Being a liberal means never having to do better than whomever you can find that can be shown to be as bad or worse than whatever it is you are being accused of. This, courtesy of Mike Brunelle, NHDP XO, as reported in this morning’s Union Leader, where Comrade Brunelle dismisses a request by the GOP to investigate Rep Dan Eaton (D-Spend first Tax later) as hypocrisy that knows no bounds.
So just to be clear Mike, under no circumstance should we expect any elected member of the democrat party to be held to a higher standard than that of any Republican office holder (ever) whom you might be able to implicate in some kind of wrong doing? That any effort to investigate a claim against a democrat by anyone is for political points and must be ignored? That’s one hell of a moral value to advertise to the entire State of New Hampshire. Are you putting that in the party platform? How can you ever sell your party as one of change if we can never expect any?
Mr. Brunelle is calling Sherm Packard (and the GOP) hypocrites for (among other things) allowing Gene Chandler into a GOP leadership position after Gene plead guilty to a campaign finance violation charge, paid the fine and did his community service. Finance violation sounds bad, but Mile will never tell you that the money Gene collected was not illegal. He simply forgot to report it promptly on the RSA 15:b form. So Mike’s big corruption offset is a guy who forgot to file a form, who then accepted the charge against him (even if it was petty), paid his fine and did his service?
No compassion for someone who accepts their punishment ad does their ‘time?’ Well of course not, he’s a republican
So it’s only natural that in the midst of his holier than though screed that Mike Brunelle never mentions that at about the same time Executive Councilor Ruth Griffin, who just happens to be a democrat, received some $80,000.00 in campaign contributions and also failed to file the appropriate RSA 15:b forms. Ms. Griffin was never investigated or charged to my knowledge. In fact, we still do not know if the money she took was legal (as was Mr. Chandlers) or illegal ( as some have speculated)? Was that because she’s a democrat, and any effort to investigate her would be deemed hypocrisy by the likes of Mike Brunelle?
Why stop there. Brunelle is so desperate to make the charge of hypocrisy stick in defense of Dan Eaton (D-spend first and tax later) that he even wheels out the Abramoff scandal, claiming Republicans never returned some $15,000.00 they received in 2002.
Well, Mike, how about they use the same excuse Jeanne Shaheen and Paul Hodes just used to keep money they got from disgraced tax evader/ethics violator Charlie Rangel? Hodes kept $17,000.00 because the House campaign it was donated too had closed its books and been shut down. Shaheen used the same excuse. Carol, poor thing, was not so lucky. She had to return that money, but she kept all the dirty cash she got from Jack Murtha and others if that makes anyone feel better.
So is that OK with you Mike? Or does the double standard you liberals get not apply here either?
Hypocrites eh? You sure you still want to run with that message? It’s not looking too good so far.
Cross Posted From NH Insider