-dominated New Hampshire House of Representatives passed the  TSA Accountability and Transparency bill (HB 628). Here are some of my comments from the RLCNH press release posted yesterday afternoon: “I would like to thank the members of the House who supported this bill for understanding the need to … Read more

How Fast Can A Rifle Go From Unloded…

…to loaded?  Pretty damn fast, apparently.Gun free zones - where citizens try to run faster than law breakers can load a weapon

Two New Hampshire State Police troopers demonstrated how quickly a semiautomatic rifle can go from unloaded to loaded under a new definition in a bill up for a House vote this week. – (Union leader, Wed 1-4-12)

So with no one else lawfully armed–a policy the police, Governor Lynch, and the university folks both advertise proudly and insist they will defend–the only thing left to stop the rapid loading, unloading, and reloading of a “semiautomatic rifle” in a gun free zone would be what we call…victims. (Or running out of ammo.)

But don’t Democrats love “victims?”

Without victims they have no platform.

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Southern NH 912 Project – Town Hall with Rick Santorum tomorrow at 7pm

Contact: Ken Eyring FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ph: 603-434-4836 Email: RICK SANTORUM TOWN HALL EVENT MOVED TO WINDHAM HIGH SCHOOL The modified Town Hall style event that is being hosted by the Southern NH 9.12 Project for presidential candidate Senator Rick Santorum is being moved to a larger venue due to overwhelming demand. The event … Read more

Hope Has Changed…

Speaks for itself.

The Shrill Kathy on Political Weirdness

” The wise are instructed by reason, average minds by experience, the stupid by necessity and the brute by instinct.” —Marcus Tullius Cicero

The Union Leader has given Ink to the Shrill Kathy Sullivan for yet another inane senseless rant.

Kathy SullivanI told my friend Steve Vaillancourt it might be a New Year’s Resolution to simply ignore her. But in ignoring her, I think a final analysis is in order.

For all of the useless Pablum The Shrill Kathy has written, she is never lost on attacking anybody with a “R” attached to their name. The Shrill Kathy never criticizes the asinine or silly policies of her liberal friends. The Shrill Kathy never details anything positive coming from the Democratic Party as a juxtaposition to conservatives or Republicans.

The Shrill Kathy quips,

I also hope that 2012 is a year in which common sense, and not ideology, return to center stage, both in New Hampshire and the country as a whole. That is the only statement arguing for common sense in the whole rant.

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Mitt Romney: The Matthew Lesko of American Politics


My opponent isn’t pro-choice or anti-choice, he’s multiple choice.”   —Senator Edward M Kennedy on Romney during the 1994 Senate Election

When Mitt Romney came to New Hampshire in June and announced his candidacy, One of the first visceral reactions I had was that Mitt could not win against Obummer. Not for all the conventions and opinings currently swirling about, but for the simple facial evaluation that the man in not honest. He is too phony, fake and disingenuous. His Flip flops are well-documented in the 2008 campaign by the very moderate-RINO that endorsed him…John McCain.

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NH Legislature: Who is the RINO of the Year?

During the course of 2011, we featured legislators who ran as Republicans but cast votes demonstrating a fealty with the house liberals. Cast your vote on “who” should be the RINO of the Year. [poll id=”3″]

McCain Endorsement of Romney

Congratulations to Mitt Romney on winning the endorsement of Senator McCain.  McCain’s endorsement nearly nails down the support of two parts of the Republican party.  McCain represents the Republican establishment that believes Republicans must not mention Obama’s failings, believes that Obama cannot be defeated, and fears a Conservative candidate more than the re-election of Obama … Read more

Who I’m voting for on Tuesday in the GOP primary…and why.

Okay, let’s get one thing straight at the very outset: For us in the Live Free or Die State of New Hampshire, it is far more important what happens in and to our state, than what happens in Washington, DC. We have a chance here to resist and defeat the cancerous, corrupt political culture of Washington, DC that is spreading throughout America. Barack Obama has “piled on” and made things immensely worse by importing his “Chicago gangster politics” from Illinois…and been welcomed for it in DC. Thus, because I do not see any great possibility that the national politics of Washington, DC can be quickly cleaned up in any meaningful way, I am choosing to vote for a candidate whom I see as having a real chance of being elected…but who “throw bombs,” someone who will cause maximum chaos, confusion, disarray, and disruption in the nation’s capitol as President.

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Wednesday Morning Coffee – Ron Paul Third in Iowa

Dr. Paul wins third place in IowaAn “ends justifies the means” approach to a Republican primary is how ‘Republicans’ for Ron Paul justify begging Democrats to register as Republicans or independents so they can screw with the results of the GOP Primary to their candidates advantage.

In Iowa, assuming it worked, this netted Congressman Paul a decent third place showing.  We are left to wonder what the numbers would be without the interlopers, but it seems certain Ron Paul owns third place by a wide margin.  In Iowa that is as reasonable a launching pad for the Oval office as first, second, or fourth.

Meanwhile, in New Hampshire, where a near-majority of voters register as independents,  Dr. Paul should expect to do better.  But if he can’t there is no reason to believe he will find improvements in South Carolina or Florida.  Failing to win New Hampshire is by no means fatal, but if he can’t pull out a first or second here, the odds of doing it anywhere else dim considerably despite his otherwise outstanding campaign mechanics.

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Congress passes, and Obama signs, bill allowing indefinite detention of U.S. citizens and dictatorial power, thus killing part of the Bill of Rights. So? So this:

Our National Mainstream Media at Work in 2011

From Victor Davis Hanson at PJ Media, “The No News Stories of 2011“: “Barack Obama simply does not expect to follow normal political customs and traditions because he knows the media do not expect him to: he will not release the transcripts because he does not have to and it is his pleasure not to, … Read more

A NH Boot to Big Brother’s Neck – HB 445-FN

Police want to use GPS and RF to spy on you without a warrantIf you watch television you’ve probably seen your share of cop or crime shows.  There are two things that always stand out to me.  First, almost everyone talks to the cops without a lawyer. (Dumb.)  Second, the police are always using a suspect’s cell phone or car GPS to track them down.

The real America is not much different.   It is a land where the police can set up a road block just about anywhere, for any reason, (sobriety checkpoints for example) and proceed to justify stopping, questioning, or searching any or every vehicle or its occupants based on their “on the spot judgment.”  With most of America embracing–or at least not objecting–to that kind of arbitrary fourth amendment abuse, why not extend it to electronic surveillance as well?

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It’s The Shoes, Man

Occupiers redistributing without authorizationNothing says #Occupy movement like inspiring young people to support redistribution.  That is, unless, they are four minors and you have recruited them to remove a safe from your neighbors house. (So many fine lines between social justice and criminal justice and so little time to explore them all.)

Such is the predicament of Marion Smith, of Cross Street in Nashua; a multi-faceted #occupier-ette*, who tried to liberate some sneakers from Sears Essentials in Nashua the day before the company announced it would close that store.  Marion got caught sneaking the (presumably essential and no loner eponymous) sneakers just a few weeks after the great underage safe heist went awry, and is now facing a Class B Felony.

(*#occupier-ette: one of those people the Democrats are convinced can’t run their own lives who may not have been an actual occupier, but has undoubtedly been motivated by months of glowing media exposure and left wing praise, to the idea of redistribution)

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Pardon Our Dust…

We’re working out some technical problems.  New posts are posted daily, just select authors in the upper right corner, pick your favorites, and see what’s new.    

A Presidential Primary tool from the Southern NH 912 Project

Bumped and updated – an alert from the Southern NH 9.12 team:  Skip, we’ve got a brand new, updated and cleansed version of the matrix online.  We also have a condensed version, that focuses on just 19 issues, to make it easier for people to work with the document.

The last update was 01/01/12 at 8:30pm. There are two versions of the Presidential Matrix to choose from:       Condensed (19 issues)   Full Version (64 issues)

On the jump.

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A response to Gilford Selectman Kevin Hayes concerning Town Administrator Scott Dunn

So, from the last exchange, we see that the Selectmen, a la Occupy Wall Street philosophy, have no problem in targeting a citizen just because they can classify that citizen as “part of the 1%).  Certainly, we see this emanating from the Oval Office and from the Progressive Caucus in Congress – how DARE the successful not pay their fair share and how cold hearted they must be to want smaller government (which would be less expensive and cost them less in taxes).  My response to that:

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Andrew Hemingway in the Wall Street Journal

   From The Wall Street Journal on Friday, talking about Newt Gingrich’s campaign in Iowa and New Hampshire: “At a New Hampshire training session, Mr. Gingrich met Andrew Hemingway, a popular tea-party leader. He  wound up being the state dirctor of the Gingrich presidential campaign.” Andrew also added that “there is a very  strong base of … Read more

T-minus 9 days… who is your candidate?

[poll id=”2″]

Hoplophobes To Oppose Three Gun Bills

”Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the peoples’ liberty’s teeth.”—George Washington

Governor Lynch and his hoplophobite cronies at the New Hampshire Police Chiefs Association are ramping up once again to put the kibosh on three Gun Bills slated to taken up this week by the legislature.

House Bill 334, relative to the state’s authority to prohibit or regulate firearms, firearms components, ammunition, or firearms supplies. Many find this legislation confusing because there is a belief that Public institutions fund with tax payer dollars already fall within the purview of RSA 159:26. In fact, Attorney Penny Dean told the Union Leader, current state law prohibits the University System from banning guns. Yet, somehow those educrats have carved out a little niche of unaccountability and have made an end-run around the legislature, ruling over their fiefdoms as they see fit.
“I think this would be a huge mistake considering the age of the students here, and to have some possess firearms would be extremely dangerous,” UNH Police Chief Nicholas Halias tells the Union Leader. “Some students use alcohol and others use drugs, and having any weapon available would be catastrophic.”

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