March 2, 2007
As Prepared For Delivery.It’s good to be with so many conservatives. In fact, I invited all the conservatives in Massachusetts to come hear me today and I’m glad to report that they are both here..I’m happy to learn that after I speak you’re going to hear from Ann Coulter. That’s a good thing. I think it’s important to get the views of moderates..The mainstream media is surprised that we’re here. They wrote our obituary last fall. Course, they’ve written our obituary before: after Watergate, after the 82 midterm elections, after Iran-contra, and after Bill Clinton’s election. The truth is that their wishful thinking reports of our demise have been greatly exaggerated. In fact, I predict that we’ll be around a lot longer than . . . say, newspapers..No conservatism is alive and well. And it is needed more than ever. America faces a new generation of challenges, critical challenges. Today is similar in many respects to what we faced as a nation 30 years ago, looking at the menacing face of communism.
Does he wear a tinfoil hat to prevent “them” from reading his brain waves?
Is it any wonder that the devastated city of New Orleans is still a mess? Is it really George Bush’s fault, or might it be possible that the hapless city’s Mayor Ray Nagin is the cause? And when you consider that the city’s voters reelected him, should we have a whole lot of sympathy? Consider … Read more