It’s The Shoes, Man

Occupiers redistributing without authorizationNothing says #Occupy movement like inspiring young people to support redistribution.  That is, unless, they are four minors and you have recruited them to remove a safe from your neighbors house. (So many fine lines between social justice and criminal justice and so little time to explore them all.)

Such is the predicament of Marion Smith, of Cross Street in Nashua; a multi-faceted #occupier-ette*, who tried to liberate some sneakers from Sears Essentials in Nashua the day before the company announced it would close that store.  Marion got caught sneaking the (presumably essential and no loner eponymous) sneakers just a few weeks after the great underage safe heist went awry, and is now facing a Class B Felony.

(*#occupier-ette: one of those people the Democrats are convinced can’t run their own lives who may not have been an actual occupier, but has undoubtedly been motivated by months of glowing media exposure and left wing praise, to the idea of redistribution)

Had Ms. Smith gone to Washington, or simply convinced some deep-pocketed left wing groups to finance a clone army of Guy Fawkes mask wearing protesters–class-victims demanding their constitutional right to athletic foot wear–she might be ‘safe’ at home wearing a new pair of government subsidized, union made, environmentally friendly, $250,000.00 a pair high-tops (at least for a week until they got wet,  fell apart or started on fire…or something).

Instead, she got busted. (Any idea why the criminal mastermind behind the underage safe heist wasn’t in jail already?)

You know the saying freedom is not free?  Well neither is free stuff;  you need to either bundle millions for a left wing campaign, sign your soul away to the party,  or do hard time on the Democrat plantation.  Thanks to the inspiration of #Occupy, Marion could get immediate membership into another left wing victim class – convict.

Hey Barry!  Past the Washington Monument, off the Capitol Building, around the White House, into the treasury building, up to State, off Eric Holders head–nothing but net.  Dude it’s the shoes, man.

H/T Nashua Telegraph

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