The Sham Of Pay-Go

Yet another façade has been erected by the liberals and its’ name is Pay-Go.  Pay-Go (or Pay as you go) was the Chimera of a congress past and has been adopted by congress present so that they can continue to screw America’s future.  It works like this.  Spending must be offset.  Emergency spending need not … Read more

And They Say Conservatives Are Dumb

Left-wing global warming alarmist does what the green-mongers wish a majority of us would do. He executes his entire family then kills himself to “save the planet.”

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Hassan’s Massive Hospital Tax

State Senator Maggie Hassan must not believe the odds for Democrats in November are bad enough.  She’s decided to ask them to help her piss off the entire Health Care industry in New Hampshire (and anyone who has to use it) on top of everything else her party has done. Her weapon of choice is a … Read more

Price of Failure 2.0

The final tally is in on the State Senate District 16 race and as far as I can tell the liberals spent almost $145,000 to get 42% of the vote.  The Republicans spent $53,000 to get 58%.  This is of particular interest given the liberal response to the Boutin victory. It was a Republican seat … Read more

Suicide Watch

I’ve been contemplating this off and on for weeks.  That the democrat leadership is all in on the statist agenda and that they can probably get the votes needed to push large chunks of their agenda up Pennsylvania Avenue, no matter how loudly or how often the electorate objects.  Andy McCarthy over on The Corner … Read more


Introducing RU-IR8 – The Electoral Abortifacient

Introducing RU-IR8, the new electoral abortifacient specifically designed to provide political relief for voters exposed to left-wing rhetoric without proper protection. 

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Assured Mutual Transportation Tax Destruction?

NH State transportation commissar George Campbell says he does not trust the state of Massachusetts when it says it has no plans for tolls on the state border.   Campbell is a supporter of tolls on our side.

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Less Than Useless

Remember how Shaheen didn’t have the sense to use her own parties partisan influence buying combine to turn her rubber-stamp vote for Trotsky care into a complete 12 lane rebuild of I-93 from Salem all the way to Hudson bay?  Well there is subterfuge afoot again in the White House and as usual New Hampshire’s left wing wall flowers either can’t get into the dance, or don’t have their figurative political bra stuffed enough to attract the eye of the people with any real influence. 

Of course, knowing Shaheen, if it had occurred to her she’d have used her vote to form a blue-ribbon committee, to promote a wind farm contract, to create or save jobs for her lawyer buddies who would  rake in millions from taxpayers and government funded Green groups fighting both sides of an environmental impact lawsuits for twelve years; well past her impending single term as a US senator from New Hampshire.  But at least  her, Billy, and former congressman Paul Hodes would have work when they got out so maybe she’s not stupid, she’s just selfish. 

Anyway, I bring it up because Red State reports that

Last week, Democratic Senate Candidate Joe Sestak, a retired Admiral, let slip in an interview that someone in the White House offered him a position in the Administration if he would drop his primary challenge of Arlen Specter in Pennsylvania.

This is of course illegal. Federal law prohibits anyone from offering, soliciting, or receiving any federal office in exchange for a political favor, and it looks like the White House tried to get Sestak to drop his challenge of Arlen Specter.  Don’t be surprised if you can’t hear any sirens wailing.

(more on the jump)

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Bass Ackwards

Mr. Bass, now candidate Bass, has more to answer for than his Blue Dog Republican record. He needs to explain why his species of Bass only swims upstream when irresistible political opportunities present themselves.

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Paul Hodes is a dope.  A big dope.  And as proof, we have this recent quote from this morning’s Union Leader.

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NEA-NH loves the ARRA

NEA New Hampshire is a-gush over the anniversary of the Stimu-less bill and they are not afraid to show it.  According to NEA-NH Insider the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)… …represents a huge win for education thanks to unprecedented funding increases targeted to local districts.  ARRA also included increases for Title I, stabilization funding, … Read more

Railroad rails commuter rail original Photo by Gonzalo Facello on Unsplash

The Real “Third Rail” For Commuter Rail

Any good liberal will tell you this. Never talk about how much something costs or who will have to pay for it until you have convinced them it will be good for them.

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Who Do You Trust?

CACR 26 would have allowed you to vote on whether to amend the NH Constitution.  The change would have prohibited the legislature from passing laws to creat broadbased sales or income taxes, or taxes on capital gains. The bill came out of committee as inexpedient to legislate, and the House voted to ITL it by … Read more

US Constitution FI

Constitutional Gut Check

This Wednesday, the New Hampshire House may get the opportunity to vote on HB 1343, AN ACT establishing a joint committee on the constitutionality of acts, orders, laws, statutes, regulations, and rules of the government of the United States of America in order to protect state sovereignty.

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“the Party of No.”

RINO’s and other go-along, get-along Republicans have traditionally been terrified of being labeled "the Party of No." It’s time for that BS to end. It’s been part of a long-running effort by the Democrats to Mau-Mau the GOP. This is the old, tired script Buckley [NH Democrat Party Chair]  is trying to make fly…one…last…time. In … Read more

Safe? Sure. But are they learning?

Guest post by Jeff Woodburn My large frame is hard to hide, but I do my best. I’m scrunched down in the corner of my classroom, a dozen or so seventh-graders are gathered around me. The lights are off, shades down and door locked, or so I hope. If this were not a safety drill, … Read more

As goes Colorado, so goes the country?

  Voters Want Green… In Their WalletsGuest Post By Howard Rich As the fallout continues to settle from the 2009 elections, among the more overlooked results was a ballot issue in Boulder County, Colorado that would have extended an existing sales tax to fund the acquisition of additional "open space." Obviously, this regional issue didn’t … Read more

American “strongman” not so welcome, it seems.

 Cult of Personality

Guest Post by Steven Cohen

While historians continue to be divided among the factual and the apocryphal, at the conclusion of the American Revolution, so the legend goes, George Washington was confronted by a movement within the Continental Army to declare him king. According to the story, a major proponent of the plan was Col. Lewis Nicola, a Frenchman who had fought under Washington alongside the colonists. The proposal was supported by a group of influential Army officers who evidently had little understanding of the man who had just led them to victory.

When Nicola put forth the idea for Washington’s consideration, he received an immediate response laced with scorn and revulsion: "Let me conjure you then, if you have any regard for your country, concern for yourself or for posterity, or respect for me, to banish these thoughts from your mind and never communicate, as from yourself or any one else, a sentiment of like nature."

Thus did the nation’s most revered Founding Father set the country on a democratic course that would explicitly reject the cult of personality. The ensuing centuries would produce dozens of American statesmen and scoundrels with unique qualities and defects that would capture the country’s attention and occasionally even its collective imagination, from presidents like Jackson, Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, JFK and Reagan, to demagogues like Huey Long and Joseph McCarthy. But unlike Argentina’s enthrallment with Juan and Eva Peron as well as numerous other examples in South America, Europe and the Far East, America has never succumbed to the cult of personality by surrendering its liberties to any movement based on a pledge of unquestioned devotion and loyalty to the will of a single individual.

Perhaps for the first time in our history since Washington, the nation’s present leader has come to power through the cult of personality, except this time he appears to welcome and encourage the movement surrounding him rather than reject it, as Washington did, in the interests of democracy. Barack Obama ran a campaign largely based on personal charisma as well as the promise of "change." As with most personality cults, he found a receptive audience among a restive electorate generally dissatisfied, if not disgusted, with the outgoing administration on many counts, including already out-of-control government spending and two wars that appeared to be going nowhere. The economy had already begun to crumble under the weight of a growing financial crisis. These were nearly perfect conditions for candidate Obama to seemingly parachute into the fray out of nowhere, armed with a studied "cool" demeanor, a genuine gift for eloquence, and a powerful ally in the news media that followed him with an unprecedented fawning obsequiousness that gave him a free pass on crucial issues such as legislative experience, personal judgment, and character.


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Days of Infamy

.     … Today is the anniversary of the worst terror assault on American soil- the third major attack on the homeland by enemy forces since the end of the Revolutionary War. September 11, 2001 is a day that everything changed. Throughout history there have been few events that, in the big scheme of things, impacted … Read more

Souter’s unsettling move

  Guest Post By Jeff Woodburn Why does the news of David Souter’s move from his rustic, old homestead on a dirt road in Weare to an upscale new house in a pricey subdivision in Hopkinton trouble me so?  At 69, the recently retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice deserved a comfortable place sturdy enough to … Read more

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