Forward (generic name of socialist publications)
(The Wikipedia entry ‘Forward’ has been saved from deletion. Wikipedia may have censored it, but “Grokipedia” will not. While we have restored all the original links–mostly to other Wikipedia pages–we cannot promise that Wikipedia will not also delete these pages in their mad-dash to protect and defend the current Democrat administration’s Presidential campaign. )
<—First issue of Vorwärts, October 1, 1876
In the English translation, the term Forward has historically been used in the titles of socialist and politically left-leaning periodical publications primarily in Europe.[1][2] The context of the title connoted an “urge for progress”.[3]
Vorwärts! (German for ‘Forward’, with an exclamation point as part of the name) was a revolutionary German emigré publication issued in Paris in the mid-1840s. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were amongst the contributors to the magazine. Whilst the publication was short-lived, it had a lasting impact and served as an inspiration for later socialist press outlets. A second Vorwärts (without exclamation point) was founded in 1876, being an organ of the Social Democratic Party of Germany and with Wilhelm Liebknecht as its first editor.[4] In the years before the First World War, the term ‘vorwärts’ was almost monopolized in German political discourse by the Social Democrats, and the name was used for various publications and organizations.[5]