The Tent Tax Party

by Steve MacDonald

What do you get when you mix 124 Donkeys and one RINO?  A list of NH House reps on the wrong side of a bill to repeal another stupid tax.

The House voted to ax the tent tax (HB 1445) and repeal the 9% ‘rooms and meals’ tax for people who go to a campsite and provide their own room and their own meal.  The bill still needs to pass the state Senate, which has a similar bill all its own, and then get past fence-sitter Lynch, whose position we can never know from day to day, not that we can rely on what he says as an indication of how he’ll act once an actual bill is on his desk, but it’s got momentum, even if some of it represented by legislators who are afraid to touch it.

HB1445 did still have its supporters.  Margie Smith tried to table it, but they lost 153 to 171.  The tax and spenders then tried to ITL it but failed 145 to 181.  Then, when Sherm Packard managed to get an OTP roll call vote to pass the repeal, it succeeded  202 to 125.

68 House reps did not vote on this bill. A list for another time, perhaps.

But 124 democrats and 1 Republican (Rock 5  Kenneth Gould) tried to keep the tax alive and were more than happy to do it for the record.  So here’s the record on the jump

Lewis, Robert DemocratStrafford6Nay

House Rep Party County District Vote
Abbott, Dennis  Democrat Rockingham 12 Nay
Aguiar, James  Democrat Grafton 6 Nay
Allen, Peter  Democrat Cheshire 6 Nay
Almy, Susan  Democrat Grafton 11 Nay
Baroody, Benjamin  Democrat Hillsborough 13 Nay
Beck, Catriona  Democrat Hillsborough 2 Nay
Benn, Bernard  Democrat Grafton 9 Nay
Bouchard, Candace  Democrat Merrimack 11 Nay
Bridgham, Robert  Democrat Carroll 2 Nay
Brown, C. Pennington  Democrat Rockingham 9 Nay
Brown, Larry  Democrat Strafford 3 Nay
Browne, Brendon  Democrat Strafford 4 Nay
Burke, Rachel  Democrat Strafford 3 Nay
Butcher, Suzanne  Democrat Cheshire 3 Nay
Butler, Edward  Democrat Carroll 1 Nay
Butterworth, Timothy  Democrat Cheshire 4 Nay
Caron, June  Democrat Hillsborough 25 Nay
Chandley, Shannon  Democrat Hillsborough 6 Nay
Chase, Claudia  Democrat Hillsborough 2 Nay
Cloutier, John  Democrat Sullivan 4 Nay
Cooney, Mary  Democrat Grafton 7 Nay
Cote, David  Democrat Hillsborough 23 Nay
Cushing, Robert  Democrat Rockingham 15 Nay
Davis, Frank  Democrat Merrimack 7 Nay
Day, Judith  Democrat Rockingham 13 Nay
DiPentima, Rich  Democrat Rockingham 16 Nay
Donovan, Thomas  Democrat Sullivan 4 Nay
Eaton, Daniel  Democrat Cheshire 2 Nay
Farley, Michael  Democrat Hillsborough 15 Nay
Flurey, Joan  Democrat Hillsborough 16 Nay
Foose, Robert  Democrat Merrimack 1 Nay
Ford, Susan  Democrat Grafton 3 Nay
French, Barbara  Democrat Merrimack 5 Nay
Friedrich, Carol  Democrat Grafton 6 Nay
Gile, Mary  Democrat Merrimack 10 Nay
Ginsburg, Ruth  Democrat Hillsborough 20 Nay
Gottling, Suzanne  Democrat Sullivan 3 Nay
Gould, Kenneth  Republican Rockingham 5 Nay
Grassie, Anne  Democrat Strafford 1 Nay
Hackel, Paul  Democrat Hillsborough 21 Nay
Hammond, Jill  Democrat Hillsborough 3 Nay
Harding, Laurie  Democrat Grafton 11 Nay
Hardy, Valerie  Democrat Hillsborough 27 Nay
Harvey, Philip  Democrat Hillsborough 1 Nay
Harvey, Suzanne  Democrat Hillsborough 21 Nay
Henson, John  Democrat Rockingham 13 Nay
Horrigan, Timothy  Democrat Strafford 7 Nay
Houde-Quimby, Charlotte  Democrat Sullivan 1 Nay
Hubbard, Pamela  Democrat Strafford 1 Nay
Hutz, Sarah  Democrat Strafford 5 Nay
Johnson, William  Democrat Belknap 5 Nay
Kaen, Naida  Democrat Strafford 7 Nay
Keans, Sandra  Democrat Strafford 1 Nay
Kelly, Sally  Democrat Merrimack 7 Nay
Kepner, Susan  Democrat Rockingham 15 Nay
Knowles, John  Democrat Hillsborough 27 Nay
Knowles, Mary Ann  Democrat Hillsborough 27 Nay
Kopka, Angeline  Democrat Hillsborough 26 Nay
Laliberte, Suzanne  Democrat Grafton 10 Nay
LaPlante, Roland  Democrat Hillsborough 26 Nay
Lauterborn, Elaine  Democrat Strafford 1 Nay
Leishman, Peter  Democrat Hillsborough 3 Nay
Lerandeau, Alfred  Democrat Cheshire 6 Nay
Levesque, Melanie  Democrat Hillsborough 5 Nay
Mann, Maureen  Democrat Rockingham 1 Nay
Marshall, Seth  Democrat Hillsborough 23 Nay
McCarthy, Barbara  Democrat Rockingham 5 Nay
McEachern, Paul  Democrat Rockingham 16 Nay
McMahon, Patricia  Democrat Merrimack 3 Nay
Mitchell, Bonnie  Democrat Cheshire 7 Nay
Movsesian, Lori  Democrat Hillsborough 22 Nay
Mulholland, Catherine  Democrat Grafton 10 Nay
Nixon, David  Democrat Hillsborough 17 Nay
Nordgren, Sharon  Democrat Grafton 9 Nay
O’Brien, Michael  Democrat Hillsborough 26 Nay
Pantelakos, Laura  Democrat Rockingham 16 Nay
Pastor, Beatriz  Democrat Grafton 9 Nay
Perry, Robert  Democrat Strafford 3 Nay
Petterson, Don  Democrat Rockingham 10 Nay
Pierce, David  Democrat Grafton 9 Nay
Pilotte, Maurice  Democrat Hillsborough 16 Nay
Porter, Margaret  Democrat Merrimack 8 Nay
Preston, Philip  Democrat Grafton 8 Nay
Read, Robin  Democrat Rockingham 16 Nay
Reever, Judith  Democrat Belknap 4 Nay
Richardson, Barbara  Democrat Cheshire 5 Nay
Richardson, Gary  Democrat Merrimack 4 Nay
Robertson, Timothy  Democrat Cheshire 3 Nay
Rogers, Rose Marie  Democrat Strafford 1 Nay
Rollo, Deanna  Democrat Strafford 2 Nay
Rosenwald, Cindy  Democrat Hillsborough 22 Nay
Rous, Emma  Democrat Strafford 7 Nay
Russell, Trinka  Democrat Rockingham 13 Nay
Ryder, Mark  Democrat Strafford 6 Nay
Sad, Tara  Democrat Cheshire 2 Nay
Schlachman, Donna  Democrat Rockingham 13 Nay
Schmidt, Peter  Democrat Strafford 4 Nay
Schuett, Dianne  Democrat Merrimack 7 Nay
Schulze, Joan  Democrat Hillsborough 26 Nay
Shattuck, Gilman  Democrat Hillsborough 1 Nay
Shurtleff, Stephen  Democrat Merrimack 10 Nay
Skinder, Carla  Democrat Sullivan 1 Nay
Smith, Marjorie  Democrat Strafford 7 Nay
Smith, Suzanne  Democrat Grafton 7 Nay
Soucy, Timothy  Democrat Hillsborough 25 Nay
Spang, Judith  Democrat Strafford 7 Nay
Splaine, James  Democrat Rockingham 16 Nay
Stetson, William  Democrat Merrimack 10 Nay
Sweeney, Cynthia  Democrat Sullivan 5 Nay
Thompson, Robert  Democrat Hillsborough 9 Nay
Townsend, Charles  Democrat Grafton 10 Nay
Vachon, Dennis  Democrat Strafford 3 Nay
Wall, Janet  Democrat Strafford 7 Nay
Wallner, Mary Jane  Democrat Merrimack 12 Nay
Walsh, Robert  Democrat Hillsborough 11 Nay
Walz, Mary Beth  Democrat Merrimack 13 Nay
Ward, Kenneth  Democrat Strafford 2 Nay
Watrous, Rick  Democrat Merrimack 12 Nay
Webb, Leigh  Democrat Merrimack 2 Nay
Webber, Carolyn  Democrat Rockingham 4 Nay
Weber, Lucy  Democrat Cheshire 2 Nay
Weed, Charles  Democrat Cheshire 3 Nay
White, Andrew  Democrat Grafton 11 Nay
Yeaton, Charles  Democrat Merrimack 8 Nay
Cross Posted From NH Insider


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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