VAT’s All Folks!

by Steve MacDonald

The solution to irresponsible spending is always irresponsible taxation.  They go together like Peanut butter and Jelly, Root beer and Ice, like rama lama lama ke ding a de dinga a dong.  And to get them the liberals in New Hampshire do the same thing as the liberals in Washington.  They expand every department—in the case of DC some budgets more than doubled—pile on a few more social programs, and then claim it would cripple “services” you never knew you needed if they were to cut anything. 

When the unwashed masses complain, the liberals troll out useful idiots, well paid experts, or stage props in wheel chairs, homeless mothers, or parentless children, and plead for empathy.  And then they tell you they’ll have to cut cops, fireman, and teachers.  (Imagine if the only thing you had to pay for was cops, fireman, and teachers?)  The goal is to never, ever let you have your way.  They must spend.  You must pay.  No amount of taxation will ever be enough. 

Locally, we’re at a cross roads.  Like most crossroads there is a devil standing there ready to make a deal.  And since we’re letting greedy spendaholic politicians do the talking kiss your fiscal soul good buy. 

Nationally, we are plummeting off a cliff, pushed from behind by the Obama Administration after being called over to the edge by a charlatan with a promise of a new view.  The golden parachute we are now told we must embrace (or else!) —maybe pay for is a better term–is the Value Added Tax. 

For those unfamiliar, in any manufacturing or distribution chain there are steps at which value may be added to something.  Sometimes they are few, and some many.  The VAT proposes to apply a tax to every one of them, with the added option of massive lobbying (which you pay for in the cost of goods sold) to seek favoritism, exclusions, limitations, or other favors from the government in an effort to avoid the VAT or to tweak the code in a way so that it punishes competitors. 

The end result is that everything costs more.  In some cases a good deal more.  And you pay that more, every day diminishing your income, and your potential income, as businesses compete for price by reducing wage growth, benefits, and employment opportunities, which we must assume the government intends to pick up the cost of with it’s big tax-collecting heart.  No, The VAT is not a jobs bill, it is an anti jobs bill. 

And the VAT will not replace any other tax.  When you argue that you have to have more money, how can you then suggest you are really only replacing one tax with another? 

 The VAT also reduces competition by creating a new mechanism by which social corporatists (big business and government) can weed out choice and innovation in deference to wealth and power.  Companies that can’t run lean to compete on price, or lobby for exceptions, will go out of business.  

So while liberals claim to be all about redistributing wealth and power to the lower classes that is just another lie.  They actually want to distribute it, like any good third world tyrant, to their friends and family—who for future reference are to be referred to as ‘The Experts’ who will be telling us all how to live.  And you, you get the VAT, which will have no affect on their standard of living, and forever change yours.

Cross Posted From NH Insider


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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