
  Liberty is a preexisting condition.

Weapons Ban Stands

NH House Bill 1693 was killed in the House yesterday by a vote of 191 to 167 almost entirely on party lines.  (Roll Call) Four Republicans voted with the majority of democrats that the measure was Inexpedient to legislate; DiFruscia, Messier, Pilliod, Vallincourt.  Ten democrats voted with the Republicans in their effort to move it forward.  So the legislative facilities commission restriction stands until at least next year–what a short few years of freedom it was.

Many of the bans supporters like to point out that until 2006 deadly weapons were not permitted in the State House.  That it shouldn’t make much difference after only three years.  But that is a line of logic you will never hear applied to anything progressives want.  Once they enact something any effort to repeal becomes an epic battle for ‘families," "the children," or "the globe."  Whatever the victim class might be, freedom lovers are second class citizens unworthy of their compassion.

The lack of evidence that there was ever a problem was not a reason to leave well enough alone, so they hyped up gallery rowdiness after the democrats killed HCR6 and used it to justify a pointless, paranoid shift back in time.  If only we could get them to think about the budget and spending in pre-2006 terms we might not be in all the trouble we are in fiscally now.

So I submit for your approval, from the public record, the list of those 187 democrats and four Republicans, who are not prepared to trust you with weapons on the State House campus regardless of the evidence. (With a reminder that they rescinded that permission in a democrat majority committee with no vote by the full House.  Just the way Liberty Deniers like it.)   May we never suffer any consequences their selfish abuse of power and a decidedly myopic world view.

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Where Do We Put The Vagina?

Desperation has been known to drive good people to do bad things.  “Bad” is of course subjective.  You have to be willing to accept that humans are flawed and prone to weakness.   It is also imperative that you are not in awe of the power of the state as a beacon of morality or as … Read more

The Bradley Amendment

Not wasting any time, State Senator Jeb Bradley has already released an amendment for SB 505 to protect the people of New Hampshire from the overreach of the federal government on the matter of Health Insurance. Without further delay… -start- Floor Amendment to SB 505-FN-A  Amend the title of the bill by replacing it with the … Read more

On Message, Off Target

Liberals hide  behind a façade of generosity erected by the federal mandates they cherish, glued together with other peoples confiscated property.   Sometimes, when they are not too busy telling each other how compassionate they are with the fruit of your labors, they peek around the facade they have erected, lift the DNC filtered-Left wing sanctioned … Read more

Three Steps To Freedom

Now that the democrat congressional majority has finally found a way to convince members of their own party to vote for the Leaderships agenda, you may be wondering what to do next.  Fair question. It seems obvious that the federal system could take years to repeal this nightmare, and there is no guarantee they ever … Read more

ACORN Cracks

  ACRON announced yesterday that it’s national presence is no more. The State field offices and affiliates will close up shop and the national organization will shut down by April 1st.    This comes one month after ACORN announced that the national structure had dissolved into state organizations.  ACORN’s larger chapters have been spinning off for a few … Read more


Back in 2007 after a veto override of SCHIP failed Paul Hodes had this to say about the actions of those in congress who prevented passage. 1) There is a huge difference between what the President values and what the American people value. To the President and his allies in Congress, $190 billion this year for the … Read more

What Cost For Free Speech

Dear Leader has been at odds with the Supreme Court over campaign finance rules. His reasoning is simple. The old rules work to the advantage of incumbents, and entrenched bureaucrats. The new rules make it easier for anyone to compete. They actually level the field a bit. But being ‘in power’ and being as corrupt … Read more

J.U. Hey!

The JUA money grab is back in the news.  A group is blasting Kelly Ayotte and John Lynch for trying to balance the budget with 110 million from a fund created by the state but filled with money from the pockets of doctors who were forced by law to contribute to it.  The thinking goes … Read more

Notable Quote: Senator Tom Coburn

“I want to send a couple messages to my colleagues in the House. If you voted no (on health care)and you vote yes and you lose your election, and you think any nomination to a federal position isn’t going to held in the Senate, I’ve got news for you…It’s going to be held.”   -Senator … Read more

Good Kool Aid Or What?

  You have to wonder what the House democrats in Washington are drinking?  They actually believe that passing the Senate bill without actually voting on it is less of a risk to their political futures. And then there’s Obama.  He thinks that his signing the Senate bill without it having had an up or down … Read more

Creative Destruction

BlockbusterWhat was once a mainstay of the home entertainment zeitgeist is about to be altered, perhaps forever.  Blockbuster has announced that it may have to file for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.  Apparently the once mighty rental giant does not fall into the too big to fail category nor does it qualify for some kind of TARP-like bailout.  Of course Blockbuster backing down on a buyout of Circuit City retail stores saw the end of that national chain, so it almost seems appropriate that the management of a company that would even consider buying Circuit City might face a similar fate. 

It just might be that time.  

The free market has produced faster, cheaper, more reliable, and more service oriented alternatives, all competing aggressively for market share and creating significantly more jobs and opportunities than will be lost by the global giant that was once Blockbuster.  And if Blockbuster can’t reconcile its problems with debt holders and is no more, there will be plenty of scavengers to pick up the pieces, to create new growth from the remains.  But then that is what open markets do.  They encourage people with little more than an idea and some energy to encourage the decline of lumbering goliaths for the mutual benefit of the consumer and the industry.  It’s a process liberals bemoan, one that they work tirelessly to subvert, and since January 2009 have doubled down on. 

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Doing The Right Thing?

  Majorie Smith cutting the budget reads like a prisoner forced to read a prepared statement just prior to their execution, that impugns their home country of ills for which they are about to be executed. Then there is this. "There are a lot of people who would not have believed the people in this room … Read more

Ambassadors To The Deficit

The Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform (CFRR?) has been appointed by President Obama to deal with the deficit.  And in keeping with his commitment to partisanship it’s members are all pro-stimulus, big spending supporters of Dear Leader.  First up is SEIU President Andy Stern.  I think we all kow Mr. Stern. Next, we have … Read more

“Deem” Them Voted Out Of Office

If Paul and Carol ‘Deem’ anything passed.  If they allow the Senate bill to self execute.  If they vote on anything that moves the Senate bill from the House, they have voted for everything in the Senate bill by default.  The President can then sign the Senate bill, while the side car dies in the … Read more

Revolving Door

The Revolving door is the millwork of connected Political insiders in Washington.  These are the people that keep tax dollars flowing into the metastasizing tumor of big government, and through the veins of the groups that use the revolving door to feed their own wealth and influence.    It is a fiscally incestuous relationship between power … Read more

We Still Hold These Truths

Matthew Spalding from the Heritage Foundation is an expert on the Founding Fathers, the Constitution, Political Institutions, Political History and Citizenship and it is evident on every page of his book, ‘We Still Hold These Truths.’  This thing is crack for liberty lovers, and if you don’t already own a copy order one now, or stop … Read more

Poznanski, Leishman, Eaton, Et al

Terri Norelli isn’t all that interested in ethics.  In the past few months, several potentially high-profile cases have gone softly into that good night with as little pomp as possible.

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Notable Quote -Walter Williams

"For Congress to guarantee a right to health care, or any other good or service, whether a person can afford it or not, it must diminish someone else’s rights, namely their rights to their earnings. The reason is that Congress has no resources of its very own. Moreover, there is no Santa Claus, Easter Bunny … Read more

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