In the real world the marketplace is forever finding new ways to create wealth which it then uses to hire more people, buy more equipment, and purchase more materials, to fulfill real world needs. Those in the free market that fail to manage effectively are consumed by those that do, and the circle of wealth continues, absorbing the people, equipment, products and ideas that work, and discarding those that do not.
Willing participation is a critical part of this process. It is rewarded based on things like determination, critical thinking, intellectual agility, personal integrity and hard work. Any American with these traits, regardless of where they started, or where they were educated, can live reasonably well almost anywhere–in any field.
But Paul Hodes thinks that participation and decision making are best left to ‘experts’ in far away places. He believes that what happens to you is not your fault; it is merely a product of an unequal society that prevented the government experts from doing for you what they deem you incapable of doing for yourself. So success and personal behavior are not related. Failure is rewarded whether it is your own, or foisted upon you by your government. And the reward is making you more reliant on government, enshrining the failure model in exchange for your vote. And the only solution to dealing with any failure—be it yours or theirs–is to add more government which you must pay for if you are able