A New Year for the RLCNH Report

Hot off the presses, it is the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire’s 2012 inaugural RLCNH Report. It’s a big one this time—here’s a quick overview of all the bills covered:

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Ron Paul endorsed by the national Republican Liberty Caucus

Republican Liberty Caucus logoOn Friday, the national Republican Liberty Caucus (parent organization to the RLCNH) announced its endorsement of Ron Paul for President:

 The Republican Liberty Caucus national board is proud to endorse Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) for the Republican presidential nomination.  In a field of candidates who show little genuine commitment to individual liberty or reducing the size of government, Rep. Paul stands out as a consistent champion of the values of the Republican Liberty Caucus; limited government, personal liberty and free enterprise.

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Look Whose Shooting Now

Guns, not the cuse of more homicides in NH unless you count police pistolsHow will the left spin the news about the increase in New Hampshire homicides in 2011?  The Union Leader reports the number at 23, an increases of five over 2010.

Will the Democrats try to make a case for gun control based on the report?

Will the New Hampshire Police chiefs, many of whom work so hard to try and infringe second amended rights, spin the generic details to aid their cause?  (When you make people wait for a police officer to show up to defend them from criminals who have already committed their crimes, you will always need more manpower to canvass more crime scenes.  Doesn’t a chief with more employees get a higher salary? )

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Obama apologist Dick Gregory of “Meet The Press” gets schooled by Rick Santorum

I have, over and over, had one major complaint about the MSM – I have no problem in them asking hard questions of Republicans.  In fact, the harder the better; I only wish that they’d do the same to Democrats on a consistent basis.  In that, I guess I’d be better off wishing to win Powerball – it happens occasionally but only in the little things, so it seems.  And it seems less often still, that someone seen as a Conservative is allowed to best them, especially on TV (which is a reason why I tell people to always record any interview they get involved in, so as to “keep the record straight”).

Well, it happened yesterday as candidate for the Republican nomination for President, Rick Santorum, decided “not to be subservient to get face time”; he decided that when Gregory got in his face, he was going to return the dis-favor:

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Facebook doodlings – Obama doctrine of Determined Weakness (as applied to energy)

From almost a year ago: Oil is energy. No oil, no energy. No energy, no work.  No work, no economy. No economy, we’re no longer the lone Superpower. Presto. Determined Weakness

Watch this: Say you go to a grocery store. And the rules are….

If you don’t get your food and get out of the store within 20 minutes or so…you die. watch_popup?v=Z0qGvC3vqaA

Mitt Romney and the Cartel

Saw a posting yesterday on a social network, which really bothered me. After all we just went through, and continue to go through, with TARP, bailouts, stimulus, two rounds of quantitative easing (QE), and now a pending IMF bailout, I see this story, titled “Federal Records Show Romney Campaign Bought And Paid For By Big Banks”. … Read more

Gilford, NH Town Administrator Scott Dunn has a response to my email – and Selectman Kevin Hayes

Well, it seems that the saga of officials from the Town of Gilford slagging a private citizen simply because she is holding them account and she has done well financially due to hard work, good ideas, and good decisions.  From this post, let me remind of this from Town Administrator Scott Dunn (writing in his official capacity):

Fact # 9 — There are no town employees who own two homes on Governor’s Island with a total assessed value in excess of $2.6-million.

where he is trying to make an example and a target of derision.  My response was “I am demanding a public apology to Ms. Aichinger for your lowbrow and low class tactic“.  Well, I got a reply – and frankly, it was short, sweet, to the point, and is ready to double down:

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Yes, we are still here, James, and thanks for noticing!

Every Friday (pretty much), James Pindell at WMUR Political Scoop does his Up and Down for the past week; given that it’s New Year’s, he swapped the timeline for the year’s span; in his Down side, he had this:

Local political blogosphere: With Dean Barker no longer running the day to day of Blue Hampshire, and with Red Hampshire gone, the blogosphere is less robust, is not growing, and is not driving the conversation like they were. At least Granite Grok got a face lift.

Well, at least thanks for noticing! And I also note: we’re still here, we have no plans to go away, and RINOs and Statists will still hate us and get annoyed by us.  Yes, like RH, many sites that started out around the same time we did have gone away or the passion has flamed out…..blogging takes a lot of passion to do well and it requires discipline to make it work.  Unlike others that tried it simply as a way to earn a living, this is our avocation (serious obsession?), not our vocation.  Being a full time political blogger is not easy to do, at least on the Right side of the blogosphere.   Financially, all I hope to do is pay the server bill and acquire the technology that will allows us to extend into different areas – more podcasts, more live streaming, more video, and whatever the next big tech thing coming down the line that will enable us to get our message out there.  And getting out the message transcends the technology – the goal is to influence people no matter the media.

Thus, I would tend to agree with the assessment, at least in part.

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GrokTALK! Special Interview – Stacy “The Other” McCain reporting from Iowa

Yesterday, Grokster Mike and I had the opportunity to interview Stacy McCain (aka “the Other McCain”), an independent investigative reporter who travels the country reporting on the political issues of the day.  While his main site is here, he also writes over at The American Spectator (and we discussed one of his posts located here). … Read more

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