You Must Claim To Have Balance Daniel-san

by Steve MacDonald

State Senator Maggie "the red" Hassan had a puff piece in the New Hampshire Sunday News to defend the NH democrats “balanced Budget.”  We can tell right away that Ms. Hassan is going to take us on a fanciful journey because of her opening clause.  “Scarce resources make for difficult budgets…”  It is from this launching pad that we are taken on a magical tour into denial. 

At no point does Ms. Hassan remind us that under democrat rule the process was and always has been to spend first and look for revenue later.  (Book of Eaton, chapter 1 verse 1.)

1:1 ‘It makes sense to know how much you’re spending before you decide how much money to raise.’

Translation: Spend first, Tax questions later.

Nowhere does she acknowledge that the democrats have prostituted their budget out to the federal government with money that does not even exist.

At no time are we entertained with an explanation for the liberal expansion of state government by as much as one-third during the “worst recession in history.”  We are however cajoled to accept that once added it cannot possibly be retracted lest we deny residents ‘necessary services.’

Hassan is a liberal.  She does not understand that the most necessary service a government can provide to its people is to let them keep and spend their earning on the services they actually need rather than be denied the product of their labors for whatever services liberal elitists like Maggie Hassan want them to pay for.

And now she is trying to justify the irresponsible taking of other peoples property—and the democrats grotesque abuse of power—by claiming they balanced the budget.

Balanced sounds good.  It tells us that there has been an alignment of some kind, a parity of monumental proportion; a great union worthy of praise and adulation.  And are we not all seeking some kind of balance?  You need a balanced diet; a balanced between work and family; a balance between standing in line at unemployment and looking for work; a balance between spending money we don’t have and whoring out the state to special interests and money from the federal government that doesn’t even exist.  It’s a tough gig.

But the Mighty Hassan is up to the challenge.  So she and her party are relying on the deceptive (yet somehow comforting) sound of the budget modifier “balanced” to excuse their ghastly stewardship of your state, and to lull you into an acceptance of another two years of the same kind of fiscal malfeasance.

And as long as they can keep printing checks to put in the checkbook, they will continue to assume they have plenty of your money left to spend. 

So in this context "Balanced" has about as much meaning coming from a democrat as the word bi-partisan.  It is simply a ploy to deflect your attention from reality.  That they are partisan spendaholics obsessed with turning New Hampshire into New York or California or even Michigan.  And the only balance they will ever be happy with is the one where they make all the decisions and you just shut up and pay for them.

Remember.  It makes sense to know how much you spend before you decide how much you will need to tax.  And it makes even more sense to imagine as much money as possible to make sure you don’t have to cut all that beautiful spending.  That way, when the deficit is twice as large next budget, you can get that shiny new sales and income tax you’ve been pining for. 

Sad thing is… even if they had that, they still couldn’t balance the budget because no matter how much money you give a democrat like Dan Eaton or Maggie Hassan, they will always—always spend more.

And what is even sadder is that a governor like John Lynch would continue to let them, regardless of your ability to pay.

Cross Posted at NHI


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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