Linguists For Hodes

  One of the joys of blogging is the anonymous commenters who drop the bottle of Booth’s Dry Gin long enough to type something lucid. (Lucid is a stretch)   Most of these word-smiths are probably NHDP staffers who can’t find anything better to do while they watch the party lose special election after special election on … Read more

The Tent Tax Party

What do you get when you mix 124 Donkeys and one RINO?  A list of NH House reps on the wrong side of a bill to repeal another stupid tax.

The House voted to ax the tent tax (HB 1445) and repeal the 9% ‘rooms and meals’ tax for people who go to a campsite and provide their own room and their own meal.  The bill still needs to pass the state Senate, which has a similar bill all its own, and then get past fence-sitter Lynch, whose position we can never know from day to day, not that we can rely on what he says as an indication of how he’ll act once an actual bill is on his desk, but it’s got momentum, even if some of it represented by legislators who are afraid to touch it.

HB1445 did still have its supporters.  Margie Smith tried to table it, but they lost 153 to 171.  The tax and spenders then tried to ITL it but failed 145 to 181.  Then, when Sherm Packard managed to get an OTP roll call vote to pass the repeal, it succeeded  202 to 125.

68 House reps did not vote on this bill. A list for another time, perhaps.

But 124 democrats and 1 Republican (Rock 5  Kenneth Gould) tried to keep the tax alive and were more than happy to do it for the record.  So here’s the record on the jump

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There’s this liberal talking point, it’s spin actually, that anyone who does not disown Jim Bunning is an obstructionist. It is founded on the premise that the Senator was against extending unemployment benefits.

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By The Pricking Of My Thumbs…

The bipartisan surge against the democrats ill-gained, late night, last minute LLC tax smells faintly of rotting eggs.  But I fear there is another secret formula brewing in darkened democrat controlled chambers where Norelli,  Almy, and (insert name of third witch here) are brewing up bigger trouble.  Charlie Arlinghaus, in his column in this mornings … Read more


It takes commitment to vote for a new tax, even one whose cover story was as unlikely to have any affect as HB 1679.  But there are those who like to tax and those who love it, and the supporters of the ‘Soft Drink Tax’ drew a line in the High Fructose Corn Syrup and stood their ground.

Lucky for us the majority of House members saw this for what it was–inexpedient to legislate–and killed it.  But those in opposition to the ITL offer us yet another opportunity to see who is either not paying enough attention (see here for my broad coverage of this bill back in January) or want so desperately to tax us that they simply do not care how or why they do it.

I’d be inclined to choose all of the above, but that’s not entirely fair.  These legislators may be in complete control of their faculties and therefore committed to growing government regardless of your ability to pay for it.  So they are not only paying attention, they are looking for opportunities to deprive you of your income regardless of what circumstances are required to convince you that their crisis de jour can be saved if only you will give them more of your hard earned dollars.

But enough rhetorical effluvium.  Here they are.  Your Taxaholics. (All democrats, by the way)  On the jump.

Reminder: A Nay vote on an ITL out of committee is a vote in favor of the legislation.

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Hypocrats (again)

Being a liberal means never having to do better than whomever you can find that can be shown to be as bad or worse than whatever it is you are being accused of.  This, courtesy of Mike Brunelle, NHDP XO, as reported in this morning’s Union Leader, where Comrade Brunelle dismisses a request by the … Read more


I got a letter today from the US Census.  As a joke, I mockingly said to my wife, "I bet this is a letter telling me about how I’m going to be getting a letter." She laughed. That’s exactly what it was.   Dear Resident: About one week from now. you will receive a 2010 … Read more

HB 1693 – Time To Roast Some Weenies

The best course of policy for a any liberal is to use the law to disadvantage law abiders at the expense of law breakers.  Speech, choice, rights, and even self defense should be filtered, tempered, or simply prohibited to people inclined to follow the rules.  This makes you beholden to the state for everything, including … Read more

What Does Hodes Know?

Paul Hodes, Toyota, Jeanne Shaheen, Rosie Macnamara, Corruption,

Low Hanging Fruit

Low hanging fruitLast week the New Hampshire House voted against a bill to let taxpayers adopt charter provisions establishing limitations on the growth of budgets and taxes.  The actual short text reads as follows:

This bill authorizes cities and towns to adopt charter provisions establishing limitations on the growth of budgets and taxes.

For those not familiar with New Hampshire, residents can already adopt provisions to limit growth and taxes, but the teacher’s unions and the pro-government folks don’t like it.  So they do everything in their power to make it as difficult as they can.  They gum up the petition process.  They try to intimidate people, mess with them about the procedure or the number of good signatures, or anything else they can think of.  All this just to keep the thing from getting (what does Obama call it?) and up or down vote, in this case from the people (see also-taxpayers) who live in that particular town.

They can’t even trust the people to let them vote on it. 

If that doesn’t work, the town selectman, councilors, alderman, will try to keep it off the ballot or schedule it when it has the best possible chance of failing.  If that doesn’t work a well funded national union pr some faux-local non-profit NGO pretending to be a taxpayer advocacy group (as in they advocate taxpayers paying more taxes but won’t admit as much), files a lawsuit that no average bunch of citizens could hope to fight.  It’s all very burdensome.

So much so that at the end of the day the mere weight of the process scares most people from even trying which is exactly the message the tax and spenders want to send.  So its a form of intimidation to keep people from trying to limit the size and scope of government at its lowest level.

Such is the nature of man versus the machine.  Town politics are not any different from national.

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Bass Finder

A recent ‘Monitor Staff’ editorial takes the occasion of the Charlie Bass candidacy to take a pot shot at the Tea party movement while asking who Charlie Bass really is?  We know who he is.  He’s a Blue Dog Republican. 

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Scientists have formed a consensus on the mass extinction that wiped out the dinosaurs. It was George Bush’s fault (couldn’t resist). Actually, it was global warming.  Sorry, that’s not it. To be honest it was the lack of affordable health care. Or maybe the stimulus was not “baby-Bear”—you know, “Just right.”

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February Jobs Numbers

With With reported unemployment flat, we must now wait to see where the state data comes in for the same month.  (not due for another week).  If the states are still shedding jobs, the national data will begin to appear meaningless which is unfortunate.  The unemployment situation is political as a barometer of measuring how … Read more

The Latest Spin On Al Gore Warming (AGW)

The narrative on Global Warming, Climate Crisis, Climate Change, et al. has evolved yet again. It is now (drum roll please) about pollution. That’s right, ladies and gentlemen; we are no longer concerned with just CO2.

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Thank You Carol?

charlie rangelI would like to applaud Carol Shea-Porters decision to return $14,000 to Charlie Rangel, and her public recommendation that he step down from his position as Chair of Ways and Means.  I’m not sure what took so long–wait, I am sure–it’s politically necessary to do it now.  But, at least she did it.

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It’s Not A Toomah

Arnold Schwarzenegger, (Ahnold) in the movie Kindergarten cop, had that great line when he told the class that he did not have a tumor.  “It’s not a toomah.” But sometimes people believe what they want to, and this applies to Senators and the media and the groundlings who just don’t know any better more often … Read more

Don’t Cry For Me My Jack Murtha

I was a bit disappointed to see that neither Carol Shea-Porter nor Paul Hodes issued a press release on the death of Jack Murtha.  Both received campaign cash from Murtha’s Majority PAC.  Hodes collected 7K in total from the 2006 and 2008 cycles, with CSP scored a cool 9K in the last election.  But this … Read more

Cat Out Of The Bag

Just what we’ve been warning people about all along. “No one likes raising revenue, and understandably so,” Hoyer said in an address at the Brookings Institution.“But if you’re going to buy, you need to pay – Steny Hoyer You think? I don’t buy the “no one likes raising revenue part,” mostly because were it true, … Read more

The Sham Of Pay-Go

Yet another façade has been erected by the liberals and its’ name is Pay-Go.  Pay-Go (or Pay as you go) was the Chimera of a congress past and has been adopted by congress present so that they can continue to screw America’s future.  It works like this.  Spending must be offset.  Emergency spending need not … Read more

And They Say Conservatives Are Dumb

Left-wing global warming alarmist does what the green-mongers wish a majority of us would do. He executes his entire family then kills himself to “save the planet.”

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