Beto – Born To Be Mocked

by Tom

This week, 46 year old Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke announced his candidacy for President.  Leaving his skateboard aside, he did it from his grown-up living room couch, his adoring wife clasped at his side.

I can’t believe I get to heckle this Kennedy-wannabe, as he swings repeatedly into New Hampshire over the coming year.  If you haven’t participated (in some way) in the circus that comes to town every four years, you don’t know what you are missing.  This time around, we’ll have a whole squad of goofy Leftist clowns tripping over each other to ingratiate themselves to us common folk.  Just be sure not to get caught up in Hillary’s rope-a-dope.

And Beto is shaping up to be the lead clown.

His announcement, like much of what he does publicly, had an uncoached, contrived, trying-too-hard quality to it – just asking to be mocked.  Like the recent Vanity Fair cover, where he is practically crowned the next (white!) Obama, it is ready-made for spoofing.

“I want to be in it.  Man, I’m just born to be in it.”

And Jimmy Fallon wasted no time.  As a Hollywood celeb, Fallon is most certainly a Leftist by osmosis, but this Beto-mock proved that he’d rather run the risk of producing good comedy over the expectation that he toe left coast’s ideological line.  Prepare to laugh…





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