Keene City Ward 3 Councilor Terry Clark recently sent an email to the Queen City decrying the Donald Trump Rally slated for August 15 at SNHU Arena. You can read that email here.
Looney Liberals
The Ever-So-Dysfunctional Timothy Horrigan
“Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of (the Legislature); but I repeat myself. —Mark Twain

Timmy HAD TO KNOW when this UL Editorial hit, we here at the Grok would be all over it. This editorial…”Civility in question: Rep. Horrigan shamed again.” So we all have to ask…”what drew the ire of the Union Leader Editorial pages?”
Seems its nothing new for Timmy…the same thing he resigned over the last time: Making bothersome comments, to be kind and judicious.
In 2010, Rindge DemocRAT Keith David Halloran quipped on his Facebook wishing that Sarah Palin and her daughter’s former boyfriend were the
New England College Will Not Defend Their Data in Assault Weapons Ban Poll
“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” —Benjamin Disraeli
On Friday the Union Leader (John Distaso)reported that New England Colleges’ Dr. Ben Tafoya conducted a poll of 656 “registered voters” showing that 72 percent of Granite Staters support an assault weapons ban and 88 percent favored “universal background checks”.
According to the UL story, the poll conducted on January 21 and 22 asked two direct questions:
(Should) “assault weapons” should be banned; and “Do you support the idea of universal background checks for gun purchases?”
Just How Shrill Can You Be, Kathy Sullivan?
“Never argue with a fool – people may not notice the difference.” —Mark Twain
Kathy Sullivan may have topped Tuesday in the Union Leader where she writes, “The NRA stirs up fears by not telling the truth.”
She starts off by calling the NRA’s response to the Newtown Massacre, “ridiculous,” despite the fact that prior to the tragedy upwards of 10,000 schools had armed Security.
Shrill Kathy Chronicles: “We Need To Take Away The Guns Now!”
“One man with a gun can control 100 without one.” —Vladimir Lenin
Kathy Sullivan wants gun control, indeed. “We need to take the guns away now!,” She declares. Sullivan says a, “majority of Americans believe that the time has come for action.” But the anecdotes, facts, and statistics belie her assertion.
Facts are curious things. Sullivan sources Mother Jones Magazine attributing an absence of mass killings in Australia to
Petition of Redress? Nope. The Legislature Did Away With That Committee
“An once of hypocrisy is worth a pound of ambition.” —Michael Korda

Last Wednesday, the new leadership in Concord saw fit to forgo the Committee on Redress of Grievances. And they did.
Enter State Senator Martha Fuller-Clark. She found a “petition of Redress” from twenty black slaves in Portsmouth dating back to 1779.
According to the Concord “Fishwrapper” Monitor, “On Nov. 12, 1779, 20 black slaves in Portsmouth sent a petition to New Hampshire’s General Assembly. Amid the rhetoric and
The Armed Citizen And Lying Gun Grabbers
”A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.”—George Washington
Tiresome are liberals lying and telling people that if they arm themselves, then the criminal is only going to take away the gun and use it on them. Those who perpetuate that, ignore what happens everyday in this nation. The events below are true events that involve real people. Law abiding people going about the business of their daily lives until the point where some criminal interrupts them, threatening harm.
These events are reported at local levels (mostly Newsprint media) and rarely visited beyond that because they
What The Heck Is An “Assault Weapon?”
“Hoplophobia is a mental disturbance characterized by irrational aversion to weapons, as opposed to justified apprehension about those who may wield them.”—Col. Jeff Cooper.

Gun Grabbers are seeking an, “Assault weapons” ban in knee jerk response to the heinous and dreadful Newtown Massacre. There is little discussion about Adam Lanza or the victims from whom he lawlessly and barbarically snatched life.
Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly likes to refer to these black scary guns as, “Heavy weapons” (and still we have no clear and articulate definition on what heavy weapons are) So exactly what is the anatomy of a black scary gun these gun banners seek to vanquish from our hands?
The term, “Assault Weapon” is a redundancy created to assist an anti-gun pathos. The definition of Assault in its simplest form is, “a physical attack.” A weapon defined in simple terms is, “any device used to injure, defeat, or destroy.”
“While Obama, the olive-branch poseur, has called for a restoration of ‘civility’ in Washington and liberal elites whine and whinny about the need for ‘no labels,’ class-warfare demagoguery has metastasized unchecked…” —Michelle Malkin
Shrill. The word of this week. Instead of a movie theater or university campus, the Massacre was visited upon a grade school where children were utterly and defenselessly gunned down. Slaughtered. Literally overwhelmed by the power of a nut.
In the last forty years, the anti-gun debate arguments have remained the same. Totally unchanged. There exists no new or novel or compelling arguments. Only the zombie-like mantras, lies and confabulations from the anti-gun crowd, loudened only by the emotional crescendos of the willing dupes in the liberal anti-gun lame stream media.
What has changed in the last forty years is gun ownership. More law-abiding citizens have taken to
Its An Obama Eat Dog World Out There
Its a ‘Eat dog’ world out there! Pass the sauce, Barry…” —Rick Olson, Granite Grok, just making stuff up for lack of a salient Quote.
So the brouhaha all started over some years ago when Mittens strapped his dog Seamus’ kennel to the top of the family people transporter for a 12-hour drive. Okay…on the face of it, it seems not only bizarre, but a little tough to take. But being a hunter who makes uses of hunting dogs, I fail to see where this gets political feet. Yeah the animal rights crybabies are having a tough time with it….after all, talking animal movies, dogs with sunglasses and other such stupid nonsense has relegated us to a culture where animals are personified. How many of those idiotic paintings have we seen of dogs playing poker? But seriously? How is this different from the traditional Hunting dog boxes?

Fraudulent Voting And Its’ Hardcore Advocacy
“Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.”—Josef Stalin

Pulling out all the stops, the anti-voter ID crowd showed up in Concord Tuesday to decry the passage of a law that would require citizens to prove they are who they say they are when showing up to vote. Same old tired argument. “If this law passes, people will be disenfranchised.”
This is not true. It never has been true and saying it a thousand times won’t make it fact. The left has confabulated, bloviated and contorted every relativist argument to be mustered to date. Yet the result is always the same…reductio Ad absurdum.
Leftists Say (Write) The Darnedest Things!
“We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.” —Benjamin Franklin
On The Project Veritas Voter Fraud Project: Being curious, I went over to to see what the leftists had to say. One aspect about Leftists weighing in on a UL story is that they cannot help themselves. Sure enough, they didn’t disappoint! There is the much-predicted name-calling, personal assaults on the character of others who post, deflection, and rank condescension.
SO I thought I might do this fun little exercise where a few of the comments are showcased. Here is what I found:
“My door is always open-bring me your problems.” This is guaranteed to turn on every whiner, lackey and neurotic on the property.” —Robert F. Six
It’s rarely ever a good idea to solely devote any kind of a blog entry to a person who has responded to an entry written, where that respondent or his or her comment is the central thesis. What the old adage? “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people…” I like to follow that concept, but it gets exceedingly hard in the sphere of religion and politics. After all, ideas and events do not simply osmose into the realm of virtual communication, but are brought forth by people.
So we go about the business of writing our rants, posting our blogs in fact, often times intentionally being irksome about it. And we often post sometimes very serious ideas, we are challenged, condemned, called into question and disagreed with. That is the nature of this beast.
The Shrill Kathy On Religion, Fatties, Food Stamps, And Republicans
“I have a great diet. You’re allowed to eat anything you want, but you must eat it with naked fat people.” —Ed Bluestone
It’s a different kind of day when the Shrill Kathy graces the pages of the Union Leader with feigned pity for Republican candidates. And what can be said of the Shrill Kathy where she takes the opportunity to grossly mischaracterized an ad put out by the Perry Campaign. She states, “Rick Perry Complains…” But does he really? Or are the assertions in the spot a pointed statement about the current and existing situation. Having served in the United States Marine Corps, I can tell you there were individuals present and serving who were gay. And they continued to serve.
Compromise: The New Hegelian Dialectic
“I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.”—Barry Goldwater

With the coming of the Holiday season, some conversations will invariably gravitate to politics. One particular assertion during one such conversation galvanized in my mind a rather flawed logic. A flawed logic that is at the very heart of the probable cause of why America is on the path to destruction that it is today.
This particular relative, one who describes himself as a moderate, condemned this President, the House and the Senate for doing absolutely nothing to improve conditions in America. His viewpoint is that neither the Democrats nor the Republicans are willing to compromise…to reach across the aisle, to, “work together.” He went on to explain that even though Democrats do not agree with Republicans and vice-versa, each should be willing to accept some policy measure that each doesn’t like or agree with. The time-aged honored principle of “horse-trading.”
The Shrill Kathy And The Birthers
“We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.” —Benjamin Franklin
Kathy Sullivan is not only dishonest, but she is also a rank charlatan. The Shrill Kathy is the epitome of moral bankruptcy when it comes to New Hampshire politics. In the UL today she quips, Why does Speaker O’Brien not call out his birthers? placing responsibility for the less than savory behavior of a few legislators squarely on his shoulders. So, let’s be clear about this because whatever “this” is, amounts to nothing more than another wanton pedestrian rant of the Shrill Kathy.
In prior writings, The Shrill Kathy calls out O’Brien alleging that he fails to respect the process and ignores long-standing rules. Yet here we see a circumstance where Orly Taitz asked for access and redress (due process) that our rules mandate must be provided. And the Shrill Kathy takes O’Brien to task for not stifling that process. Make up your mind! Sulli-Shrill… Which is it? O’Brien squelches? or O’Brien observes?
Colleges and Guns
“A woman who demands further gun control legislation is like a chicken who roots for Colonel Sanders.” —Larry Elder
House Bill 334 will now go to the full floor for a vote. New Hampshire’s colleges currently set their own policies on possession of guns. Currently they all ban them. HB 334, sponsored by Mark Proulx, R-Manchester would bring such regulatory reach back into the purview of State authority. Now the colleges push back.
As reported in the Union Leader, Security personnel from the Granite States’ colleges and universities, wrote emphasizing “dangers in eliminating academia’s ability to ban gun possession on a college campus,” they wrote. “Thousands of young people attend New Hampshire’s colleges, sharing close quarters in residential, social, academic and other group activities. At this age, judgment and behaviors are still being developed and tested.” Interesting. So on the one hand, these institutions hold themselves out to be the first foray into the adult world where a kid can go to college and ply ones’ self with “adult” libations, voting, living, working, and all the other thumbnail trappings of adult life….But on the other hand, when it comes to guns, we will still be the mommy and daddy.
“Ask anyone committed to Marxist analysis how many angels on the head of a pin, and you will be asked in return to never mind the angels, tell me who controls the production of pins.” —Joan Didion
Defeated Democratic state Senator Maggie Hassan made it official today that she will be running for governor in 2012. In her usual hokum, Hassan touted the typical big government solution to prop up the economy. As reported in the Union Leader, Maggie the Marxist, “stressed the need to create jobs by “investing” in education and job training programs and by fostering a business climate that attracts innovative small businesses and new technologies.” Translation: “investing” equals big-government spending and solutions…equals heavy taxation to raise such revenues. Such notions were brought with her as a carpet-bagging “massplant” to the Granite State.
The Union Leader reported that “Maggie the Marxist” pledged to be a fiscally responsible governor who would veto any sales or income tax and commit herself to a balanced state budget.“ This is laughable given her extensive record as a State Senator. My fellow Blogger Steve MacDonald absolutely nailed it on back October 5th when he wrote:
Hassan is a left wing, government first, spend then tax Democrat who wants socialized medicine, supports abortion from conception to birth (also here), and was more than willing to trample on opponents with the “Sullivan/Hassan Hates Speech (the left can’t control) amendment.” (also here, and here, …) She is also willing to lie about her opponents to get re-elected.
The Garbage Police
“Law, without force, is impotent.” —Blaise Pascal
The City of Manchester, in its infinite wisdom, seeks to enact an anti-scavenging ordinance prohibiting the scavenging of recyclable items from curbside bins. Under the new measure, violators would be slapped with a fine.
If this ordinance is enacted, the homeless and ‘ner-do wells’ who scavenge cans bottles and other such recyclable matter, perhaps to supplement their kids’ grocery bill, would be levied such fine. And/or the bums who cull bins, that they might purchase that jug of wine, would also be assessed a fine. Now, does anybody think the resource-challenged among us will pay? Picture Manchester Police officers writing the tickets…address? “Shopping cart under the bridge,” all while rolling their eyes muttering, “yeah…right…enforce that ordinance…” Just feel the wind swirling off of the fenders of patrol cars speeding up and down Lake Ave in search of the law-breaking scavenger. After all, our Police Offiers have little better to do, right?